**Update – this deal isn’t as “good” of a deal. There is only a Publix store coupon to use making each bar $0.63. We are always looking for good deals on healthy options for snacks and foods. Starting 05-22-10, you can score larabars at Publix,a gluten-free, dairy free energy bar for $0.25 each! To read about Larabars go HERE
Deal Scenario: Buy two Larabars @ $1.00 each (sale beginning 05-22-10 in the upcoming Publix Green Advantage Buy Flyer)Minus One-$.75/2 Larabar Bars, any two, any flavor/variety. – 05-09-10 SS or printable
Total Due- $1.25 ($0.63 each!)
I just pulled my Larabar coupons from the 5/9 ss and it shows as a Publix coupon too. So we could only use one .75/2 right?
Dana – same here.
Yes, me too. Has anyone tried these things? Are they any good?
You guys are so right. Sorry about that! The coupon in 5-9-10 SS is also a Publix Store Coupon. It would make the bars $0.63 each using only one coupon. Thanks for following up!