Uncle Ben’s Facebook page has a new $0.75/1 Uncle Ben’s Rice coupon available. To print your coupon, go HERE to “like” Uncle Ben’s. Then, click the “coupons” category to access and print your coupon. **I haven’t tried printing yet but I am assuming if you hit the back button 3 – 4 times you can print out a second coupon?
Mission’s Facebook page is also offering a new $0.75/1 Mission printable coupon. You will have to upload a picture in order to print your coupon. Disclaimer – Mission is having technical issues right now so you will not be able to print the coupon right this minute. That said, go HERE to “like” Mission and then check in to their Facebook page and once they have their coupon printing app up and running again you can go forward with uploading your picture and printing your coupon.
**While you are on Facebook, go HERE to “like” Addicted to Saving and never miss out on a deal again!
Mission has reached their limit on this offer 🙁