There is new $1.00 off 1 package of Butterball Turkey Burgers coupon that came out this afternoon that pairs well with the Kroger sale going on right now. Get the 6 ct 1/3 lb Butterball Turkey Burgers for just $5.99 after the printable coupon. These are also priced $6.99 at Walmart, so either store will get you these healthy (and yummy!) alternatives to ground beef for under $6 with the $1.00 off 1 package of Butterball Turkey Burgers printable. (Thanks Kroger Krazy for the Kroger deal and pic!)
Buy one Butterball Turkey Burgers, 6 ct, on sale at Kroger and Walmart, $6.99
Minus one $1.00 off 1 package of Butterball Turkey Burgers coupon
Total Due: $5.99
Also, reader Loretta said she was able to get the new Johnsonville Chorizo Frozen Burgers at Walmart for just $1.99 by using the $2.00/1 Johnsonville Burgers printable! What a great deal:
Buy one Johnsonville Chorizo Frozen Burgers, 32 ct, on sale at Walmart for $3.99
Minus one $2.00/1 Johnsonville Burgers printable (click on Local Coupons, then type in zip 34655, then Coupons, then “foods” to find quickly)
Total Due: $1.99!