This is a great HIGH value Keebler Sandies printable! Go HERE (IE) or HERE (FF) to print your $1.00/1 coupon! (should be able to print 2x)
This coupon will get you a great deal on Sandies at Publix! Starting tomorrow (or today depending on where you live) Keebler’s Sandies will be on sale B1G1 $3.95 for two. Buy two, use two $1.00 coupons, makes it $0.97 each! **To see all of this week’s Publix Sales & Coupon matchups, go HERE!
This coupon will get you Sandies for $0.50 each at Walgreens! They are priced at 2/$5.00 at Walgreens. Use the $2.00/2 Walgreens store coupon (from April coupon booklet) and two $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons. Your total will be $1.00 out of pocket or $0.50 each! **To see all of this week’s Walgreens Sales & Coupon matchups, go HERE!
Thanks Couponing to Disney!
Hey Liza, My question is this. Can we use the walgreens coupon at publix? I know it will only be 5 cents overage, but it will save me a trip to walgreens.
Hey Carmen – Great question. Most Publix’s do not accept Walgreens coupons as competitor coupons. BUT, it wouldn’t hurt for you to bring your $2/2 coupon to Publix to see if they will accept it. Just ask customer service before you start shopping so you know what to expect. None of the Publix’s by me accept them, but you never know! Good luck
My Publix will take any coupon, Wag’s, Lowe’s, K-Mart, BJ’s etc. as long as they have the same item in stock. I was able to score lots of free stuff using those. I will be using tha Wags 2/2 Q and a 2/2 peelie to get free cookies. Thanks for all of the great info.
Ok, Janice….PLEASE share at which Publix you shop?
Congrats on scoring the free cookies!! (Funny how $0.50 for a pkg. of Keebler cookies isn’t good enough??? ha!ha!)