If you’re in the need of Sharpies for school, grab this coupon for a $1.00/1 Sharpie Gel Highlighters, 2 pk+. These are priced at $1.74 at Walmart, which means you can get them for $0.74! Here’s the deal:
Buy one No-Smear Sharpie Gel Highlighters, priced at $1.74 at Walmart (prices vary by region)
Minus one $1.00/1 Sharpie Gel Highlighters 2 pk+ printable
Total Due: $0.74!
Thanks My Dallas Mommy!
Staples has the 5 pk of sharpie highlighters for .50 till Saturday. So if you pricematch at Walmart, you can get 2 for free or a .50 overage. It didn’t say in ad whether it was gel or not, so this is assuming it is for gel also.
I don’t think this coupon is good for those highlighters on the picture, because those aren’t gel. I bought the same pack at Walmart and does not say gel it did hace the no smear sign.