Hurry and print this high value $1.50/1 Filippo Berio Olive Oil coupon before it is gone and hang onto it for a sale! I have included a possible Walmart scenario if you need it asap! I found it under zip 90210!
Here’s the Scenario:
Buy one Filippo Berio 16oz Olive Oil- $5.25
Use one $1.50/1 Filipo Olive Oil
Total due: $3.75
Thanks, I Heart the Mart!
Susie says
Just looked ~ saw “Star” olive oil, but no Filippo Berio. 🙁
Erin says
Susie, try zip 09210 listed in the post. I was just able to print it :0)
Susie says
Wow! It was WAAAYYYY at the end, even though I’d clicked on “Foods” to hopefully get the food items listed first. I started to wonder if I’d already printed it, which makes it gets listed at the end. Thanks Erin, for making me look again! Btw, it’s 90210, and I did look under that zip to start. I mean that in a nice way!!! 😀 Thanks again so much!