If you live in Syracuse, Fulton, Oswego, Cortland, Worcester, Western MA, or CT and you are planning on going grocery shopping at Price Chopper, you will want to print this coupon out! Go HERE to print out your 10% off $50.00 or more coupon. Coupon expires 8/1/10. Go HERE to find a Price Chopper near you! And – if you shop at a grocery store who takes competitor coupons, you may be able to use this coupon elsewhere as well! 😉
**Also – note the fine print “$40 is after deduction of AdvantEdge savings, coupons and gift certificates”. To me, this means that in order to use this coupon, you must have a balance owed of $40.00 or more after all of your coupons, sales, etc.
Thanks Christina! 🙂