Where were you 10 years ago?
Time goes so quickly. And yet, today, I remember 10 years ago like it was yesterday. And it is odd because 10 years ago this past July, I had my 10 year wedding anniversary. And I find that while many memories of my wedding are fuzzy, my memories of September 11th, are crystal clear. I can remember precisely where I was sitting at work, I remember the phone calls I made to my husband and my mom asking for clarity on the situation since most news websites were down. I remember meeting in our conference room as we attempted to watch tv coverage of the events on a small tv with rabbit ears. I remember most of Chicago companies closing early for fear of Chicago-area attacks. Going home that day, I remember sitting in front of the tv in shock. Fear, sadness, loss. So many feelings I experienced – many of the same feelings I know many of you felt.
To those of you who lost loved ones on 9/11, know that you are in our thoughts and our prayers. We will never forget. God bless.
I too remember being on hold on the phone at work that terrible day, and hearing what was happening. I immediately left work and called my son telling him to leave his college in Tampa and drive home. I had no idea if the attacks were going to target major cities and I, as everyone else, was so scared and felt so helpless. I picked my younger son up at his middle school and we watched in horror all the news footage all day long. My husband was unable to leave work and I remember not feeling whole until we were all together that evening.
I lived in NY for 1/2 my life but never felt it was an attack on NY but rather an attack on our nation. I’m proud to say that my same son that was in Tampa at college, went on to serve in the US Air Force during Operation Enduring Freedom.
Out a time of fear, mourning, and anger came a time of strength, unity, and patriotism. May God bless all those who lost their lives and watch over all that serve to keep us safe! God Bless America!
I can remember exactly where I was ten years ago this very day as well. I was a seventh grader then and sitting in a chorus class. On my way to the next, which was science. My teacher walked in and had tears streaming down her face. She told us what was happening and turned the t.v. on. I felt horror, sadness and fear as I was watching the second tower collapse. A few minutes later my mother picked us up from school and took us home. I remember asking her why would someone attack our great country? She had no answers.
Ten years has went by and I am proud to say that my husband is proudly serving in the Army and has deployed to fight terrorism. He joined after graduation because of this day that will forever be in our hearts.
God Bless America!