Comments on: $15.00 Olay Rebate! Addicted to saving money! Mon, 15 Feb 2010 04:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Meagan Mon, 15 Feb 2010 04:46:34 +0000 This rebate is awesome! I grabbed it up the first day it came out. I ran to Target to get 3 Venus razors (they were out of the ones that got you a $5 gift card, but I still was able to use my -$2 Q) and used my BOGO on the Olay Body Wash (I did get my $5 gift card for 3 Olays). So technically I didn’t even pay for the Olays after buy a razor get an Olay free coupon and still qualified for the rebate and ended up with a $5 gift card!
