Comments on: My One Week 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander SE Test Drive Experience Addicted to saving money! Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:08:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: bekrdartash Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:08:47 +0000 How can I buy one

By: sandy weinstein Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:54:08 +0000 i am looking at the mitch outlander sport. the thing i like best was the warranty. the thing i did not like was the noise when you accelerated. it was loud. i have been looking at small suv. i would never buy another mazda in my life. i have a mazda 6 sport wagon, top of the line and have had nothing but problems, had to file w/ fed consumer, the reg mgr was a jerk, he started calling me names during the session, they never honored the deal that they were supposed to, they have terrible cust service and they dont stand behind their dealers, they said they are independently owned and can do what they want, not their problem. have had problems since day 1, brakes, ac, fan, all replaced many times, carpet, side steps, you name, it broke, not once but many times. i drove the cx5, drove nice, but for the money, other cars are better. drove the new Toyota rav, nice, but warranty is terrible, does not drive smooth unless driving on highway, drove the Prius 5, like, actually bigger than the rav and cheaper. next will drive the sub forrester, only thing i dont like is the price and the all wheel when you have a flat tire, have to replace all of the tires or will screw up the all wheel drive. do not like the honda crv, dont like the bubble in the back. i did like the outlander has the gps and dont have to pay for it, gives you 1 yr free radio???. go0t good safety review, but edmonds, etc not rate as well. will not have the ford escape, i have spoken to people that have it, gas mileage terrible, have had major recall already, ford has terrible cust service as well. mazda is partly owned by ford now-since 2005. not sure abt nissan rogue, remodeled. when you are looking for reviews of cars, pay more attention to the owners that have the cars than what the car review companies say.

By: Samantha Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:34:23 +0000 My friend just bought one and we took a road trip with our 2 kids (each!) and her mom for part of the drive (plus 2 dogs!), I sat in the middle seat of the middle row, in between 2 infants. Thankfully one was backwards so my hips could fit! At any rate, the middle seat belt kept getting tight & not letting me out. I had to use the emergency release on it a number of times throughout our drive because it became too taught across my body and even at a stop, would not loosen up. This was frustrating…and worries me a bit. I also wish the 3rd row had a latch system Since the 2nd row can fold down & has latches, why can’t the 3rd row? Not happy with that. I put my 4 yr old in her 5 pt harness seat using the seat belt, but really prefer the latch system.
