**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering**
Whew! Today has been such a busy day getting up all these giveaways for my wonderful readers! I am so thankful that you all take the time to check out Addicted to Saving on any given day, and specifically, for helping us reach 20,000 Facebook fans! I still remember when Addicted to Saving had just two hits a day. So, to go from that to over 20,000 Facebook fans is beyond humbling. My mind is already racing as I try to think of a giveaway for when we reach 30,000 Facebook fans! 😉 But for now, in honor of reaching 20,000 Facebook fans, I wanted to celebrate by helping one Addicted to Saving reader fly for less (and hopefully FREE) on Southwest Airlines. One reader will win $250 in Southwest e-giftcards (in five $50 increments) to celebrate our joined success!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post letting me know where in the world you would fly with your $250 Southwest Airlines giftcard. **this entry is mandatory**
2) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HEREand leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) While you’re on Facebook, leave a post on your ownFacebook page posting the link to this giveaway and then leave a third comment on this post indicating you have done so. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HERE and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. . (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
Giveaway Ends Monday, August 15, 2011 at or after 8 pm EST
This giveaway is sponsored by myself. Southwest Airlines is not affiliated with this giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
jennifer deaton says
I would want to travel to California! Hello sun & beaches!
Lauren says
If I could go anywhere, it would be England…but I really want to visit NYC or Orlando sometime in the next year.
jennifer deaton says
AAF =)
Lauren says
I have already liked you on facebook as Lauren Becker. thanks!
Monica says
I shared the contest on my facebook profile page! Good luck everybody !!!
chandra allred says
I would go back to Louisiana to see my grandparents, they are getting very old and I want my daughters to meet them and get pictures with them. I am also existing follower on FB
Sara Ballard says
Posted to my facebook page! Good luck, everyone!
Jeanne G says
Link posted on Facebook Wall.
jennifer deaton says
Following on twitter! ohmyitsjen
Tracey says
I would fly to see my sister in Washington!
Tracey says
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
jennifer deaton says
Made a comment on my status =)
Jennie says
I would actually use it to fly my mother up to visit us so she could get to see her 1 and 4 year old grandsons. Time flies just WAY to quickly with little ones!
Rachael says
I would go to upstate NY to visit my family!
Cindy E says
I would fly to Miami next spring!
Rachael says
I am an existing facebook fan!
Tracey Z says
Posted this giveaway on my Facebook wall!
Jennie says
I am an existing Addicted To Saving Facebook fan!
Jeanne G says
New follower on Twitter. @jgorro
Cindy E says
I’m a new FB fan!
Rachael says
I posted a link to my FB wall!
Jennifer says
California for a number of reasons:
Visit Best Friends that we never see, introduce our 2 new children to them (which they have not met), visit San Fran (a treat :)), visit Big Sur again (took my breath away and husband has never seen it), visit Sonoma/Napa because it looks beautiful, our 2 boys first vacation. Thanks so much!
Chelsea Long says
I would go to Las Vegas, NV
Chelsea Long says
I’m a new Facebook fan and I’m totally addicted to saving!!!
Jennie says
I shared this post on my own Facebook wall:
Jennie says
I am a new follower of Addicted To Saving on twitter!
eric says
Your give-a-way is on both my Twitter and Facebook. Im new and I would use it next Aug to go to Orlando for the next Star Wars convention 🙂
amanda garrison says
I would like to fly to California for less
amanda garrison says
already FB fan
Dawn Walsh says
I would go to orlando florida
Chelsea Long says
I’ve posted the link to this giveaway on my Facebook page.
Ashley says
I would fly to Idaho to see my family for christmas!!
Hollie says
Good Luck to the winner!
I am not qualified for the entry due to me not having a twitter account. For personal reasons 🙂
Ashley says
I am already a loyal fan on Facebook!!! You rock =)
Ashley says
I am an existing follower on twitter!!
amanda garrison says
I also posted on my FB wall
Ashley says
I shared on Facebook!
Jamie says
If I won, I would fly to Albuquerque to see my new nephew who is being born tomorrow!!
Sara Ballard says
I’m an existing fb fan!
Jamie says
I am a new follower on twitter. @rangersbraves
Jamie says
I am an existing follower on facebook. Jamie H.
amanda medina says
I would just love to see my best friend,who lives in Seattle,that I haven’t seen since last year. I am a fb fan and have been.
Thanks for the chance so much. I hope I can see her
Kelly says
I would fly to Tampa, of course:) Or maybe San Deigo.
Kelly says
I am an existing fan!!
Kelly says
put post on my facebook wall for this giveaway.
Kelly says
Link posted to my FB wall.
Karen says
Where ever the weather is comfortable and there are fun things to do and interesting things to see.
Karen says
Have been following you on Facebook for some time now.
Ashley HH says
I think I would go to Texas to see my uncle and cousins there. I have twin cousins who are 3 and I have only met them once!
Ashley HH says
I am an existing FB fan
Ashley HH says
I am a Twitter follower too!
LinhC says
I would go to New York City.
LinhC says
I’m a new fb fan.
Ashley HH says
Aaaaannnnd posted the giveaway on FB, very cool giveaway might add!
Lito Velasco says
With my giftcard, I would fly to Indiana for my best friend, Chris Spurgin’s wedding on September 24th!
Lito Velasco says
I am a NEW member/fan of this page!
Terri R. says
I would fly to see my 91 year old grandmother. 🙂
Lito Velasco says
Link posted on my Facebook page advertising this giveaway and page!
Terri R. says
I am now a twitter follower, Thanks.
Lito Velasco says
I’m a NEW Twitter follower! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Terri R. says
I already am a facebook follower, and share with my friends all the time.
Katie Ringbauer says
I would fly to Las Vegas to see my brother in law- we cannot afford it and the our kids miss him and have not seen him in two years 🙁
Mary Jo says
I would use the Gift Card to help pay for my husband and I to fly to Vegas 🙂
Chelsea Long says
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
Mary Jo says
existing Facebook Fan 🙂
Mary Jo Thyes Moesch
Mary Jo says
Twitter Follower 🙂
Katie Ringbauer says
I shared on FB!
Katie Ringbauer says
I am an existing FB fan!
Terri R. says
Left a message for my friend on facebook. thanks for the chance.
Katie Ringbauer says
I am an existing twitter follower!
Sharon says
I’d have my husband & I fly to Salt Lake City. My husband never traveled until we married and it’s my goal to show him some of America’s great cities and national parks! So a day in Salt Lake then a beautiful drive to Yellowstone National Park for 5 days!!
Sharon says
I just became a FB fan…love what you have on your page!!
i would travel back to Amarillo TX to see all the friends and family i left behind after getting married in December….they all miss me but miss my boys even more!!!!!
Tina M says
I’d like to go to Italy
Tina M says
follow you on facebook
i already follow u on face back as well…..
Tina M says
Follow you on Twitter
Monica says
I would go to Albany NY to visit my nieces and nephew. It’s been 14 years since my brother passed away. A young widow and three young ones to raise…
Schmidty says
I would fly to Dallas to visit an old friend.
Jamie says
I would fly to Las Vegas to see my idol Celine!
Peggy says
I would go somewhere fun for my 15th Anniversary, maybe with my husband. LOL
Schmidty says
I am one of your existing FB fans. (Rust Hawk)
Schmidty says
I posted on my FB wall http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=158904614187554&id=100001156831237
Schmidty says
I am a current twitter follower @rusthawk.
michelle oblek says
Bring my 6 month old to Philadelphia to meet new family..
michelle oblek says
New Facebook Fan
Fedai f says
I would use it to go see my mom in Va…we haven’t spent one holiday since 1995..:(
Fedai f says
I am a new fan on Facebook!
Fedai f says
I posted on my wall about this giveaway:)
mary malek says
I would fly to chicago to see family and take my daughter to all of the wonderful museums which is her “dream” 🙂
mary malek says
I am already a fb fan and I love it!!!!!!
mary malek says
giveaway shared on my fb page 🙂
Maria says
I would fly to Las Vegas!!!
Maria says
I am a existing fan of Addicted to Savings on FB!!
Maria says
Your link is on my FB!!
Catherine Griffith says
I would fly to Florida to see my mom!!! I love Southwest airlines and believe that they are the best to fly with!
Carrie Ladd says
I would fly to Vegas!!!
Carrie Ladd says
I’m a new fan on Facebook.
Carrie Ladd says
I posted a link to the giveaway on my Facebook page.
Carrie Ladd says
New follower on Twitter.
Hi, I am blind and on disability so moneY is tight. i would fly to Tuscon to visit my 70 year old parents whom I never visit with since I’m in Il.
Cheryl Bower says
It would be great to win and I’d love to fly to Hawaii for our 10th wedding anniversary. But after reading some of the other comments, I almost feel guilty entering. I hope the giftcards go to the person who needs them the most – whomever that may be.
Purply Frizzy posted on my facebook page and tweeted frizziefrizzie on twitter
Also commented on ur facebook page.
Addicted to Saving
Addicted to Saving Giveaway – $250 in Southwest Airlines Giftcards: Whew! Today has been such a busy day gettin… http://bit.ly/r8rmHw
Addicted to Saving Giveaway – $250 in Southwest Airlines Giftcards « AddictedToSaving.com
Whew! Today has been such a busy day getting up all these giveaways for my wonderful readers! I am so thankful that you all take the time to check out Addicted to Saving on any given day, and specifically, for helping us reach 20,000 Facebook fans! I still remember when Addicted to Saving had ju…
5 minutes ago · Privacy: · Like · · Reshare
Purply Frizzyposted toAddicted to Saving
hi i am new and love ur site
13 minutes ago · Like ·
Addicted to Saving
Addicted to Saving Giveaway – $250 in Southwest Airlines Giftcards: Whew! Today has been such a busy day gettin… http://bit.ly/r8rmHw
Tara O. says
I would go to San francisco to see my new niece!
Tara O. says
I am an existing Facebook fan!
Kristi Stone says
I would fly to Chicago!
Kristi Stone says
I’m a fb fan!
Amber D. says
I would visit my grandparents in california. They’re not doing so well anymore. I want to see them before I can’t anymore : (
Amber D. says
New FB Fan under Amber D.
Nicole says
I became a fan of yours earlier today (on fb)!!
Jessie C. says
I would like to fly to Oregon
Jessie C. says
FB fan
jessiekatie S
Jessie C. says
@tcarolinep twitter follower
Jessie C. says
Patricia Smith says
I would make my way out to Oregon to see elementary school friends of my husband’s. Love Southwest-thanks!
Mary says
I would go to Hawaii- I have never been there and always been fascinated by Hawaii. Also, my fiance and I plan on getting married there!!! 😀
Mary says
I am an existing FB fan!!
Greg says
I would fly to California to see my family!
Greg says
I am an existing FB fan!!
Greg says
I shared the contest on my facebook profile page
Greg says
followed and tweeted! wish me luck!
karen says
I would fly to florida
karen says
I am a exsisting facebookfan
karen says
left page link on my facebook page
missys says
I would go to upstate NY to visit my mom and go apple picking this fall
tonia says
I would go to florida to visit my mom if i won
tonia says
I am addicted to savings on FB
Cortney W says
I would fly to Austin Tx so that I can interview for jobs and be able to move there!
Cortney W says
I am an existing Facebook fan.
Cortney W says
I shared your giveaway on my FB profile.
Kelly says
I would go visit daughter, SIL and my wonderful granddaughter
J.A.R. says
I would fly to New Hampshire to see my best friend. It’s been a few years since we’ve been able to see one another.
Kelly says
I like on facebook
Cortney W says
New follower on Twitter!
Kelly says
follow on twitter
Kelly says
posted comment on facebook
Christina Jones says
I would fly to P.A. to visit my family and meet my new baby Niece and Nephew 🙂
Christina Jones says
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan <3
Ivonne Martin says
I am a fan of your facebook page and i would love to fly to Arizona 🙂 can’t wait for you to do a class in Orlando.
Ellen says
Follow you on FB— and it upsets a FB friend who is a coupon blogger. 🙂
Ellen says
I would fly my husband to TN to see his siblings.
Cheryl P. says
I would let my husband use it to visit his mom.
Jenn says
I would fly to New York.
Jenn says
I am an existing facebook fan.
Jenn says
Shared the link!
Jenn says
I am an existing Twitter follower.
heather says
I would fly home to Albuquerque for Christmas!
heather says
I am a facebook fan!
heather says
Posted a thread on my wall!
Quia says
I would love to fly to the islands! Thanks.
Traci C says
I would fly to Vegas with friends and meet up with my Aunt from Idaho!
Traci C says
I am already a fan on FB!
Jeanette says
I would go to California and see family.
Jeanette says
i am already a facebook fan
Jeanette says
I already follow on Twitter
jennifer engle says
I would use the tickets to go and visit our family in NC. Thanks for all of the hard work you do for all of us.
jennifer engle says
I am an existing fan of addicted to saving.
Traci C says
Shared on FB. Not on Twitter so can’t do that entry. Rats!!!
michelle says
I would go to Chigaco to visit with my cousin and her baby
Rosemarie says
I would fly to Florida and take my twins to Disney because they’ve never been!
michelle says
i am already a FB fan
Stephanie W says
My husband and I would love to go to Chicago to visit family – we have never been able to go and it would be a nice get-away for the two of us.
Rosemarie says
I am a new FB fan and I’m so excited to have found you!! Thanks!
Stephanie W says
I have been a fan of Addicted to Saving’s facebook for a few months.
Jessie says
I would fly to Long Island to see my awesome family…
Nicole says
If I were to win, I would by my husband a ticket to Las Vegas to go celebrate with his brothers and father and have a boys weekend!!
Nicole says
I’m a facebook fan!
Nicole says
I posted a note on my page about the giveaway!!!!
Jessie says
I am a new Twitter follower.
Staci P says
I think I would fly to California, I want to see the Pacific Ocean and my family that lives out there! I’m 22 and have never been on a plane!
Staci P says
Existing facebook fan!
Debra says
I am on facebook and I tell everyone I know about your website!
Michael A. Ford says
I would fly home to STL from Athens, GA so that both my wife’s and my families (I know, poor grammar – hope that doesn’t disqualify me 😉 may see our new 4 week old baby boy at Christmas time!
Tarra says
Not sure but our anniversary is coming soon. May be some place romantic.:)
Joann says
I’d ask the family where they want to go and use it towards a family getaway (kids have never flown).
Joann says
Existing facebook fan.
April says
I would fly to Vagas, with my fiance, and GET MARRIED! I LOVE YOUR SITE! I’m totally ADDICTED! 8)
Alisha H. says
I would not fly anywhere, but I would give this to my sister-in-law who lives in California so she wouldn’t have to spend so much money to fly her family back to GA for the Christmas holidays.
Alisha H. says
Already a Facebook fan.
April says
I am a long time ADDICETED to SAVING FAN on Facebook!!!!!! Thank you for ALL your updates that save this mom of 5 a TON of money!!!!!!
Joann says
Posted a link on my facebook page.
Jennifer Calabro says
I would definitely use the gift cards to fly to Seattle. My husband has been there on business off and on for the last 3 months and I miss him!
April says
I posted an update and the link to this giveaway on my Facebook wall!!!!!! I love being an addict!!!!!! 8)
Joann says
I am an existing Twitter follower.
Jennifer Calabro says
I’m an existing Facebook fan!
Jennifer Mirabal Calabro
Jennifer Calabro says
I shared the giveaway on Facebook!
Jennifer Calabro says
I’m a new Twitter follower! @jencala
April says
I follow you on twitter EVERYDAY!!!!! Gotta be up on all the was to save while I’m on the go!!!! 8)
Amy says
Existing FB fan “)
Amy says
I would definitely fly to Louisiana to visit family
Blaire Johnson says
i would fly to visit my family and have them meet the love of my life.
Blaire Johnson says
i am an existing FB fan!
Raene Henry says
I love this giveaway. I would go with my husband to New York for our anniversary.
Raene Henry says
I am an addicted to saving fan on facebook.
Shannon says
I’d probably fly to Cali to visit my family as they take care of grandma.
Jessy says
New York! Where ELSE?? Family there that has never seen my daughter and of course the CITY!! Especially for the somber anniversary of 9/11. Thanks!!!
Jessy says
Already Facebook follower! I HEART ADDICTEDTOSAVING!!!!
Kenna Doscher says
I would fly to Vegas for the IHEARTRADIO Music Festival!
Jessy says
WHOO HOO…Posted a link on my FB page!!!
Jessy says
Follow you on twitter already! LOVE THE SAVINGS!!!!
Kristin Scott says
I would go to RI to see my friends and family… I haven’t been back since I moved to Florida 12 years ago and I miss them.
Kristin Scott says
I’m already a fan on Facebook!
Kristin Scott says
I follow you on Twitter.
Kristin Scott says
I posted the link on my FB page… thanks for all you do!!!
Sara says
Now that is one awesome giveaway! I wouldn’t use it myself, but give it to my mother in law. My kids desperately miss their Nana!
Sara says
Existing facebook fan. 🙂
aubreylaine says
I would fly to Phoenix for Thanksgiving to be with my family
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Michelle Crooker says
Would use it to fly to miami instead of driving to our cruise for our 20th.
aubreylaine says
I just now liked you on facebook 🙂
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
aubreylaine says
I am a new follower to your twitter
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Michelle Crooker says
fb fan for a while and love it!
jolie says
I could so use this to save on my trip to Colorado for skiing with the family.
jolie says
Existing facebook fan. YEAH!!!
amy says
I would fly to Atlantic City … or maybe Vegas! I need an escape!
julie says
i would go to visit by best friend who also happens to be my sister in California
Otila says
I would fly as far West as I could get. I have have been trying to get back to Hawaii to visit my family for years! Every little bit helps! Of course if I could only get as far as Las Vegas then I’ll just let it RIDE! =) Much Aloha!
Darcy says
I would fly to Washington state to visit my family there!
Darcy says
I am an existing Facebook fan. Congrats on 20,000!! That is awesome.
Otila says
I am most definitely a fan on FACEBOOK! =)
Darcy says
I posted on my Facebook wall about your giveaway!
Otila says
I am a current follower on Twitter! #AddictedToSavingRocks =) Hash Tag!
Darcy says
I’m a new Twitter follower!
Dawn B says
I would go to Las vegas 🙂
Dawn B says
New fan 🙂
Alice says
following on FB, recieve daily emails, and shared the link on my FB wall….
Would LOVE to go NYC with my husband over the holidays!!!
Angie says
Great Giveaway! I would love to go to Hawaii or maybe somewhere realistic like California lol.
Lisa says
I don’t have any family that lives around me so I would visit my parents in Alabama.
Lisa says
I am an existing facebook fan.
Lisa says
I shared this link on my facebook account.
Heidi says
I would use the Southwest Gift Card to fly to Toledo to watch my nephew graduate from the University of Toldeo. He’s in the ROTC program and will be joining the Army as an Officer after graduation.
Heidi says
I’m an existing FB fan
Michelle Crooker says
addad a link on my fb page.
Joni says
I would go to Florida!
Joni says
Existing fan
tina says
I would go to Seattle for my Mother’s 70th birthday 🙂
Joni says
I shared this link on my FB page!
martha says
I would fly to Tennessee to visit my neice.
tina says
Posted the link on my FB wall.
tina says
new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
Elizabeth says
I would fly to New York City to see one of my dearest friends.
Elizabeth says
I just became a fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook!
lala says
New York
jess says
I would travel to FL to see family.
Arleen DeMull says
I am torn to what I would do with the a airline tickets. Even though my husband and I are seperated we have a good relationship. His brother died a few months ago. He had planned for us (me, our son and daughter and him of course)to go see his famly in Mich. in July (also for the Cherry festavial (I LOVE CHERRIES)but, as luck would have it we were not able to go because of the exspense. So I would plan a trip there for all of us or Plan a trip to some place the kids would like to go and have fun. ( family things can be boring for kids. LOL) Thanks for the chance to have to decide.
Angie says
I have been a fan of you page for a while now.
Tricia says
Viva Las Vegas!
Tricia says
Proud to be an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan! I love spreading the word to everyone about your website because you save me lotsa $$$!!
Tricia says
Posted link to my Facebook page
Ma Z. says
Would love to fly out to Denver, CO.
Arleen DeMull says
I have llowed you on FACE BOOk for some time now.. I’M ADDICTED…
Ui DuPont says
I’d fly to AZ to be with my first, and only grandson.
Kellie says
I would fly to tahoe to going skiing living in florida we done get to do that much!! hahaha!!
Kristin S. says
I would fly to Idaho to see my Mom.
Kristin S. says
I’m a facebook fan!!!
Kristin S. says
I posted a link to this giveaway on facebook.
Michelle says
I would fly to Michigan to see my grandmother
Michelle says
I am an existing facebook fan
Kellie says
i follow on twitter. shkepa
Nicole says
This would help to visit family! That’s why we started couponing in the first place.
Michelle says
I shared on facebook
Michelle says
I am an existing follower on twitter
Kellie says
I put a link on my facebook page for all my freinds to ss.
Anna says
I would fly my brother home from the AirForce Academy for Christmas.
robin r says
first entry…. i would use it to fly my girls out here to arizona to see me… i moved a few months ago and i miss my kids.( ssshhh dont tell anyone i miss them.)even though they are grown its hard to not have them around
Katie says
I would fly to North Carolina to visit with my mom!!! 🙂
Katie says
I am an existing fan on FB , thank you for your help on saving me and my family money!
Tiffany says
I would fly to Tennessee for a family vacation! 🙂
Tiffany says
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
Tiffany says
I left a post on my own Facebook page with the link to this giveaway! 😉
Tiffany says
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower!
Debbie says
where in the world you would fly with your $250 Southwest Airlines giftcard…..LasVegas
Terra says
I would fly to Florida for my cousin’s wedding!
Heather S says
I would fly to Idaho to see my sister and her family!
Christy A. says
I have to be in a friends wedding out of town in Nashville, TN in Oct. so I would use this giftcard to fly to Nashville for her wedding!
Christy A. says
I like Addicted to Saving on facebook!
carmen says
i would either use it towards a flight to Korea or to visit the Little House on the Prairie site. no lie. 🙂
Ann says
To Vegas . Never been there.
carmen says
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
Michelle says
Jane says
seh says
I would use the gift cards to fly to Kansas City to see my son get married.
Sophie says
Scott says
Scott says
Sophie says
seh says
existing fan on facebook
seh says
posted a link on my facebook page for the airline gift card offer
carmen says
i posted a link to the giveaway on my status. 🙂
carmen says
existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
VIRNA says
Hey Lisa i did all 4 steps mandatory.. I really HOPE i could win..I post it on my pg on FB,twitter AND here and did the posting.. I’m an ADDICTED FAN OF ADDICTED TO SAVING.. 🙂
Allison Greene says
I would use it to fly up to michigan to see my relatives over the holiday season
Allison Greene says
I am an existing facebook fan
Allison Greene says
I am an existing twitter follower
janice mcintyre says
I would fly my husband to FL so he wouldn’t have to make the drive from CO.
eve says
I’ve been dreaming for a vacay to Hawaii.
eve says
I follow you on FB
robin r says
second entry .. facebook follower
Stephanie ONeal says
Sparta, TN to visit my parents
Amy says
I would take my family to TN I love it there!
Amy says
loyal facebook fan
Mary Alice says
My brother and his wife just had their second set of twins (yes, second set). I haven’t even met my 2 nephews yet and now I would love to meet my new niece and third nephew. Unfortunately, we can’t afford to fly from Florida to Pennsylvania. So we have been sending photos online. Suffice it to say, I would fly to see them.
Mary Alice says
I follow on Facebook.
Mary Alice says
I follow on Twitter.
caroline says
I would love to take my family on vacation
Allison K. says
I would fly to Florida to visit my family!!
Jennifer says
My husband travels alot for work and is gone for 6 months at a time. I would love to fly wherever he is
Allison K. says
Existing facebook fan!
caroline says
I have been a follower for awhile now,I love this site. Hope I did all
Dean Taketa says
I am so addicted to saving and travel that it does take time to find all the deals. I would use my Southwest Air funds to fly to Disneyworld. I’m going to Dinseyworld:)
robin r says
third entry.. i shared a link on my facebook page.. at least i think i did.. not sure if it worked cause facebook was geeking out on me for awhile..
Adrianne says
I would put this towards going to England to visit my friends next summer.
Adrianne says
Already a fan on FB!
Adrianne says
Posted on my FB page, too!
shannon oelrich says
I would fly to florida and go on a cruise
shannon oelrich says
like you on facebook
Candace Pine says
I would fly to either Oregon or New York to visit family that I havent seen in many mnay many years so they could meet my miracle son that was born almost 2 years ago and almost didn’t make it here. We both had a tough journey but pulled through and now hes a thriving young toddler!!!!!
Candace Pine says
existing facebook fan!
Krista Dague says
I would fly to Florida (Orlando) and take my kids to Disney World!
Krista Dague says
I am a existing fan of addicted to saving on fb
susan says
I would fly to New York to see my family!!
Candace Pine says
added link to my facebook!
Candace Pine says
existing twitter fan too!
Samantha says
To see my 83 year old Grandma with my 2.5 year old daughter to San Jose
susan says
I’m a fan on Facebook already!!:)
Samantha says
Existing fan!
Krista Dague says
I copied and pasted the announcement of helping one Addicted to Savings reader win the airline tickets to my fb page
Alicia C. says
If I win, I’d give the $250 to my mom. She moved to Florida a couple of years ago and has only been able to make it home to visit her kids and grandkids once in that time. My brother is expecting a little girl in a couple of weeks and I know it’s killing my mom that she can’t afford to come here to meet her.
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
Patty says
Hi Liza. I need to go to Arizona to see my grandchildren . I have never been out there, and I haven’t seen them since last September. This would be so awesome!
Alicia C. says
shared on FB
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
Alicia C. says
I like you on FB
alicia crenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
Alicia C. says
I’m an old Twitter follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
Claudia says
I would love to go to New York.
Claudia says
E-mail subscriber.
katerina sullivan says
New FB fan!!
katerina sullivan says
Christmas in Philly!
Ashley Falvey says
I would fly to Vegas with my Hubby!
Jennie says
My husband and I would fly up to Philadelphia to visit his family. It’s been too long since we saw them last…
Ashley Falvey says
New facebook Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
Jennie says
I am an existing Addicted to Saving FB fan!!
HMG says
I would fly to Ohio to visit my family! 🙂
HMG says
Existing fan on facebook!
HMG says
Existing fan on twitter!
Ashley Falvey says
I just shared the contest on my facebook page.
HMG says
Posted link on my facebook!
Jennie says
Posted on my FB page. *fingers crossed* :o)
bonnie pena says
I want to see my Mom it’s been over 2 years now. I miss her and she misses her grand daughter
Sharon says
Great giveaway! I’d go to Chicago!
bonnie pena says
Huge fan need to go up north
bonnie pena says
Want to fly back up to home 🙂
Megan Wheeler says
I’d fly out west to see the Grand Canyon!
Sharon says
I’m an existing FB fan – thanks!
Megan Wheeler says
Existing Facebook fan
Megan Wheeler says
just shared the link!
Ann S. says
I would head to CA to see family! Thanks.
Ann S. says
twitter follower, existing! thanks
jeh says
I would love to take a trip to Washington DC to visit all the historical spots.
Linda C says
I would use the gift cards to fly to PA to see our 2 grandchildren that we haven’t seen for 2 years and they both have a birthday within 2 weeks of each other in the fall.
Linda C says
I’ve been a long standing fan of Addicted to Saving on facebook
Linda C says
I left a post on my fb page about this give away …
Rachelle says
I would love to go to NYC!
Linda C says
I AM an existing follower of Addicted to Saving on twitter
Rachelle says
I am an existing FB fan of Addicted to Saving!
Erin Collins says
I would love to travel to Boston to see the Red Sox play a game at Fenway Park!
Erin Collins says
I am already a fan of Addicted to Saving’s on Facebook (Erin M Collins).
Erin Collins says
I shared this giveaway on my Facebook.
Rachelle says
i left a post on my fb page for my friends.
won says
I’d fly south this winter to get away from the snow and slush and bitter cold for a week or so.
Oh yes!
Erin Collins says
I already follow Addicted to Savings on Twitter (blueirisheyes).
Lavonna says
I would fly to Cincinnati to see my parents
won says
I am an existing facebook fan (Wendy T).
Thank you.
Lavonna says
I am an existing Facebook fan
won says
Posted on my facebook wall
won says
Existing twitter follower (@won2x).
Crystal says
Congratulations on 20,000 facebook fans!!! Thanks for the giveaway : ) I would fly to Denver to visit family.
Crystal says
I am an existing facebook fan : )
Jenny G. says
I’m a Twitter follower!
christina says
I would love to go to Orlando Florida. Disney World would be great to see, thanks for the chance!
Jenny G. says
I would fly to Las Vegas to visit my sister. Never been there before.
christina says
I am an old face book fan.
Heather says
I would fly to Seattle
Heather says
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
Patty Marr says
I would fly my son back from college.
Heather says
I shared this giveaway on Facebook
Patty Marr says
I am your fan on facebook
Patty Marr says
I follow you on twitter
Valerie says
I would fly to Salt Lake City to see my brother and his family who live in Wyoming (a few hours away from SLC). I haven’t been able to see him and his 7 kids in two years due to cost of travel. Plus his 8th kid is due any day now, and I’d like to meet him or her. 🙂
Valerie says
I am a new Facebook fan as of today.
Valerie says
I posted this offer on my Facebook page.
Shelia Moore says
We would prob fly to maryland to visit family!!
Jean says
It has been 30 yrs since I graduated High School! I would love to go to Buffalo to see all my friends I grew up with – thanks!
Jean says
I am an existing fan and I love it!
Jean says
I have posted the link to your giveaway on my facebook page.
Jean says
I am following you on twitter.
Elissa says
I would love to go to San Francisco with my husband. We could definitely use a getaway…alone!:)
nancy wallace says
I would fly back home to michigan to spend some quality time with my sister inlaw who has terminal cancer
Elissa says
Follower on Facebook.
Cindy Taylor says
Existing fan. Thanks for all the help
nancy wallace says
I am an existing fan of addicted to savings on face book and web blog
Elissa says
Posted on Facebook
Shelia Moore says
Shared on FB
nancy wallace says
i left a link to addictedtosaving.com on my facebook page I think your web site is awesome!!!!
Shelia Moore says
Follow on FB
Eric Seberg says
I would fly to Florida to visit my brother and my son.
Shelia Moore says
Follow @sheliasplace
Eric Seberg says
Existing FB fan
Eric Seberg says
Existing follower on Twitter @eseberg
Cindy Taylor says
existing fan
Eric Seberg says
Commented on FB
Katy P says
I would fly to CA to meet my brother’s new baby boy!
Katy P says
I am an existing FB fan!
Katy P says
I am an existing Twitter follower. @presprizes
Pedro says
I’d like to go to Arizona.
Amanda Johnson says
I would head to exciting Indiana…to show off my babies to my family!!
Susie says
I would fly to Illinois to visit my mom and sisters. (I live in Georgia and would love to see my 2 brand new neices!)
Susie says
I am an existing fan on Facebook!
Susie says
I posted a link to this page on my facebook!
Susie says
I follow you on Twitter already!
Cheryl P. says
I would love to go to Vegas, baby!
Cheryl P. says
I “love” you on FB.
Kara says
I would fly to New Orleans to see a friend.
courtney says
i would go to st. louis! all my family is there and i miss them terribly!
Kara says
I’m already a Facebook friend and encourage others to “like” all the time!
Luana says
flying to see my family in NJ!!
keender says
I would fly to Texas to visit family.
Luana Allen says
i am a already a facebook friend!!
keender says
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
Luana Allen says
i left a post on my page!!
Caitlin S. says
I would fly away to Alaska to see an old friend!!!
Renata says
I would fly to Oakland, CA, to visit my family.
Renata says
I am an existing facebook fan.
Kendra says
I would fly home to NY in October to see the fall leaves and all of my family; the 2 things I miss the most about living in FL!
Kendra says
I am already an ATS fan on FB.
Kathi Capobianco says
I would fly into Hartford CT & visit my dad in the nursing home and take him out to celebrate his 90th Birthday which is this November 14th
mandy says
My son has never been on a plane, so I would use it to fly anywhere with him.
mandy says
I’ve been a fan for a while now on facebook!
mandy says
I left a comment on my facebook about all of your giveaways. And thanks so much for offering them!
mandy says
this isn’t an entry of course, I just wanted you to know that I would so comment on twitter. I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet.
Tiffany Overall says
I would go to Vegas. I have always wanted to go!
Tiffany Overall says
Existing FB Fan!
Carla says
I would fly 1100 miles to Nebraska to visit my daughter.
Tiffany Overall says
Existing twitterland follower @tiffprl1
Carla says
New Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
Tiffany Overall says
Shared on FB
Jane says
I would fly to Indiana to see my daughter in her Opera in January!
Jane says
I am a facebook fan!
Farhana says
I would love to visit Las Vegas!!
Farhana says
I am a new facebook friend:)
Ruth Hill says
I would love to go to New York!
Ruth Hill says
like you on facebook
Ruth Hill says
shared on facebook: