This offer has been extended! In honor of yesterday being Dr Seuss’ Birthday, we can purchase 5 Dr. Seuss Books for only $5.95 SHIPPED when we join the Dr Seuss Book Club. Along with the books, we will also receive a FREE reading & growth chart (pictured below). We read Dr Seuss books every day and night to my son and he loves them. I love that I remember them from my childhood! Go HERE to view this deal and enter promo code BIRTHDAY to take advantage of this deal!
Fine print: Each month you and your child will benefit from receiving 3 more Dr. Seuss™ & His Friends storybooks to review and enjoy. If you decide to keep them, they are yours for just $5.99 per book plus a small shipping and handling charge. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason these five books don’t tickle your little one’s funny bone, simply return them to us at your expense with a note marked “cancel,” and we’ll gladly refund the purchase price… no questions asked. Nothing more will be sent, and the FREE Activity book and stickers is truly yours to keep with our thanks for giving the club a try.