If you shop at Sweetbay (or a Publix that accepts Sweetbay coupons), go HERE to print this HOT $5.00 off $30.00 coupon! This coupon was emailed out in their weekly email! This coupon is valid through 8/31/12!
Thanks Kelly for emailing me this 🙂
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by Liza
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If you shop at Sweetbay (or a Publix that accepts Sweetbay coupons), go HERE to print this HOT $5.00 off $30.00 coupon! This coupon was emailed out in their weekly email! This coupon is valid through 8/31/12!
Thanks Kelly for emailing me this 🙂
Does this mean that you have to have all the coupons and other bogo discounts done and still have 30$ to pay before you can use the coupon?
No your total has to be $30, then I always give my $5/$30 coupon first then the rest of your coupons. The “free” item of a BOGO isn’t considered into the total, just the “buy one”. Hope that makes sense:)
My Publix always looks for these coupons and specifically takes them last after all of my other coupons.
“My Publix always looks for these coupons and specifically takes them last after all of my other coupons.”
I’ve had that happen, so I do not show any coupons until they are done and then give them the $off? and then I pull out my other coupons.
I’m finding they are starting to enforce that your total has to be $30 after all discounts. My local Publix store never did until last month. I think it depends on the cashier/store.