Tracy just emailed me this printable $5 off $30 Winn Dixie coupon, good until 3/29/11! Check out Winn Dixie’s ad and coupon match ups HERE. If your Publix accepts Winn Dixie as a competitor, you can take it there too!
Thanks Tracy @ Having Fun Saving & to Amanda @ A Few Shortcuts!
I used 3 of these today in my shopping trip !!!
I love these and my Publix takes them.
Amy you used three but had to spend $90 $30 for each one right? Just checking want to make sure…I also do that and use two $5 Albertsons for every $100 I spend..saving $25 right off the bat. Have to love Publix!!!
I tried printing this from another site that had it, and the thing came out at about 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches…I’m afraid publix will think I’m trying to fraud them…has anyone else had this problem?
I was able to make it bigger before I printed it out.
I think it printed the same tiny size for every one… what I am planning on doing tomorrow is take the whole page with me so they can see it is from winn-dixie’s web page.
I just gave the cashier the whole page and they took it. No problems here!
Where can I find the coupon on the Winn Dixie website?
I used the small one with no problem. Are you guys having to split up the transactions? I was worried with liza being out of town and meanwhile my total @ Publix came to $1.47 for four bags of groceries! I guess I can do this on my own. 😉 I do spend several hours studying and researching it all though. I never took a class learned everything online.