Before you head to Family Dollar, make sure you check out all of the available printable coupons they are offering! Go HERE to print your coupons.
Some of the coupons I am seeing are:
$1.00/2 liters of 7 UP, A&W, Sunkist or Canada Dry
$2.00/1 Huggies Diaper & any (1) Huggies Wipes
FREE $1 Wise Chips w/ purchase of (3)Coke 1.25 liter or text COKE to 28767 for coupon.
SALE $2.96 On Coca-Cola products 12 Pack
$2.00/1 Speed Stick® GEAR™ Deodorant, Antiperspirant or Body Spray
Go HERE to see all High Value Coupons on Addicted to Saving