RecycleBank contacted me and asked me if I would like to try a box of Kashi Island Vanilla cereal AND give a box away for one of my readers. Of course I said yes! I’m excited for this giveaway – not as much becuase it is a box of cereal but because you can now earn RecycleBank Points when you purchase specially marked packages of Kashi Whole Wheat Biscuits. For every box you recycle you will earn 15 RecycleBank points. And, between now and November 30th, RecycleBank will double your points so you will actually earn 30 points per box!
**Make sure you received your 50 RecycleBank points last week from the post I made HERE.
Here’s how to earn RecycleBank points when you recycle Kashi cereals:
1) Look for and purchase Kashi Whole Wheat Biscuits boxes marked with “Recycle This Box to Get Rewards” (including Autumn Wheat, Cinnamon Harvest or Island Vanilla varieties)
2) Get the unique 8 digit points code printed inside the box
3) Enter the code at and you will receive 15 points (or 30 if you do this before November 30th)
4) Recycle your box after you’re done enjoying the cereal
5) Redeem your points for great RecycleBank rewards like $3.00 off any Kashiproduct (worth 55 RecycleBank points)
And now for the fun part! One Addicted to Saving reader will receive a box of Kashi Island Vanilla cereal!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to two separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry.
1) Leave one comment on this post letting me if you recycle and if you do, what items you recycle each week.
2) “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Facebook Fan.
**Giveaway ends Monday, November 8th at or after 8 pm EST.
RecycleBank provided me with two boxes of Kashi cereal – one for myself and one for a reader. All ideas and opinions are my own.
Kim says
We recycle every week! Newspapers, plastic, foil, metal and cartons! Unfortuneatley our town doesn’t recycle glass!
Kim says
I am a loyal addicted fan on FB! Gotta love Liza!
Jennifer D says
I have recycle bins at my home–one for aluminum/glass/plastic and one for paper/cardboard.
Jennifer D says
Also an existing FB follower!
Heather R says
I recycle boxes, cans, paper and this that is recyclable!
Danielle says
I am an existing FB follower
Danielle says
I recycle newspapers :O)
Nicole says
We recycle every week – paper, plastic, etc.. and all the money goes to my kids school!
Nicole says
I am a Facebook Fan
SLS says
I recycle newspapers, mail, and magazine every week
SLS says
facebook fan
Scott says
I’m a FB fan
Scott says
I wish I could recycle…my town doesn’t have a recycling program. Hopefully soon!
Beth McCarthy says
I am not a “hug a tree” recycler, but I definitely believe we are stewards of the earth and we should take care of it. I have green bags and recycle daily- but only drop them off at the recycling center once in a while (when the bags are full).
Kristin says
I recycle at my work. We have paper, glass and plastic bins.
Kristin says
I am a FB fan.
MichelleA says
I started recycling when I moved to my new place in April because they supplied every homeowner with a separate recycle bin. Now I recycle EVERYTHING that has the little recycle symbol on it and I love it. Glass jars, cans, boxes, plastic, newspaper, etc. 🙂
MichelleA says
And I am a FB fan 😛
Michelle says
I recycle…my family calls me the recycle police. We recycle just about everthing. We just switched to single stream recycling in our area so we no longer have to sort. We recycle all of our paper items and any plastics 1-7. We also recycle our tin cans.
Shannon says
I recycle newspapers, glass, and cans every week. I also take cardboard boxes, magazines, and paper to the recycling center.
courtney says
I recycle cardboard at work everyday. I got every there to do the same thing!
Kari says
We recycle everything possible! I’m also the recycle police… 😉 It makes sense financially, not only environmentally, because it’s FREE where we live!
Kari says
Also a FB fan… love it!
Jamilla says
I always recycle…Milk/Juice bottles, cereal boxes, cans…you name it, I recycle it!
Jamilla says
Also, existing FB fan!
Pam says
We recycle here in lakeland! Thanks
Claudia says
We recycle newspapers and plastic bottles.
Claudia says
E-mail subscriber.
Nancy says
We recycle everything accepted by our recyclers: newspapers, magazines, glass, cardboard, plastics 1 and 2, etc.
Debbie says
I’m an existing facebook follower.
Debbie says
We recycle newspapers, boxes & aluminum cans.
Janette says
I recycle paperboard, newspapers, cardboard, office paper, and magazines. I also recycle glass, plastics, and metal cans.
Janette says
I am an existing FB fan of ATS.
Crystal K. says
We recycle newspapers and cardboard.
Crystal K. says
I’m a new fan on Facebook!
Charlotte says
We recycle.
Charlotte says
Facebook fan.
Nicole says
We recycle papers, plastic & cans
Nicole says
I am an existing facebook fan