Mamapedia has a great deal available thru Thursday. You can purchase $10.00 worth of Organizational Notepads from LobotoME for $5.00 or FREE (if this is your first purchase with Mamapedia). Shipping is not included so you will have to pay shipping.
How to snag your deal:
1) Go HERE– login and/or register for a Mamapedia account.. If you create a new account you will receive a FREE $5.00 credit
2) Click “Buy Now”
3) Your total will show as $0.00 (if you are using your $5.00 credit) OR $5.00 if you are an existing customer w/o a credit in your account.
I signed up for a new account yet did not receive the $5 credit. It is not showing that I am even pending credit. Any ideas?