I’m LOVING this coupon and when I give the coupon to my hubby tonight, he is going to think it is Christmas! Right now you can print out a B1G1 Chipotle Burrito coupon! In order to score this coupon, you will need to watch a preview for the new NBC show called “America’s Next Great Restaurant.” (Am I the only one who loves reality shows based on cooking, food, restaurants, etc etc?) After you watch the preview, the coupon will appear and you can print it right then and there. To watch the video, go HERE to “like” America’s Next Great REstaurant Facebook page. Then, click “Get Offer” to watch your video. Enjoy!
Thanks Good Deal Mama
I love chipotle, so I am very excited to see this. I will definitely be getting chipotle this weekend!!
Yay…. I love love love Chipotle!! I can’t wait to get my yummy bowl, Thanks for sharing!!