Do you remember the post I made a little over a week ago HERE stating that Mission was going to give away FREE Tortilla Chips on March 4th because they reached 15,000 Facebook Fans? Well, if you went and reserved your tortilla chips, the coupon is available now! This is a printable “FREE” coupon that expires 3/11/11. Go HERE to enter the email address you used to reserve your chips and you can then print your coupon.
**Disclaimer – I am really disappointed about this. I don’t like printable Free coupons. And, most stores don’t like printable Free coupons. So, be prepared that your store may or may not accept this coupon. Too many people submit fraudulent printable coupons so a coupon like this may be treated as if it is fraudulent even though it is not.
Thanks Rose Knows Coupons
Seems like everyone is getting an error anyways. It tells you to click on the link but when you do it says you already printed it. Very frustrating
I got mine, but i am wondering if any stores will accept them. publix and walmart wont accept “FREE” item printable coupons. so i wonder who does??
Thanks! I was able to print the coupon. I know my Publix will accept it, but it says up to $2.99 off. I’m thinking Publix’s price is normally higher than that.
I reserved for my cpn as instructed,yet it says it can’t find my e-mail address.What a bummer!!!!!
I’ve had no problems with Wal-mart or any store accepting the “free” item cpns…They have questioned their own product”SunBelt”BOGO,but i remembered to to keep the phone # and info with me and that helped.
It’s trial and error with this saving venture.
Good Luck.
I took mine to Schnuck’s & they took it without any problems. A bag was $2.98 so it was free!
they can’t find my email address either!! i KNOW i reserved a coupon! 🙁
They were $3.89 at my Publix today! I used a raincheck at $2.50 so I could get the bag free!