Let me tell you about one of my many weakness. DONUTS. Every now and then my husband will surprise me on Saturday mornings with donuts and seriously, it makes my day! Or – after my long runs on Sunday, sometimes I will reward myself with a donut. Well, this Friday is the perfect for me! This Friday, June 3rd is National Donut Day. To celebrate, Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme are both giving away donuts!
- Dunkin’ Donuts will give away a FREE DONUT of your choice with any beverage purchase. Go HERE to Dunkin’ Donuts Facebook page for more info.
- Krispy Kreme will give away one FREE donut of any variety per customer. Go HERE to Krispy Kreme’s Facebook page for more info.
I will post a reminder about National Donut Day when we get closer to Friday. 🙂