**Reposting this in case you missed this offer earlier this week
Oscar Mayer has a HOT Facebook promotion going on right now! If you install the TASTE-a-MONIALS app on Facebook and give your thoughts on Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, you will receive a coupon. Currently, the coupon’s value is $3.00 off! And, as more and more people give their TASTE-a-MONIAL, the value of the coupon will increase so we may potentially receive a FREE Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs coupon! (If there are 60,000 reviews, we will get FREE coupons!) To get in on this fun promotion, go HERE to “like” Oscar Mayer TASTE-a-MONIALS on Facebook. Then, click the “Hot Dogs TASTE-a-MONIALS” category. Fill in your review and give your mailing address. A coupon will be sent to you after the program ends on August 15th or beforehand if 60,000 reviews are received.
**While you are on Facebook, go HERE to “like” Addicted to Saving and never miss out on a deal again!