Have you been earning your Recyclebank points? Recyclebank is a website geared towards promoted earth friendly activities like recycling, conservation and more. With Recyclebank, you can earn points by completing simple tasks like watching commercials, taking short quizzes, recycling and more. As you earn the points, you can put them towards coupons!
I checked Recyclebank this morning and they have four FREE Mcdonald’s Products coupons available worth 100 points each. For 100 points you can get a FREE Fruit and Maple Oatmeal coupon, a FREE Cone coupon, a FREE Premium Salad coupon and a FREE Small McCafe Smoothie coupon! To join RecycleBank (or login), go HERE. Once your account is created, click on “Earn Points” to begin earning the points listed below. Once you have earned points, you can redeem them towards coupons (some are mailed, some you print out) by clicking the “Get Rewards” category. Have fun and enjoy!
If you are new to Recyclebank, below is a list of tasks you can complete to earn over 300 points!
- 50 Points Green Your Vacation Contest – Staycation– click on Hammock for 10 pts, click on Blue Car for 5 pts, Blue Wading Pool for 10 pts, Watering Can 10 pts, Grill for 10 pts, Meat on Grill for 5 pts
- 50 Points Green Your Vacation Contest – Camping– click on Silver Camper for 1o pts, Hiking Boots for 10 pts, Green Camp Stove for 10 pts, Flashlight for 5 pt, Red Canoe for 5 pts, Red Tent for 10 pts
- 55 Points Green Your Vacation Contest – Travel– blue car for 10 pts, Green Car for 10 pts, Flying Red Lunchbox for 10 pts, Airplane for 10 pts, Train for 5 pts, Cruiseship for 10 pts
- 55+ Points – Green Your Vacation Contest – Beach– Hotel for 10 pts, Green Book for 5 pts, Crab for 10 pts, Aveeno for 10 pts, Beachbag for 10 pts, Snorkling for 10 pts, Roomkey for ?? pts (I couldn’t get this to work)
- 25 Points – Watch Kashi Video and Take 3 Question Quiz
- 25 Points – Pampers Learn & Earn
- 25 Points – Tide Learn & Earn
- 5 Points – Purina’s Make an Impact with Your Pets
- 10+ Points – P&G Future Challenge – the Facebook site was going slow for me..
- 25 Points – Dove Green Your Bathroom
- 50 Points – Aveeno
Liza, in the beach part the keyholder gave me 10 points and in the travel part you are missing 15 more points:
– click on the clouds = 10 points
– click on the baggage on the train = 5 point
Hope that helps to get more points!
no McDonalds coupons on my Recylebank Rewards