If you purchase Enfamil for your baby, you will be happy to see this coupon is back again! The $5.00/1 Enfamil Gentlease, A.R. or ProSobee 22 oz coupon appeared overnight and will help you save at least $5.00 on your formula! (And, if you shop at Publix, it seems that every couple of weeks their weekly ad has a $6.00/2 Enfamil Publix store coupon that would go perfectly with this manufacturer coupon!) To print your coupon, go HERE, click the “Foods” category to find quickly. **I found this under zip 34655
Back Again – $5.00/1 Enfamil Gentlease, A.R. or ProSobee 22 oz coupon
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looks like it’s gone 🙁
Hi Kim! I still see it under zip 34655. Check there 🙂