has new printable coupons you might want to print out. I am especially excited abou this $1.00/1 Ritz Munchables coupon. They are on sale BOGO this week at Publix. See the scenarios below to score Ritz Munchables for as low as FREE! Go HERE to print out the Ritz and additional coupons below:
- $1.00/1 RITZ Munchables (11.5oz or larger)
- $0.55/1 Kikkoman® product
- $1.00/1 Wholly Guacamole™ Wholly Salsa™ OR Wholly Queso™ product
- $3.00/1 Bengay Product
- $0.50/1 Scotch® Packaging Tape
Publix Scenarios for Ritz Munchables 11.5 oz +
Option one(if your store accepts Target coupons AND if you live in the land of “true BOGOs”)
Buy 4 Ritz Munchables on sale BOGO $3.99 for two
Minus one B3G1 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers Target Store Coupon (this will subtract $3.99)
Minus four $1.00/1 RITZ Munchables (11.5oz or larger) (this will subtract $4.00) you will need two computers as you can print 2 coupons/computer
Total Due: FREE
Option two (if your store doesn’t accept Target coupons)
Buy 2 Ritz Munchables on sale BOGO $3.99 for two
Minus one $1.00/1 RITZ Munchables (11.5oz or larger)
Total Due: $1.99 or $0.99 each
Thanks eeendeavors for the coupon info