Below is the Walgreens Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups. **NOTE** This ad will run for two weeks, from 10/28 – 11/10, so take note of that. Also be sure to watch for your coupons that expire at the end of the month. If you haven’t been to Walgreens in a while, make sure you read my post explaining Balance Rewards HERE. Balance Rewards are taking the place of Register Rewards, and now “points” are taking the place of actual $$$.
Earned Points are converted into Redemption Dollars in five (5) tiers:
(1) 5,000 points = $5
(2) 10,000 points = $10
(3) 18,000 points = $20
(4) 30,000 points = $35
(5) 40,000 points = $50
If you see any other deals or coupon matchups I missed, please leave a comment on this post so that everyone can take advantage of the deals. You can email them to me but I may not have a chance to post each and every deal – so posting them here would be better.
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display All Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below!
- To see all the deals associated with Walgreens, check out the WALGREENS category.