(A guest blog post from the “hubby” of Addicted to Saving. Here’s to you, Mom.)
Here is a good one to think about, Moms….how much are you worth? I don’t mean measuring your worth in quotients of love, candy hearts, or promissory notes stating “Good for one room cleaning without asking.” No, I’m talking the green stuff – cold, hard cash. How much do you think you’re worth?
I have to tell you, ever since Asher became our son 5 months ago, I am utterly amazed at the amount of work that goes into being a stay-at-home-parent. Liza and I split the responsibilities of Addicted to Saving – which are many – but they vary from week to week. I do most of my work behind the scenes or at weird hours. Some weeks I work a ton on the site, and other weeks Liza is burning the midnight oil. But working the site pales in comparison to the work that goes into being a parent.
A good parent, that is.
Those first few weeks I thought I’d never feel rested again. I remember thinking as his cries would wake us at 5:00 in the morning, “Man, it’s groundhog day – I have to keep this child alive again today!” Now that he’s adjusting to life in our home and life in America, things are definitely better. But keeping him alive is still on the agenda each and every morning, and it takes precedence over all the rest.
(Photo credit: liveinternet.ru)
Be that as it may, the “rest” of the household activities still have to get done, right? The shopping. The blogging. The laundry. The dishes. The vacuuming. The toilet cleaning. The garbage. The cooking. The cleaning. The dog-walking. All of these things that happen in addition to the keeping-the-kid-aliving. All you parents out there know I’m just scratching the surface.
Since Liza and I and Asher are at home every day, all the time, I’ve been able to see first hand the extreme demands of child-rearing. For any husband (or wife for that matter) who thinks being a stay-at-home-mom is a sweet gig, please refer them to the Contact Me button on this website so I can swear at them gently refute them in a response email. Running the household operations is the hardest thing I’ve ever done; and I only do it half the time. There’s no doubt I’d completely lose my mind if I was the Household CEO all the time. (No matter how cute this kid is!)
That’s why I thought this Salary.com piece on “What’s a Mom’s Work Worth?” so right on the money. Liza’s worth about $110,000 according to the crunched numbers, but I encourage you to check it out yourself by going HERE. Take a screenshot of what you’re worth or send yourself an email, just to remind yourself of how awesome you are from time to time. Chances are your kids aren’t doing it much. 🙂 Hopefully you’ve got a good husband who encourages, supports, and loves you, and recognizes what you’re worth. And if you don’t, remember God does!
All that to say, from one semi-stay-at-home-parent to another, I feel your pain. But know this – you are worth far more than a dollar amount. Cliche to say? Probably. You know what though? There’s a reason those “Priceless” Mastercard commercials were so popular. You truly cannot put a price on the paradoxical nature and love/hate relationship one has with parenthood.
So here’s to you, Moms – keep up the great work! You are worth every penny you’re not paid.
I love it, thanks for sharing.
Welcome! I was proud of hubby for writing this! 🙂