If you are looking for a Webkinz deal, act fast! Right now you can score 10 Webkinz animals for $27.98 SHIPPED! This makes each animal just $2.79. To view this deal, go HERE. **There are only 1,000 deals available which will go fast. So take advantage of this now if interested!
Set includes (randomly) 10 of the following: Yorkie, Rabbit, Black Bear, Grey Arabian, Polar Bear, Spotted Frog, Google Duck, Frog, Lion, Hippo, Golden Retriiever, Cocker Spaniel, Leopard, Chihuahua, Pug, Tree Frog, Bull Frog, Bulldog, Schnauzer, Pig, Poodle, Black & White Cat, Seal, Tiger, Stiped Alley Cat, Brown Arabian Horse, White Terrier, Persian Cat, Clydesdale Horse, Pinto Horse, Plush Tie Dye Frog, Himalayan
- To see additional Gift Ideas for Less, go HERE
Thanks Southern Savers