If you shop at Winn Dixie, I have an awesome deal for you! Today, Plum District is offering the deal $5.00 for a $10.00 Gift Card at Winn-Dixie! This is instant 50% savings and if you use your $10.00 gift card on sales items and with coupons, you will save even more money! Love it!
Below are the steps to score your deal:
1) Go HERE to login/register for a Plum District account.
2) Click on the city Orlando. **note – you do not need to live in Orlando to take advantage of this deal.
3) Go to purchase this deal.
4) Your total due should be $5.00!
Fine print:Limited quantities available! Limit 1 per person, Limit 1 per household, Tax and gratuity not included,Plum Dollars may not be used to purchase this Plum Steal,You cannot earn Plum Dollars for referring this Plum Steal,Plum District promotional codes may not be used toward the purchase of this Plum Steal,Gift cards are subject to all applicable state and federal laws, Expires 12/31/11
Thanks Couponers United
It’s gone 🙁
This deal is sold out!
Thanks for the head’s up Betty and Nora-Lee! I’ve updated my post.