Act fast!! Treat has a quick four hour FREEBIE available right now! Between now and 7 pm EST today (Saturday, 6/9/12) you can get a FREE Father’s Day card from Treat!
Steps to take advantage of this FREEBIE:
1) Go HERE to choose your card from hundreds of Father’s Day designs.
2) Personalize your card with your own photos, messages, etc
3) Go to checkout. Paste coupon code WEEKENDTREAT to get this special deal. **update – try code freetreat if WEEKENDTREAT does not work
4) For shipping, if you select, “send it to me first”, the card will be shipped to your home for FREE. If you select “mail it directly to the recipeient”, you will be charged $0.44 for a stamp.
** This offer is good for all customers, whether this is your first time or 100th time using Treat
**You will also be asked for your credit card to verify your identity and prohibit fraud, but you will not be charged for a free card if you mail to yourself.
weekend treat code does not work, need to use cod “freetreat” instead.