**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering**
Sam’s club has an awesome promotion going on in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On September 19th, Sam’s Club stores began to feature exclusive pink packaging on some of your favorite participating General Mills products. For 5 years, General Mills has partnered with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Foundation to bring breast cancer support to local communities, and this year they are making their annual donation of $2 million to the foundation to advance breast cancer research and support education and community outreach projects. When you purchase specially-marked General Mills products like Cheerios and Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies at your local Sam’s Club, General Mills will make a donations that will be divided between two important Komen programs: the Treatment and Assistance Program, which assists women in securing care they otherwise may not be able to afford, and Prevention Research, which helps unlock the keys to preventing breast cancer. Voting results will be announced on Mother’s Day 2012.
In honor of Sam’s Club and General Mills assisting two Susan G. Komen programs, one Addicted to Saving reader will win a $25.00 Sam’s Club Gift Card!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post letting me know which General Mills product you would like to see in pink packaging at Sam’s Club **this entry is mandatory**
2) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HEREand leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. (If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HEREand leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Sign up to Receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Newsletter by using the sign up form on the right side of this screen and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing newsletter subscriber.. (You will need to confirm your subscription in order to be eligible for this bonus entry)
Giveaway Ends Thursday, October 6, 2011 at or after 8 pm EST
**The information and gift card(s) have been provided by Sam’s Club and General Mills through MyBlogSpark. They provided a gift pack to me as well. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Larabars need to be pinked out!
Would love to see the Honey Nut Cheerios on Pink 🙂
CHEERIOS would b nice to see in that pink box.
already a fan on fb!
I think Lucky Charms would be pretty in pink, with little pink ribbons for marshmallows of course!
I like you on facebook.
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I’d like to see Golden Grahams in pink.
I like you on FB with my username Mary Happymommy.
I’m an existing Twitter follower (mami2jcn)
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I would love to see Cheerios. They go very quickly in our family.
I’ve been following you on twitter for a while. @brideonbudget
Total. Does Sam’s even sell Total? I assume so.
I am an existing FB fan.
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I’d probably have to say Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Who wouldn’t love to see something so sweet be pink too!? 😉
existing facebook fan!
I would love to see cinnamon toast crunch in pink!
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existing member of your daily emails!
Lucky Charms in a lovely pink box!
I already like you on FB.
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I would like to see Mini Wheats (bite size) so I could enjoy the pretty box!
Nature’s Valley Granola Bars
I follow on Facebook.
The original Cheerios would be perfect in pink!
I am an existing fb fan!
I subscribe already to your daily newsletter.
I would enjoy a rosy-hued box of lucky charms. 🙂
i am an existing facebook follower.
I already follow addictedtosaving on twitter.
i’m also an existing newsletter subscriber!
Cheerios in pink please!
ALready on Addicted FB!
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Follow twitter!
I am an existing fan on Facebook and would like to see my Cheerios in a hot pink box and be eating them on my way to Sam’s to spend my free gift card!!!!!
I am an existing fan on Facebook and would like to see my Cheerios in a hot pink box and be eating them on my way to Sam’s to spend my free gift card!!!!!
Bonus entry for facebook fans, I am an existing fan.
I am now following Addicted to Saving on Twitter (Parkerspug).
i am getting your newsletter in my e-mail. Keep em coming!!!
I would love to see Lucky Charms in pink!!!
I am a fan! New about a month!
I’d like to see Cheerios in pink packaging at Sam’s Club
fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page
Jessie C
Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter @tcarolinep
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I would like to see Cheerios pink!
We love Honey Nut Cheerios at my house so I would love to see them pink!
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
existing newsletter subscriber
I would like for Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be in a pink box!!
I am already a fan on FB! 🙂
I am already subscribed to your newsletter
I’d like to see Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Chewy Bars in pink packaging!
I’m an existing fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page. (Deanna Cali)
I would love to see Nature Valley Granola bars in Pink because we always buy them at Sams!
I am an existing Facebook fan. Thank you for your updates 🙂 They are really helpful!
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Honey nut cherios!
Existing FB fan!
My family loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch, s make it pink!
Already a Facebook fan.
New newsletter subscriber.
I’d like to see Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls.
I’m an existing twitter follower (LuckyDuckyToo)
I’m an existing FB fan (Mari Doug)
I’m an email subscriber.
Cheerios in a pink box
I am an existing facebook fan
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I am a new email newsletter subscriber!
I’d like to see Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies in pink packaging at Sam’s Club!
I am an email newsletter subscriber.
Golden Grahams…my favorite cereal would be nice in pink.
I’d like to see Golden Grahams in pink.
I subscribe to your newsletter
Would love to see Cheerios with a pink box…that would be nice!
I like you known facebook.
I’m an existing FB fan!
I’m an existing twitter follower too!
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber. Thank you!
Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you on Facebook “crave to save”
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter! @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I am an email subscriber!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to see Chocolate Cherrios or cinaburst Cherrios in pink as well as Larabars
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail
HoneyNut Cheerios
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Your address is already subscribed.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber. I get it everyday around 4. But I check addicting to savings web page frst thing in the morning.: )
My 3 year old would love her cheerios to be pink
I love this site and very addicted. I couldnt survive without it. I get to stay home witn my daught and couponing is our way of life. I also have 2 boys in school. I can afford to get everyone treats. Its awesome what you do for everyone. THANK YOU
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
I love healthy fiber one and want to see in the pink.
I am an existing member.
I am existing member!
I would like to see Honey Nut Cheerios
I am a new Facebook Fan – Elena Istomina
I’d like to see original Cheerios!
I’m a new Facebook fan!
I’m a new Twitter follower! @FakeGradSchool
I like Honey Nut Cheerios
email subscriber
Fb fan (trung nguyen)
twitter follower (cistran)
Honey Nut Cheerios would be nice because they are really popular and we love them in our house!
Already a fan on facebook. 🙂
Already receive your daily news feed. 🙂
Pink Cheerios box would look good!!!
Already a facebook fan and love getting daily updates!
I receive your daily newsletter & share it with my co-workers!
I would love to see Fiber One cereal in pink! Yum!
I am an existing FB fan!
I owuld love some steamers
I’d love to see the fiber one bars in pink.
like you on facebook!