So the picture above is me and the Chick-fil-A cow – well, one of them at least – at a special blogger event where we were able to get a behind-the-scenes look at how a Chick-fil-A store works! We got to sample new menu items, including their new Chicken Tortilla Soup, Grilled Chicken Nuggets, and their Homemade, ginormous, melt-in-your-mouth Chocolate Chip Cookie. Mmmmm!
We also got to talk with the owner of this Clearwater Chick-fil-A about their mission and overall philosophy, and tour the kitchen to see how all that yummy food is made, from the fresh, prepared-to-0rder chicken breasts to the individually squeezed lemons that help make their simply delicious lemonade.
This is me trying to ignore my husband taking a picture of me while I listen to the owner talk about his operation in our behind-the-scenes tour. :/
And now for the best part! When we were all done, my contact at Chick-fil-A generously supplied me with gifts to give away to my readers! As you can see in the above picture, I have 10 gift certificates good for a FREE Chick-fil-A kids meal, and 5 gift cards good for a FREE milkshake each month starting in February and going through April. How fun is this! I love Chick-fil-A! 🙂
I will be giving away 2 FREE Chick-fil-A Kids Meal Gift Certificates and one Gift Card good for 3 FREE Chick-fil-A Milkshakes to FIVE lucky Addicted to Saving readers. This contest will run through this Friday, February 17th, and I will close comments on or after 10 p.m. EST.
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Mandatory entry: Of their new menu items – Grilled Chicken Nuggets, Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie, or the Tortilla Chicken Soup – which one appeals to you the most?
2) Bonus entry: “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook HERE. Leave a second comment stating if you are a new or existing fan.
3) Bonus entry: Sign up to receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Email HERE. Leave a third comment stating if you are a current or new subscriber.
4) Bonus entry: Follow Addicted2Saving on Twitter HERE. Leave a fourth comment stating if you are a current or new follower.
Good luck everyone!
Giveaway provided by Chick-fil-A to the two winners. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
The grilled chicken nuggets!…can’t wait to try ’em!
I like AtoS on FB! 🙂
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie! I can’t wait to try it! YUM!
new, thanks for all your help 🙂
I’m following AtoS on Twitter!
I am an existing fan on FB so I don’t miss a deal!
Homemade chocolate chip COOKIE :))
I am a current subscriber to your emails 🙂 Oops I should have put my last name with my first on the first two comments… 🙂
Definitely the Chocolate Chip Cookie!!! Eat dessert first.
Mandatory entry: The Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie appeals to me the most. =)
The chocolate chip cookie of course!!
Grilled Chicken Nuggets! Sound like a healthy twist on a good thing. Interesting and would love to try them!
Bonus entry: I am a existing fan to your FB page =)
I am already following you on Facebook – and loving it!
Thanks for the Daily Email! They are great!
YUM! Grilled Chicken Nuggets!!!
Already an Addicted to Saving friend on Facebook!
i like to try grilled chicken nuggets
Bonus entry: I am a new subscriber. =)
i follow u on facebook
Already an Addicted to Saving email subscriber
im a new subscriber
Chicken tortilla soup!
Oooh! I hadn’t heard of the chocolate chip cookie!! Sounds delicious to me!!
I want to try the Tortilla Chicken Soup!
I like you on facebook. 🙂
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I’m a current subscriber.
For twitter I am not sure if I am a current or new follower. It looked like I was already following you but I wasn’t sure so I made sure I was following you for sure. Not use to the new twitter yet? I am following you as @texasgalalways =)
Love chicken tortilla soup!
I follow on FB!
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Grilled chicken nuggets!! Yum!!
New newsletter subscriber.
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The CHOCOLATE Chip Cookiesn!!!! Your description of them as “ginormous, melt-in-your-mouth” was what got to me….before that I was going to go for the Chicken Totilla Soup…
I already like you on FB!!
OK, so the menu item that interests me the most are the chicken nuggets. I try to pick out healthier items when I eat out and Chick fil A threw me for a loop everytime. But honestly, that cookie will probably be the first I’ll try. I loooove Chocolate Chip cookies.
I’m torn! The grilled nuggets sound like a healthier alternative to the nuggets my kids like. But I love chicken tortilla soup! So I’m excited to try both. 🙂
existing FB fan 🙂
existing daily email subscriber
Following you on twitter, username @ewiley33
I am a current follower on Twitter!!
I think I would like the grilled chicken nuggets
I like you on FB
The new soup sounds great!
Love the sound of the cookie, but realistically know that I would really go for the grilled chicken nuggets. It all sounds delicious!
Current fan on Facebook. Thanks for posting great deals!
Grilled Chicken Nuggets! Yum!
I’ve tried the grilled nuggets and I LOVE them! But I have to admit that the homemade chocolate chip cookie appeals to me the most!
Already an existing fan on FB. 🙂
LOVE the idea of Chicken Tortilla Soup! Can’t wait to try it! (Hopefully on a run with my daughter to get her a new grilled nuggets kids meal!)
Already a current email subscriber. 🙂
The grilled chicken nuggets sound delicious!
I’m an existing fan on facebook!
Chicken Tortilla soup is the best.
I want to try the Chicken Tortilla Soup – it looks awesome!@
existing member
I am a current email subscriber!
I would love to try the Tortilla Chicken soup!
I follow ATS on FB!!
I have already tried the chicken tortilla soup and it was so yummy. I would love to try the chocolate chip cookie, I haven’t seen that one yet! I am still trying to convince my daughter to try the new grilled nuggets, but she likes the new buddy fruits thay offer with the kids meals!
I like addicted to sabing on facbook!
I already get the email updates too, love them.
The Chicken Tortilla Soup sounds yummy! I am a current email subscriber and follower on facebook.
Chocolate Chip Cookie for sure! Also I’m existing members of facebook page and the email! (:
The soup, it is great
Chicken totilla soup sounds great!
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Savings!
Already a FB fan!
Chicken tortilla soup
Already a twitter follower!
Grilled Chicken nuggets.
already like you on FB
existing member
Grilled Chicken Nuggets because I have a weak stomach and need to stick to a bland diet.
already member
Grilled chicken nuggets because I have a weak stomach and can only eat bland foods.
Existing Facebook fan.
Grilled chicken nuggets! Although it all sounds great
Current twitter follower, @subeehonee.
Also an email subscriber.
The cookie sounds the best right now but I do know the grilled chicken nuggets are very yummy!
I am a FB fan!
I already like you on Facebook.
I am a current subscriber to you daily e-mail. Love them, BTW.
I already follow you on twitter.
Grilled Chicken Nuggets sound good.
I already like you on FB!!!
I already subscribe to Addicted to Savings email.. 🙂
Chocolate Chip cookies…..after 8 days of the flu… I’d love done cookies!
Already a FB fan!
tortilla chicken soup!!!!!!!!!!!! yummy!!!!!!!!!
My niece loves the new grilled nuggets.
I like you on FB
Chicken tortilla soup
I’m an existing fan on facebook
I think I would pick the chocolate chip cookie
I follow you on FB
I am not sure if I am signed up for your email, will check.
Why chicken tortilla soup is always a winner with me. Look forward to trying theirs.
Chicken tortilla soup…yum-o!
New Twitter follower.
New email subscriber… Thanx.
I love….and vote for the tortilla chicken coup. I am a follower, and have been for a long time, of you site on Facebook and “like” the site. I have just sighed up to receive your email subscription! Thanks so much….hoping to win! P.S. I do not have a twitter account.
I love….and vote for the tortilla chicken coup. I am a follower, and have been for a long time, of you site on Facebook and “like” the site. I have just sighed up to receive your email subscription! Thanks so much….hoping to win! P.S. I do not have a twitter account.
I love and vote for the tortilla chicken coup. I am a follower, and have been for a long time, of you site on Facebook and “like” the site. I have just sighed up to receive your email subscription! Thanks so much hoping to win! P.S. I do not have a twitter account.
The giant cookie!
I get the newsletter!
I am an existing FB fan.
Grilled Chicken Nuggets
Chicken tortilla soup
all ready liked on Facebook
all ready an email subscriber
all ready a twitter follower
The chicken tortilla soup has me intrigued.
I am a new FB follower.
I signed up to receive your email alerts.
Grilled chicken nuggets sound like an awesome alternative to my standby grilled chicken sandwich.
I liked you on Facebook.
I am a new daily email subscriber.
Grilled chicken nuggets!
Already a facebook fan
Already following on Twitter
I get daily e-mails from you already.
LOVE me some chocolate chip cookies!! YUM!!
I am an existing facebook fan.
I also receive your emails. 🙂
Chicken tortilla soup
I sooo want to try the tortilla chicken soup!
I like you on facebook!!
I’m an email subscriber.
The tortilla chicken soup sounds great!
I want to try the soup! Yummy!
The choc chip cookie,but all sound yummy!
Bonus-I am an existing fan!
The Tortilla Chicken Soup is my pick. (fewer calories but more salt) ha
I am a FB follower too.
I also subscribe to your wonderful e-mail and appreciate all you do for me. Thanks.
I’ll have to get educated on Twitter before I can be twitterite.
Since I am looking at snow out of my window….the Chicken Tortilla Soup!
I am an existing fan…love your blog!!
I am an existing email subscriber.
I am following you on Twitter as well
Tortilla Chicken Soup is awesome!!
New follower on Twitter!!
Existins Fan on FB
The tortilla chicken soup.
New to the Newsletter but I follow everyday on FB
Def the grilled nuggets!! Chick-fila has the best chicken so the healthier nuggets are going to be great!
I am interested in the Chocolate Chip cookie!!
Grilled chicken nuggets! It maybe a better alternative to fried nuggets!
I am a current faithful follower of Addicted to Saving on Facebook…
I follow you on facebook
Also a current email subscriber
The Grilled Chicken Nuggets appeal the most to me and I can’t wait to try them with Chick-Fil-A’s awesome Polynesian sauce.
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook.
I am a current subscriber to Addicted to Saving’s Daily Email.
I currently Follow Addicted2Saving on Twitter.
Tortilla Chicken Soup sounds especially yummy!
I’m a new fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook.
I’m a new follower on twitter.
Chicken tortilla soup sounds yummy!
Grilled Chix nuggets!!!
Love you on facebook for awhile now!!
Grilled chicken nuggets
Already a FB fan.
Current email subscriber.
I love Chicka Filet!
I am a current Twitter follower.
already a facebook fan
I’d really like to try the grilled chicken nuggets…sounds tasty!
Existing Addicted to savings facebook fan
Existing Addicted to savings email subscriber
Current Addicted to savings twitter follower (fitkit77)
Probably because it’s Valentine’s Day and I have sweets on my mind, I’d choose the Cookie 🙂
I’m an existing AtS fb follower.
I’d like to see what their Tortilla soup is like.
I already like you on FB
I already follow you on Twitter
I’m also an existing email subscriber! Can’t get enough of AtS or Chick-Fil-A for that matter! 🙂
Grilled chicken nuggets.
I am anxious to try the chocolate chip cookie. I went there today, but I didn’t notice they had the cookies.
Chocolate chip cookie is my my favorite of the new choices.
the homemade chocolate chip cookie sounds great!
I’m a current e-mail subscriber
I’m a current twitter follower (yellbell889)
The homemade chocolate chip cookie
I like Addicted to Saving on facebook
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I follow on Twitter @JulsB20
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie, please!
I’m a facebook fan (Hislove Endures)
I’m a current email subscriber
The homemade chocolate chip cookie sounds so good. I tried the tortilla soup and it was too spicy for me- though I thought it had a great flavor.
Already a Facebook fan.
I am an email subscriber
Existing twitter follower. @presprizes
the soup appeals to me, it’s been chilly lately by Florida standards anyways 😉
I’m a current FB fan of yours…
I’m already an email subscriber – thanks for all you do!
Tortilla Chicken Soup! Especially since it is winter!
I like you on facebook!
I like Grilled Chicken Nuggets
FB fan
twitter follower (cistran)
email subscriber
Tortilla Chicken Soup
New facebook fan but I’ve been following you for months now on your blog and love it!
Existing follower to the daily emails.
Grilled Chicken Nuggets for me!
Really want to try the grilled chicken nuggets!
The chocolate chip cookies, of course!
I would love to try the grilled chicken nuggets!!
I am an existing FB fan. 🙂
I am an existing email subscriber.
the tortilla chicken soup sounds fullfulling
follow on twitter as vivaciousgold
i like on fb as livivua chandler
Tortilla soup sounds yummy! yes, I am a long time fan on face-book.
The grilled Chicken Nuggets!
I’m a new follower to your Twitter page, my name is @danielv2014
Grilled nuggets!!!!
I LOVE the new grilled nuggets! I like the fact that they taste good and are a change from the regular nuggets they have offered!!!
I am an existing fan on Facebook. Thanks for what you do.
I LOVE you on facebook – always keeps me in the loop!!!!
I get your daily emails – and I love getting them in case I missed any deals that day off your facebook!
Just signed up for daily email. Thanks.
Chicken tortilla soup
Sorry, but I don’t have a twitter account or I would follow you there, too.
I have tried Chick-fil-A’s new chicken tortilla soup and the grilled nuggets. I cannot decide so I like them both.
Existing fan! 🙂
I would definitely try the new grilled chicken nuggets.
I’m an existing fan.
homemade choc. cookie all the way!
Already an existing fan on fb!
to hard to choose just one thing!
Already a current email subscriber
Grilled Chicken Nuggets – my daughter loves Chick-Fil-A.
I follow you on Facebook.
Just signed up for your newsletter. Looking forward to reading it.
Just followed you on Twitter.
Tortilla Chicken Soup sounds delicious!
Ohhhhhh the tortilla soup sounds extra yummy! I have to try that out!
grilled chicken nuggets…a girl’s gotta keep her figure!
To me, the Chicken Tortilla soup sounds AMAZING – I love the SW tastes, etc. However I think that the grilled chicken nuggets will be AWESOME as a healthy alternative for my kids and they love them!
the chattiest existing fan!
I love chocolate chip cookies so I can’t wait to try one of Chick Fil A’s.
Existing fan
I am an existing Facebook fan!
current subscriber!!!
I already like Addicted to Saving on Facebook.
I am a current subscriber 🙂
I receive your email and am existing fan of that too!
Chicken Tortilla Soup!
They all sound good, but since it’s chilly out, the Chicken Tortilla soup sounds YUMMY! 🙂
I follow you on FB! 🙂
Im looking forward to trying the tortilla soup. I saw that on the menu when I was there last week!! I bet that is so good!!
I like you on facebook!
I would love to try their soup!
I follow upon Facebook
The tortilla chicken soup sounds delicious. Cannot wait to try it 😀
I’m already a fan of addicted to saving. 🙂
I’m already an e-mail subscriber 🙂
been a fan for a long time.. i wanta win pleez
The chocolate chip cookie of course!!
The grilled chicken nuggest sound pretty good to me!
I’m a existing FB fan.
I am a existing email subscriber.
I am a current Twitter follower.
Can’t wait to try the GRILLED CHICKEN NUGGETS
already a FB fan
totally the soup
I would like to try the grilled chicken nuggets
I already “like” you on Facebook.
Homemade chocolate chip cookie of course 🙂
current FB fan
Current subscriber
existing twitterer
Want to try the grilled chicken nuggets
All of them
Tortilla soup! yuuuummmm
I would like to try the grilled chicken nuggets.
I can’t wait to try the chicken tortilla soup!
I am an existing facebook fan!
I am an existing follower on Twitter.
The new grilled chicken nuggets appeal to me the most because I LOVE Chick Fil A but I’m on a diet. The grilled chicken will be so much better for me and my diet 🙂 I am a Facebook fan and absolutely LOVE reading your posts!
Tortilla Chicken Soup!
Love you on FB
The chocolate chip cookie.
I already follow you on FB.
I get your daily email.
I would like to try the Tortilla Chicken Soup. Thank you
Existing Facebook Fan. Thank you
I already follow you on Twitter.
Already following you on Twitter as @Fowler6. Thank you.
Tortilla Chicken Soup
long time facebook fan …
long time twitter follower…
… and I get your daily emails!
im a new subscriber.
i have been following u on twitter.
i love chick fil a and everytime we have the chance we stop by but recently we have been trying to eat healthy so i would pick from there new items the grilled nuggets.
Grilled chix nuggets! Yum!
grilled chicken nuggets because my daughter has gluten allergies.
I am an existing fan on FB! 🙂
I liked you on facebook
How can anyone not be looking forward to a ginormous chocolate chip cookie?!? Can’t wait to give it a try!
Already a facebook fan.
I am a new email subscriber.
Grilled chicken nuggets for my son!
Definitely the Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie!
I am an existing Facebook fan.
I am an existing Twitter follower.
I am an existing email subscriber.
I like the the Tortilla Chicken Soup. I tried it earlier this week.
I like you on Facebook.
I am a current subcriber to the daily email.
Yummy!! Homemade cookies!!
I want to try the new tortilla soup!
I already like Addicted to Savings on fb!
I already get your daily emails! 🙂
Grilled Chicken Nuggets
I like you on Facebook already
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grilled chicken nuggets sound great
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie
New facebook fan:))
New subcriber to Addicted to Saving email:))
New follower on Twitter!
The grilled chicken nuggets is my choice. My husband LOVES Chick-Fil-A! He eats at a St. Pete store near his work at least once a week. Always orders the same thing! He also loves their milk shakes. Thanks. I look at your web site just about every day and save a lot. Valerie
I Love the Tortilla Soup!
I am a Facebook Fan!
I am an Email Subscriber!
‘Tortilla Chicken Soup’ would sound pretty good right now on a rainy day..
I am a daily Addicted to Savings e-mail subscriber
Grilled Chicken Nuggets
the tortilla chicken soup sounds yummy!
I am a FB fan!
I subscribe to your email newsletter – Love it! Saving me money – Thank you!
Grilled chicken nuggets!!!!
Current email subscriber. Thank You!
Grilled Chicken Nuggets-YUM!!
Grilled chicken nuggets..YUM!
I am an existing fan on fb.
The cookies are appealing!
I am an existing fb fan.
I think grilled nuggets sound tasty.
I like Addicted to saving on Facebook
Definitely the soup!
Already a FB fan!