**If you have received any coupons thus far from Addicted to Saving’s daily Emailing for Coupons post, please leave a comment with how many coupons you received and what their value is! Thanks!
If you are new to Addicted to Saving’s daily post Emailing for Coupons, go HERE for more info and for a letter template. Don’t forget to let me know once you receive coupons in your mailbox from the companies we email! To see the entire list companies we have emailed along with the coupons we have received from our endeavors, go HERE.
Today we will email Viva Paper Towels
I have a coupon coming from Breyer’s Ice Cream from emailing them
I received 4 55cents off coupons for any dixie plates bowls ect. 4 50 cent off heinz ketchups.1 1.00 off any sara lee product. 2 1.00 off coupons from arnold bread.1 1.00 any edwards. 2 50 cents off coupons for thomases english muffins.I still have more companies that i have emailed so have to wait and see what i get. but emailing the companies is fun because they do reward you!
I recieved 2 $1 off coupons from Arnold, 4 $0.55 coupons from Martin’s Potato Bread, and 1 $2 off coupon for Schick Razor Blade Refills.
WOO! Viva said they’d send me coupons 🙂
I got a response from Breyers to like them on facebook and twitter and check those sites for cuopons.
I received 3 coupons for 50 centws (double to $1) for any del monte fruit, vegetable or ketchup (I buy their fruit cups)