**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering!
It is that time of the week again! Sunday Coupon Inserts is again generously giving Addicted to Saving FULL coupon inserts to two lucky Addicted to Saving readers! This week, Sunday Coupon Inserts is giving away six 7/24/11 Smart Source Inserts and six 7/24/11 Red Plum Inserts to two Addicted to Saving readers. That is a total of 12 inserts per winner!
Also – as a side note, Sunday Coupon Inserts is an awesome source of coupon inserts if you ever forget to purchase your papers or couldn’t find the correct inserts in your local papers. They are extremely prompt shipping everything out and their website is extremely easy to navigate. For more info and to check out their inserts, go HERE.
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post stating how long you have been couponing**this entry is mandatory**
2) “Like” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a comment on Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook page telling them I sent you and then come back and leave second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
3) “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Facebook Fan.
4) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
**Giveaway ends Wednesday, July 20th at or after 10 pm EST. Winners will be notified via email – make sure you check your junk mail!
This giveaway is provided by Sunday Coupon Inserts. I was not given any incentives to post about the giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Couponing for one year.
Like Sunday Coupon inserts on FB.
Like addictedtosaving on FB.
Follow addictedtosaving on Twitter.
I have been couponing for about 1 month
I have been couponing a little over a year!
I am a new fan of Sunday coupons on FB
I have been couponing off and on for about 2 years… trying to get back in again!
I have been couponing for over twenty years. I can’t imagine how much I have saved in that time.
I follow addicted to saving on facebook
Existing FB fan
I also follow sunday coupon inserts on facebook!
Existing twitter fan
I am a new fan of Addicted to Saving on FB
I have been couponing for a little over five years.
I am a new fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB.
New twitter fan!
New fan of Addicted to Saving on FB
I was an existing FB fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts
Fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB!
I am a new fan to Addicted to Savings.
I’ve been couponing for about 4 months.
I’ve been couponing since January.
I’m a fan of addicted to saving on fb
I have been couponing about 2 years now. Love it. Never go back to paying full price again.
Existing Sunday Coupon Inserts facebook fan.
Been couponing 4 months now!! LOve it!
I am new to following Addicted to Savings on Twitter :0)
like sunday coupon inserts on fb
I am a new fan of Addicted to Saving!
Couponing for about 6 months!
I have been couponing about 3 months!
I am an existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts.
Like Sunday Coupon Inserst on facebook…been
a follower for 2 months now
I am a new Addicted To Saving facebook fan.
I have been couponing for 4 months!
new twitter follower of addicted to saving 🙂
I have been couponing about 3 months..:)
I have only been couponing for about 5 months since my son was born but I think I’m slightly addicted.
New addicted to savings on facebook fan!!! 🙂
I am a new Twitter subscriber too!
My wife and I have been couponing for about 2 months now and love it!
I have been couponing since May of this year.
I have been couponing for a year.
New Addicted to Savings Facebook fan here!
Couponing for a few years
I am already a Sunday Coupon Inserts fan on FB.But, went and told them you sent me anyway..:)
I have been couponing faithfully since May 2011
I am an existing addicted fan on facebook under sheralle Douglas
I have been couponing for about 2.5 months. I’m hooked.
[email protected]
I’ve been couponing for many years but only started “really” couponing for about a month now. I LOVE IT!
I just liked Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook!
Couponing for a few months
New Sunday Coupon Insert facebook fan here!
I am an existing Facebook Fan.
Existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts 🙂
New facebook fan
I am a new Addicted to Savings Facebook fan.
I like Sunday coupons and said that you sent me.
I have been couponing for a month.
I am a new fan to Sunday Coupon Inserts
I like you on fb.
New Addicted to Saving fan!
I have been couponing forever it seems, but know for sure it has been over 25 years
I am a new Sunday Coupon Insert Fan on Facebook!
I follow Addicted to Savings on Facebook
I just liked Sunday coupon inserts on facebook under the name sheralle douglas.
I just “Liked” Addicted to Saving on Facebook. Huge fan here!
[email protected]
I am now following Addicted to Savings on Twitter.
Couponing 2 months and excited about savings..
i’m an existing fan on both twitter and on facebook.. and a new fan of Sunday Coupon inserts on facebook.. this would be awesome if i could win 😀
I follow Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook.
I follow on twitter (not a new fan).
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on FB
I follow Addicted to Savings on Twitter.
I have been couponing for 6 months.
I’ve been couponing for about 6 months.
I’m a new follower of Addicted to Saving on Twitter.
[email protected]
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving Facebook page.
I’m existing FB fan!
I’m an existing addicted to savings fb fan.
I’ve been taught to coupon since I was little, but started to seriously coupon about 1.5 years ago.
I like on FB
i’ve been couponing a year and a half
I “Liked” Sunday Coupons. 🙂
I’m an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I liked Sunday Coupon Inserts.
I have been couponing for 2 years.
I am a fan of Addicted to Savings (not a new fan).
existing sunday coupon fb fan here 🙂
Couponing since Dec of 2010
I am following Addicted to Savings on Twitter. graciela21
I am new fan of Sunday Coupon insert and not new to FB.
I like Sunday Coupon Inserts
existing ats fb fan! 🙂
Been couponing for about a year
Liked, Sunday’s oupon inserts on FB and left a message. Thank You
I already like Addicted to Savings on FB. Thank You
I have only been couponing for about a moth now and enjoy it
new twitter follow-er 🙂
Following on Twitter..I am new fan of Addicting to Saving and not new to FB.
I’ve been dabbling for several years, but I am now unemployed with a son who has autism, so saving money is even more important… so I’m diving in and getting REALLY serious about couponing!
I am an existing facebook fan
Like Sunday Coupon inserts on FB
have been couponing for one month
I’m an existing addicted to savings fb fan.
I have been couponing for a few years. But it wasnt until the past year or so that I started to REALLY Coupon. Buying a few Sunday papers, scoping ads for the best possible deals, ect 🙂
My mom couponed and I helped her so I’ve probably been couponing for 30 years or so.
“Liked” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook & told them u sent me 🙂
I am a new Twitter follower
I already “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook 🙂 🙂
Been couponing for about 9 months. =)
Hello. I am fairly new to this, about 5 months. I am still trying to get a hang of it. Some weeks I miss the Sunday paper, times are tough. I would love a boost in my coupons inventory.
I love the Sunday paper fb ad have been a fan of addicted to savings fb for ohh 5 months. I would love to say I follow on twitter, but fb is the only social mediaI use.
i’ve been couping for about 7 months
I “Like” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook
“Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook
New to Sunday Coupon Inserts FB fan page
I have been couponing many years , but have had to get really serious about this past year with the economy and all
following Addicted to Saving on Twitter
New to Addicted To Savings FB page
I am an existing Sunday coupon insers fan !!! :0)-
New Follower on Twitter as well =)
I am very much an existing Addicted to savings fan :0)-
I liked Sunday Coupon inserts on FB!
I have only been couponing for a month, but I’ve saved my fmily a ton of $!
I slready like you on FB 🙂
I have been couponing since March 2010.
Couponing 4 months
I like Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB and left a comment
I’ve been couponing for about 6 months
I like Addicted to Saving on Facebook
I do follow you on Twitter as well
I follow you on FB
Liked Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB
Been couponing for 30 years. 🙂
Like you on FB
I’ve been couponing for 30 years. 🙂
Follow you on Twitter
I’ve been couponing since March when you did the workshop at Woodland in Bradenton.
I’m an existing FB fan. 🙂
I already “like” Sunday Coupn Inserts on FB.
I have been couponing about 6 months and improving with every shopping trip. Your posts help me soooo much…I don’t know why I haven’t been couponing sooner.
I am a new Sunday coupon inserts FB fan.
existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts
existing fan of Addicted to Saving on FB
follow you on twitter
I’ve been a couponer for a year!
I am an existing Twitter follower 🙂
I’ve been couponing for 3 years now!
New fan to Sunday inserts
I have been couponing with your help for 16 months now.
I like Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB!
I have been couponing for three months! It’s great
I have been couponing about 9 months now
I am an existing FB fan of Addicted to Saving.
New fb fan to addicted to savings
I’ve been couponing for 3 years
Liked Sunday Coupons on Facebook
existing Sunday Coupon Inserts facebook fan
Like Addicted To Saving on facebook
Already follow you on twitter
like you on facebook – existing fan
existing Addicted to Saving twitter follower @huffychic
I have been couponing all my life!!!!!
“Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook – existing fan.
I have been couponing for 6 months
I have been couponing for 6 months.
I have been couponing for almost 2 years. And I’ll use coupons for the rest of my life 🙂
Couponing for many years. Just recently got more serious about it in the last 6 months.
I am an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts facebook fan!
I have been a dedicated couponer for about 4 years now.
I’m an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I’ve been couponing for about two years, more successfully for almost one year.
I started couponing last March, fell off the wagon, but got back on a few weeks ago.
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. I actually thought I had “Liked” your page a few weeks ago.
I like Sunday Coupon inserts on Facebook. I have been following them for about a month.
For about a year.
Liked Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook!! How in the heck did I miss that one?
E-mail subscriber.
I like addicted to saving on Facebook. I have liked you for a month or so.
I am new Sunday Coupon Inserts facebook fan.
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
Existing Addicted to Saving follower on Facebook!! Thanks for all you do!!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving facebook fan.
Been seriously couponing for a couple of months now…yes I am one of those that caught on from the EC show, but I think of myself as more of a strategic shoppper!
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I started couponing in November of last year, so seven months now.
I am an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook fan, where I am known as Illume Eltanin.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan, where I am known as Illume Eltanin.
I have been couponing about 5 months.
I have been couponing for 4 months. Love it!!
I am new at this, my wife has been at it for over a year.This is her busy time, so I am sent off with the list and the coupons. Boy can use save alot of money.
I have been couponing 6 months.
I like Sunday Coupons on fb.
I am an exsting fan on FB.
I am a fan on fb now as heather kosi and previously as heather byrd
‘Like’ Addicted to Saving on FB!
I like addicted on facebook.
Been couponing for a few years, but really trying hard for 6 months!
Like Addicted to Saving on FB!
Likes sunday couponing on FB
Just starting to get into couponing.
Just started couponing 3 months ago.
So glad I learned how to coupon thru this website.
I have been couponing seriously for 4 months
Likes Sunday Couponing on FB
Likes Addicted to Savings on FB
Very happy with my savings from couponing.
is having fun saving money – THANKS !!
I’m a fan of this couponong website.
I have been couponing for almost a year now
I have been couponing for many years but more seriously for the last 3.
I am a new fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts.
And….I posted that you sent me on their wall. 🙂
I am new to the sunday insert facebook fan page
Lastly, I am an existing Facebook fan of Addicted To Saving! 🙂
I am a exsiting facebook fan of addicted to saving
2mOnths of couponing
new to twitter so not sure if it worked
I’ve used coupons on occasion for 10 years, but have become serious about couponing since I discovered Addicted to Saving in March 2011…I wish I had been doing this a lot longer
I just became a fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts TODAY
Couponing for 6 months
I am an existing Facebook fan of Addicted to Saving
Been couponing for 2 months!
Im a “liker” or addicted to saving but cant post b/c it’s asking for my cc or cell # and I don’t get texts. 🙁
I already follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter
New fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts
I’ve been couponing for just about a month, and so far I’m loving it!
Already liked Addicted to saving on facebook 🙂
Existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook!
New follower of Addicted to saving on twitter!
I started couponing less than a year ago.
I have used coupons for years but have been only understanding “real couponing” for about 4 months
Returning fan of Addicted to Saving
I’m an existing FB fan.
I’m an existing twitter follower.
I have been couponing 1 1/2 years thanks to you Liza!
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I have only been couponing for about 3 or 4 months.
I am an existing FB fan!
I am an existing fan of addicted to Savings
I liked Sunday Coupon inserts!
I’m a new Addicted to Savings fan on Facebook – just ‘liked’ you!
I’m now a new follower on Twitter too!
I’ve been couponing for about 6 years now. I am more into it in recent years.
I have been couponing for a year and a half.
I have been couponing for almost 3 years!
I am an existing FB fan. 🙂
I am new to following Addicted to Saving on Twitter.
I have been couponing since the early ’90s, on and off; however, things turned rough recently, and I have been truly serious for about 2 months.
I have been couponing since June 5 2011 to be exact. New to this, but love it.
I am an existing FB fan….I LOVE their service!
I have been couponing for about 2 months now.
I have been couponing for 3 months!
I am a new fan of addicted to saving on facebook!
I am a new fan of sunday coupon inserts on facebook.
I am a new follower of addicted to saving on twitter.
I have been couponing on and off for 15 years. More seriously the last 6 months – Thanks to attending one of your seminars – …
I am new to ATS on facebook…
New fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts…
I am an existing FB fan of yours, and I love your service too!
I have been couponing for about 2 months.
been couponing, thanks to your site, for about 6 months now
I am an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan
i’m a new sunday coupon inserts fan
I am an existing Addicted To Savings Facebook Fan.
I’m an existing addicted to saving facebook fan 🙂
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I have been couponing for 8 months!!
Always used coupons but the last few months I have been more serious.
I like sunday coupon insert on FB!!
I have been using coupons for 4 months.
love addicted to saving. I have been couponing for 2 months
I am a fan of Addicted to savings on FB!!
I’m a new fan.
Just started!
I slowly began couponing 4-5 months ago. Have been a little more serious for about 2-3 months.
Existing Sunday Coupon Inserts fan!
new fb fan of Addicted to Saving
New Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
i have been couponing over a year and half now!
I’ve been couponing for 3 years.
I am an existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts in Facebook! i told them you sent me!
I like sunday coupon inserts on fb.
I like you on fb.
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Savings in FB!
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Savings in Twitter!!
I have been using coupons for years, but really got into it about 3 months ago.
I have been couponing for about 2 months. I LOVE IT!
Facebook fan
I’ve been couponing for 1 1/2 years. I love your site.
I like Sunday coupon insert and left a message.
I have been couponing for 6 years
I’ve been couponing for about 2 years
I am an existing FB fan of Sunday Coupon inserts
I’m a fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook. I’m an existing fan.
I am an existing FB fan of Addicted to saving
I follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter. I’m a new follower.
I am a fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook. I’m a new fan.
Been couponging for about 6 months since I seen you on the news. Teaching fellow employees what you taght me also
Been couponing for almost 2 years
I liked sunday coupon inserts previously and left message on their wall
I have been your fan on facebook for sometime
… and as of today I follow you on twitter!
I got back into couponing after many years, when I saw you on Channel 13 in the beginning of this year. Thanks for helping me save!
I am now an existing (2 weeks) Sunday Coupon Inserts fan on facebook.
I am an existing facebook fan of Addicted to Saving.
I am an existing Twitter follower of Addicted to Saving/
I’ve been couponing a little over 2 yrs. the fun has kind of been sucked out of it thanks to the ever growing number of shelf wiper outers but life goes on.
Couponing for about 4 months 🙂
I am a new fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB. 🙂
About 3 months and have alrady noticed a big drop in my weekly grocery bill!
existing facebook fan
New Sunday insterts fan
I have been couponing for 4 months!!! I really am addicted!!!
I am existing Sunday coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I am an existing FB fan!!! I love your site!!!
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan
I am an existing Addicted to Savings Facebook Fan. You have help me a lot!!! Thanks!
been couponing for about 6 months, N I LOVE IT!! I follow addicted to savings on facebook!!
New Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I have been couponing for almost a year!!
All my other post showed up but not my first one so I am posting it again…Sorry!!
I have been couponing since Jan. 2011 and have saved tons of money!!
I am a new fan of Sunday Inserts on fb!!
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving and I love it!!
Been couponing by myself for the past 3 to 4 years although my mom taught me a lot so since I was younger also!
Couponing again for about 3 months. Missed it!
I just recently started couponing for the past 4 months… I’m trying to teach my mom!
I have been couponing for as long as I can remember, but seriously for the last couple of years. So glad I found your blog AND printable coupons. woohooooooo!!
I have been couponing since may 2011. 🙂
Liked Sunday Coupon Insert on Facebook and I am new to their site 🙂
Just friended Sunday Coupon inserts.
I already like Addicted to Saving on Facebook 🙂
I like you on facebook!
I been couponing for about 3 months!
existing fan!
Been couponing for 6 months now!
I’ve been couponing with you since 4/2010 🙂
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook fan
Couponing for 1 1/2 years.
Like ATS on facebook
Like Sunday Inserts on facebook, left comment.
I have been couponing for a year and a half.
I am a addicted to saving facebook follower.
I am a sunday inserts facebook follower.
I have been couponing for 1 year…dabbling for 20 years. ( :
I am an existing Addicted FB Fan.
I “Liked” Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB.
I am new to Twitter and now follow Addicted to Savings!
Couponing for three months.
I liked Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB.
I am an existing fan.
Been couponing most of my life, but more in the last year and thanks to attending your seminar about six months ago…now I’m totally serious about it!!
I am a new Sunday Coupon Insert fan on facebook, what a cool thing!!
I am a new fan of Addicted to Saving on facebook
I have only been couponing for about 2 months. I am addicted!! Thanks to Kim Bender!! 🙂 It is saving me so much!!!
i’ve been couponing for a little over six months!<3
I have been couponsing for 1 year. YAh for me!!
I have been couponing for just over a year now. It feels like forever though. 🙂
I have been couponing for 13 months!
I am already an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on FB!
I have been couponing for years, but for the past year much more seriously – it can be addicting.
I am now a NEW fan of Sunday coupon inserts on FB!
I have been couponing since October 2010
I have been couponing for about 2 months.
i am an existing fan of facebook of addicted to saving.
i am an existing fan of sunday coupon inserts on facebook.
I am existing fan of Sunday coupon inserts on FB
I’ve been couponing off an on about 2 years
I am an existing fan of addicted to saving on FB
I am an existing fan on Twitter
I have used coupons for buying groceries all of my adult life (30 years), but started this all-out couponing last summer! Thanks, Liza!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
been couponing about 3 months
facebook fan too!
I have been couponing for 14 wonderful eye-opening months!
On the coupon band wagon since March of this year
I have been couponing for about two years
I’m an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook fan
I a previous follower of Addicted to Saving on Facebook
I’m an existing Twitter follower of Addicted to Saving
I have been couponing for 4 years, and I love saving money!
I am already an existing Facebook fan of Addicted to Saving!
Couiponing for 2 months. Liked Sunday Coupon inserts on facebook, as well as addicted to savings. Am not on twitter.
I have been couponing for several years now. 🙂
Been couponing since May 2011. I’m HOOKED!
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I am an existing Facebook Fan of Addicted to Savings!
I just started couponing this past Sunday. I’m still trying to learn the swing of things. 🙂
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan!
I already like Addicted to Savings Facebook page a few days ago. I am I guess a new fan… 🙂
I’ve been couponing about two months.
All totaled, we’ve been couponing for…. about two weeks! My husband’s co-worker told us about your site and methods, and we’re becoming “Addicted to Saving” too.
I have been couponing for 1 year. A friend of mine won this give away last week so I know you are a great resouce. Thanks for what you do!!!!
I started following Addicted to savings last week after a very close friend of mine won this contest. Thank you for being such a great resource for all of us to save.
I have been couponing for about four months, I am glad I discovered Addicted to Savings, they’ve been there the whole way!
I am a new follower of Addicted to Saving (@aavingaddict) as of 1 minute ago.
I am a new follower of Addicted to Saving (@savingaddict) as of 1 minute ago.
I am an exhisting Facebook Fan!!
Exhisting twitter follower of Addicted to savings!!
I have been couponing since I was about ten years old.
I have been couponing for about 4 months now
[email protected]
I am an existing Facebook fan of Addicted to Saving!
I’ve been couponing on and off for about 8 years but just got serious again over the last year 🙂
I am a FB fan already (Becky Horn)
[email protected]
I’ve been couponing for almost a year.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
“Liked” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook and left a note letting them know you sent me 🙂
Couponing since the 90’s.
I LIKE them on Facebook and left a message that you sent me. ID: Lynda Castillo
Already like Addicted to Savings on Facebook 🙂
I am a new FB fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts (Becky Horn)
[email protected]
Already follow you on Twitter (KellyCrowell77) – Existing
I am a existing twitter follower @bdiane34
[email protected]
I LIKE you on Facebook as an existing fan. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I follow you on twitter as an existing follower. ID: Lyndadawinda
I have been couponing for about 5 months & LOVE it.
Existing Facebook Fan
Hi. I’ve been couponing for about 2 months and in just that short amount of time it has changed my life.
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook fan 😉
I’ve been couponing for 1.5 years
I’m a existing Facebook Fan
I am a new Addicted to Savings on Facebook fan 😉
I like Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook (trung nguyen)
I like you on FB (trung nguyen)
twitter follower (cistran)
sunday paper gruopie
Existing FB fan
I am new to Addicted to Saving on Twitter. I am follower pavirtualservic.
I’ve been couponing since January
Couponing for 2 months- still trying to get a stash to use
I am a FB fan!
Fan of Sunday Coupons on facebook already
FB Fan for 2 years couponing for 3 months
Big fan of Addicted to Savings on facebook look forward to your posts every day!!
liked Sunday Savings on Facebook, new fan
new facebook fan for addicted to savings
I’ve been couponing for over two months.
I’ve always used coupons here and there. BUT, it’s just been since last November when I’ve started to do match-ups and make great lists that end up saving me 30% or more each time we shop.
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
I’m already a FB fan
alicia crenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ?
Already Liked you on FB.
Big fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts. I follow on FB.
I follow you on Twitter.
I’ve been couponing on & off since college, so 25 years plus. (ouch!)
I follow Addicted To Savings on FB (tina woo)
i started couponing 4 months ago
I follow on fb too AND AM A EXISTING FAN
I’ve been couponing seriously for about 4 years
ive been couponing about 6 months now
Couponing for a long time-serious couponing for about two years.