**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering!
It is that time of the week again! Sunday Coupon Inserts is again generously giving Addicted to Saving FULL coupon inserts to two lucky Addicted to Saving readers! This week, Sunday Coupon Inserts is giving away six 7/24/11 Smart Source Inserts and six 7/24/11 Red Plum Inserts to two Addicted to Saving readers. That is a total of 12 inserts per winner!
Also – as a side note, Sunday Coupon Inserts is an awesome source of coupon inserts if you ever forget to purchase your papers or couldn’t find the correct inserts in your local papers. They are extremely prompt shipping everything out and their website is extremely easy to navigate. For more info and to check out their inserts, go HERE.
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post stating how long you have been couponing**this entry is mandatory**
2) “Like” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a comment on Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook page telling them I sent you and then come back and leave second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
3) “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Facebook Fan.
4) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
**Giveaway ends Wednesday, July 20th at or after 10 pm EST. Winners will be notified via email – make sure you check your junk mail!
This giveaway is provided by Sunday Coupon Inserts. I was not given any incentives to post about the giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I have been couponing for a year I still have much to learn
Couponing for only 6 weeks!!!! 😀 Love every minute of it. Thank you so much for all your tips!
Just about 2 months. Made my first 6 hour trip to Target yesterday. Made quite a haul!!!
been couponing for about 30 years if you count the years I learned shopping with my mom as a kid!
I have been couponing for almost 2 months now and I love it!
new to sunday inserts
existing facebook
I am new to Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook page 🙂
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving Facebook page!
I am a new twitter follower to Addicted to Saving!
I have been couponing for 3 months.
Like Sunday Coupon inserts on FB.
I like you on FB
I am a Sunday Coupon Inserts FB Fan
Follow addicted to saving on Twitter.
I have been couponing for 8 months
I’m a new AtS fan on Facebook!
I have been couponing for almost two months!
I am a new fb fan of addicted to saving!!!
I am a new fan of Sunday coupon inserts on fb.
I have been couponing for about a year
I’m a new sunday coupon inserts facebook fan
I have been couponing since March 2011.
Existing couponer-Sunday Inserts-FBFan
FB-Fan New to Sunday Inserts
I’ve been couponing since February!! 😀
I’m an existing FB fan of SCI!!
I’m also an existing FB fan of Addicted To Saving!! Love it!! 🙂
I’m A couponer for about 6 months
Been couponing for a few months.
Existing Sunday Coupon Inserts FB fan.
Existing Addicted to Savings FB fan.
Existing Twitter follower.
I have been couponing for 3 months. thx for all your help. being a mom of 4 the savings really are needed
Couponing for almost 2 months!
I have been couponing for about two years.
Couponing for about a year now 🙂
I’ve been couponing for a year now. I love using coupons!
I “like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook. I am a new fan, just joined earlier this week.
I “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook and have for a while now! 🙂
I “Like” Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook 🙂
I follow you on Twitter.
I’ve been really couponing for probably 9 months now.
Couponing for 3 months
I am new to sunday inserts.
New Sunday inserts Facebook fan. Didn’t know there was a page for that.
Couponing for about a year
I began couponing in April.
I am new to your facebook page.
I follow you on facebook
Existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
I’m an existing addicted to saving fan!
New Addicted to Saving Twitter fan (user name: Mrazfan)
I’m an existing Sunday Coupon Inserts FB fan-as of last week!
I am NEW to Sunday Coupon Inserts.
I have been seriously couponing since March 2010 !
I have been couponing for 10 years! But getting much better deals nowadays.
Been a fan of Addicted to Saving. 🙂
New TWITTER fan.
I liked Sunday Coupon Inserts as a new fan.
I already like you on FB 🙂
I already like you on twitter 🙂
I have been couponing lightly for a few years and more heavily in the past 4-5 months!
“Liked” Sunday coupon inserts on FB and posted on their wall that you sent me!
Already “Like” you on FB!
I’ve been couponing off and on for 23 years.
I been couponing since April 2011. it is addictive and I am loving it.
I have been couponing for since March. I also have taught my parents and some friends with tips that I have learned from Addicted To Saving.
Haveb been couponing for a little over 4 months now 🙂
I have Like coupons on facebook
I like addicted to saving on facebook
i follow on twitter
existing Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook Fan!
I’ve been couponing for a couple of weeks. This is addicting! 🙂
I have been couponing for a few years now, but “extreme” couponing for about 6 months.
Just recently starting couponing! Tough times call for cut backs and trying to save money where we can.
30 years!
I’m a new fan on Facebook
Been couponing for 20 years+….really working on it for the last 6 months since my son was born! 😀
I have been couponing for 1 year.
I am an existing fb fan.
started seriously couponing in the last 6 months. Started with the goal of cheep brand ame diapers and went from there!
Existing Twitter Fan!
Existing Facebook Fan!
New Sunday Coupons fan!
I’ve been couponing for approximately one year now!
I have been couponing for about 4 months.
I have been couponing about 15 years now. [email protected]
I have been couponing more seriously since I had to stop working due to injury but I will do this forever whether I go back to work or not (or win the lottery?) 😉
Using Liza’s tips I got paid $.54 to take home: box of Pampers, 2 Oral B tooth brushes, a Snickes bar,2 boxes of Always Dri-liners,8 pack of Basic Paper towels,a Venus Razor, and a $10 gas card! My husband thinks I’m awsome! 😀
I LIKE Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook as Dana Matthews. I am an existing fan. [email protected]
I LIKE Addicted to Saving on Facebook as Dana Matthews. [email protected]
I follow via Twitter as danadenay. I am an existing fan! [email protected]
BTW…I’m an existing Addicted to Saving fan on Facebook! [email protected]
new fan of Sunday coupon inserts..thanks! 🙂
I’ve been an avid coupon user my entire life (thanks mom!) But it is only in the past year I’ve been keeping all my Q’s and matching up the sales better! ;-D
I’m a Sunday Coupon Insert fan!
couponing for about a year
Im am already afacebook fan
new Twitter fan but have been following on FB for a while!
I liked sunday coupon inserts
followin addicted to saving on twitter!
I am an exisiting ATS FB fan. 🙂
I am also an exisiting SCI FB fan 😉
I am an ATS twitter follower (@chickaness)
I’ve been couponing for about 3 years.
I am an existing fb fan.
i have been couponing for 3 weeks
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I have been couponing for about 3 years.
I am an existing fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts on FB =)
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on FB.
I am a current follower of @AddictedToSaving on Twitter! # Hashtag Thank You!
Exsisting FB fan
Just started serious savings with coupons. I am a fan of both Addicted to Savings and Sunday Coupons. It would be s godsend to win this prize.
I’ve been couponing for 8 months now!
I am an existing fan on facebook!
I am an existing fan on twitter!
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts fan on facebook and shared the love for you on her wall!
Couponing for 6 months
Couponing for 3 years but still learning!
Only doing this couponearing thing for about a month now and loving it!!!! I am a virtous woman!!!!!!!
Been couponing for six years
Grew up couponing with my mom. Serious couponing where I felt like I finally saved gobs?…Seven months.
New to Sunday Coupon insert fan
Existing facebook fan
I am a NEW fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts
I am a new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan.
I am an existing facebook fan of Addicted To Saving.
I have been couponing for two years.
New Facebook Fan here!
New Twitter follower
I am a NEW follower of Addicted To Saving on twitter! Woot Woot!!!
New Twitter follower!
Couponing for about 5 months.
existing FB fan 🙂
New Sunday Coupon Inserts FB fan
New to couponing–would love to win and gather a “stockpile” of coupons!!
New fan of Sunday coupon inserts!!!!!!!!!!
i’ve only been seriously couponing for a week now, and i love it! thanks for the chance to win!
New FB fan!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am a new fan of sunday coupon inserts!
i am already a fan of addicted to savings on facebook! love your blog too!
i am a new follower on twitter of addicted to savings!
I am a new Sunday coupon inserts facebook fan.
I am a new Addicted to Saving facebook FAN
3 months
NEW Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan
Existing Fan of “Addicted to Saving” on Facebook
Couponing for 6 months
following addicted to savings on twitter!!
New to Twitter and new to being a “Addicted to Saving” Twitter follower.
I am new to Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook page
New to Addicted to Savings facebook page
couponing for about 3 months now
new Sunday Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan
I already “liked” Addicted to Savings on Facebook! I’m an existing fan!
I have always used coupons but now Addicted to Savings on Facebook makes me to more
new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
I’ve been couponing for 3 years!
I have been couponing for several years now(4-5)
I am a current facebook fan of addicted to savings
I am a new follower on twitter
I am new to sunday inserts
I love your website, im been couponing for about one yrar
Been couponing for about a month 🙂 Your blog has been VERY helpful… THX!!
I am new to the Sunday Coupon Insert Facebook fan…
I am an existing FB fan!!
I’ve been using coupons for several years, but more seriously in the last 7 months.
I’m a new fan to Sunday Coupon inserts
Hi there been coupling since May of this year. Don’t see me going back to just paying for things and not paying attention to the cost. Love to save money and be able to give Mu family what they want.
I’ve been couponing for 6 months and loving it!
Liked Addicted to Savings months ago
Liked Sunday Coupons
Been couponing hard core since Jan of this year, using coupons occasionally for years.
Existing Addicted to Saving fan 🙂
I started couponing at the beginning of this year. And so far, it’s working for me! 🙂
I like SUnday Coupon Inserts on Facebook (Jenny L-Saves)
I like Addicted to Savings on Facebook (Jenny L-Saves)
I follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (@jenla1)
I’ve been couponing for a few years.
Facebook fan of ATS
Twitter follower-shmilgah
Already a sunday coupon inserts fb fan
I have been a serious couponer for over one and one half years. My wife and I enjoy the thrill of the hunt.
I just liked Sunday Coupon.
I am a new Facebook fan.
I feel like I have been couponing my whole life but I would say I really picked up the pace in the last 6 years or so. I learn new ways of finding and using coupons each day. I love and live for couponing.
I am existing facebook fan of Sunday Coupon Inserts and have been since the last contest you had and sent me to “like” them. Thanks.
I am an existing fan of addicted to savings on facebook
I have been following you on twitter for a few months.
i have been couponing for around a year.
Ive been couponing since April of this year
Been couponing for about 6 months
I am a new Sunday coupon FB fan
I have been couponing for many years but more seriously within the last 2 years
I am a new Addicted to savings FB fan
New to Sunday Coupon Inserts on Facebook
I am an existing Fan of Addicted to Savings on Facebook
Since May