**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering!
Do you remember the giveaway a while back for the Nivea lip products (HERE)? Well, I’m so happy that my contact with Nivea has decided to give us another chance to win a great prize pack as they promote their NIVEA Kiss of a Lifetime Contest. If you remember, many of you entered and chimed in about whether or not you like the tradition of kissing when the clock strikes midnight for the New Year (most of you do!). Nivea has chosen five finalists and now we get to choose which one wins the grand prize of heading to NYC for this year’s New Year’s celebration.
To help promote this contest, they are giving away prizes to 3 lucky Addicted to Saving readers!
(1) One reader will win everything in the above photo, which includes:
- A set of five NIVEA Lip Care products
- A $25 Fandango gift card to the movies (good for two adult tickets)
- A special NIVEA New Year’s Eve hat
(2) Two other readers will win everything in the below photo, which includes a prize pack full of Nivea products (which are awesome!)
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Go to Nivea’s Facebook Kiss of a Lifetime page and vote for which of the five finalists’ stories you think is most deserving (all are absolutely heartbreaking and you will be inspired, I promise! You do not have to watch the video, just vote.) Leave a comment on this post letting me know who you voted for. If you do not have a Facebook account then please leave a comment stating so. Go HERE to vote. **This comment is mandatory.**
2) Sign up to Receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Newsletter by using the sign up form on the right side of this screen or by going HERE and leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing newsletter subscriber. (You will need to confirm your subscription in order to be eligible for this bonus entry)
3) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HERE and leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HERE and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
This contest will run until 10:00 p.m. on Friday night, December 16th, so enter before then!
**Nivea provided me with one gift pack for myself as well as the gift packs for the winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Voted… interesting stories
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Being a military wife myself I voted for the military couple. I have heard and felt to many stories just like their’s.
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I voted for Bren & Ron
Voted For Bren and Ron!!!
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Bren & Ron Voted
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I voted for Bren & Ron….I like all the stories, one sickness in a family is heartbreaking and a strain on the whole family, But TWO sickness’ is just awful.. please send this family to NYC. i’m a newsletter subscriber, & addicted to ADDICTED TO SAVING!
SECOND post… i have been signed up for months!
I voted for Erin and Brian
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I voted for Erin & Brian – Our family just went through something very similar this year and it touched my heart. Thank God we are not alone!!
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I voted for Erin & Brian.
I am an existing Addicted to Savings Facebook fan!
I voted fro Vette and Scot. Valrico is a town over from me. I couldn’t imagnie waking up and not recognizing my husband or kids.
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Voted for Bren and Ron!!! Such hard things to go through for each of them but to stick together and support one another through it is truly admirable.
New newsletter follower! I’ve always looked at your blog, just never knew about the newsletter, now I’ll never miss a deal!
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Being a military wife myself, I voted for Sarah and Matthew. I know how hard it is.
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I voted for Tears, Hope and a Bundle of Joy
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Sarah and Matthew. I voted – it said error. So I will try again
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Sarah and Matthew
I voted for Erin & Brian. I can’t believe all they have been through.
I voted for Sarah and Matthew!
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Erin & Brian
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Voted for Vette and Scott.
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I get the daily news and love reading all the deals!!!
Vette and Scott, brought me to tears, I wouldn’t know what I’d do if I woke and didn’t know my own hubby or kids, no way. It’s really cool that they stuck together.
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voted for erin and brian
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I am a fan on FB. Happy Holidays!
I voted for Sarah and Matthew 🙂
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I am already a fan of Addicted to Saving on FB
I voted for Erin and Brian
I voted for Scot and Vette
I voted for Bren & Ron!
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I voted for Erin and Brian!
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I voted for Erin and Brian 🙂
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I voted for Erin and Brian!
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I voted for Bren & Ron.
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I voted for sarah and matthew!! I am a military wife and I know how hard deployments are! My husband was deployed to Iraq for a year and we only saw each other for 2 weeks and 4 days within that time period!
I receive addicted to saving daily e-mail!
I am a facebook fan of addicted to saving and I follow it several times a day! Thank you for this opportunity!!!
I voted for Erin and Brian. What a wonderful story of recovery from a horrible disease and love!
I voted for Erin and Brian!
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I voted for Erin and Brian! So sad 🙁
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i voted for Brian and Erin
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I voted for Erin and Brian.
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I voted for erin & brian
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I voted for Vette & Scot.
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I voted for Erin & Brian. So inspirational, especially during the holidays.
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I voted for Erin & Brian! Their story touched me the most because we just lost my best friends mother to breast cancer a couple of months ago.
Voted for Erin & Bryan
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I voted for Sarah and Matthrew
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I loved for Sarah and Matthew.
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