**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering!
Many of you may remember when I posted on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page that once we hit 15,000 FacebookFans, I would throw a giveaway. Well, I’m following through with my promise! I put a lot of time and effort into providing all of you with deals and you all have blessed me ten-fold. Your positive comments and emails keep me going and inspire me to provide more and more deals for you! 🙂 So – a huge thank you goes out to all of you – especially the readers who were following Addicted to Saving when we only had 10 fans. You have helped grow this website and to you, I thank you! **Oh – and as a teaser – once we hit 20,000 Facebook Fans, I plan on giving away a prize valued at $200 to help you get away. Yup – that is a clue. 😉 So please, tell your Facebook friends about Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page and let’s see if we can reach 20,000 by fall!
Now, for the fun part: One Addicted to Saving reader will win a $50.00 Gift Card to the store of YOUR choice! Disclaimer – if you choose a store that I can’t find a gift card for at my local stores or online, I will send you a VISA gift card. 😉
How to Enter:
You can enter up to five separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post stating what store you would like the $50.00 Gift Card to be for. **this entry is mandatory**
2) “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Facebook Fan.
3) Share the link to this post on your Facebook wall and leave a third comment on this post stating you have done this.
4) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
5) Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s email newsletter by entering your information in the box located on the top right side of this webpage. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a fifth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
**Giveaway ends Friday, July 1st at or after midnight EST. I will mail the gift card in 4-6 weeks.
I’m an existing email subscriber
1.) OOOHHHH, would LOVE a Target gift card!!!
2.) I have been an existing Facebook Fan!!
3.) I shared a link about this contest and your website on my FB page!
5.) I already subscribe to your email newsletter! Thanks for all the great deals!
New to addicted to savings and facebook page. Target gift card would be great 🙂 Thanks for all the great tips and deals! I have already mentioned your website to several of my friends & coworkers. 🙂
just shared your page on my facebook wall 🙂
I do not have a twitter account but was an existing email subscriber already. 🙂
existing subscriber….would love to win…love this site
I liked your fb page 🙂
I shared the link to this page on my fb wall
I’d like it to be for Amazon.com
I am a new follower on twitter
I’m an existing Facebook fan.
I would like a gift card for publix.
I’m an existing Twitter follower.
I am now a new facebook follower
Shared the link to this post on my wall
I’m an existing email subscriber.
I’m a new newsletter subscriber
New newsletter subscriber
I want it for EBAY!
I follow on FB
AND I subscribe 🙂
Wal Mart gift card would be great!!!
I follow you on FB!!!
I get your daily e mails!
I would like a GC for Publix
I am an existing facebook fan
I shared on my fb wall
I shared a link to this post on my facebook wall
Target or Old Navy!!!
I don’t use twitter 🙁
I like ATS on FB.
Starbucks! to get me thru my crazy days as an event planner at work 🙂
I would love a Wal-mart gift card! Thank you.
I’m an existing (following for 2 or 3 months now) subscriber…and loving every second of it!
Ooh, that’s a hard one….maybe a gift card to Safeway or Old Navy, I can’t decide!
I follow ATS on Twitter.
I “like” you on Facebook.
Id love a Publix gift card!
I was having such a hard time choosing which gift card to post, and then I saw the first poster chose a VISA gift card. That’s a smart woman, there lol. A VISA gift card would be lovely!
I’m an existing fan on FB.
I’m following you in Twitter too.
I am an existing FB fan
Shared the link on my page 🙂
I enjoy getting your newsletter
I’m already a FB fan.
I shared the link on FB
Gift card to Publix! Thanks for all your work and keeping us well informed.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I’m now following you on Twitter.
Walmart would be a great gift card
All shared…now lets hope they share too and we reach 20K even sooner!!
Didn’t know I could be an email subscriber…but I am now! 🙂
I am an existing facebook fan
I would love to get a %50 Publix gift card, of course. I am Addicted to Saving at Publix.
I am Twitter challanged, it confuses me. But you can be damm sure Id follow you there if I knew how 😉
I put the link on my facebook wall
Publix, please!!
I would love a Walmart or Amazon card
I have been following the addicted to saving blog!
Either Old Navy or Office Max…I will be a first-year teacher on August 9, I need all the help I can get 🙂
I already liked you on FB
I am an existing twitter follower!
I am an existing facebook fan
#3 I have shared this post on facebook
Visa gift card please
I follow your tweets on twitter now…(new)
The gift card should be to Target of course!
I am an existing twitter follower!
I would pick a Best Buy Gift Card for my wonderful husband, because he can’t have enough electronics!
Existig FB fan!
I am a new newsletter subscriber. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you! I would like a Target gift card.
Existing Newsletter subscriber!
Shared on FB! Thanks Liza!
I am a new facebook fan.
I have posted this link on my facebook page.
I would be thankful for a Target GC.
I currently follow you on FB.
I shared the link of FB 🙂
A Walmart gift card would be wonderful. keep up the good work.
I would like my $50.00 gift card to DonorsChoose.org
I am a new facebook fan.
olive garden, new existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. I am an existing facebook fan. I Shared the link to this post on your Facebook wall. new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I shared the link on facebook
I would love to win a card to Walmart!
I an existing Facebook Fan
I am an existing facebook fan for months…follow you everyday via facebook, email and of course this website.
I shared the contest on my facebook wall.
I am an existing fan!
visa Gift card!
I shared on Facebook.
I am a new follower on twitter 🙂
I am an existing follower of you on Twitter.
2) Exisiting FB Follower
3)posted FB link!
4)Twitter Follower!
I am a new subscriber to the e-mail newsletter.
I love Nordstroms, Starbucks, and Barnes and Noble. 🙂
I am a new FB fan.
Shell gas card, Publix, or Chili’s 🙂
Entry #1
Visa gift card is great. Also liked on FB abd shared
I would like a $50 giftcard to DonorsChoose.org
Existing FB fan! Lovelovelove it!
Entry #2
I am a new fan of your website
I subscribe to you by email
I have shared this link on facebook.
Shared this page 🙂
Entry #3
I am a new fan of yours on twitter
I am a new newsletter subscriber
Follow you on Twitter!
Never even knew you had a twitter!
Entry #4
I would love a Publix gift card
I already follow you on Facebook
Existing Newsletter subscriber 🙂
Entry #5
I shared this on my Facebook feed
I love Nordstroms, Target, Barnes and Nobles, Donors Choose, and Macaroni Grill. Thank you!
I would love a Visa gift card since Saturday is my birthday 🙂 My husband is going into the military so we’re trying to save up money before he goes to basic training. So that would really help out! Thanks for all you do!
I am a faithful Facebook fan of Addicted to Saving!
I have posted this link to my FB profile.
I would love a Visa or Jewel gift card thankyou so much.
Visa or MasterCard would be fantastic, but Target is my favorite store, so that would be great too! I’d be thrilled to win anything!!
I’d love a gift card to where shopping is a pleasure! PUBLIX =) Thank You for all your hard work!
Share the link to this post on your Facebook wall and leave a third comment on this post stating you have done this.
I did it!
I would <3 Love <3 a gift card for CVS and I would love loves love you if you pick me to receive such an amazing gift. I am an existing fan and I love all your hard work and help <3
I am now FB fan #15,409!!!
Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I am a new follower.
I’ve been a Facebook fan for quite some time now. Thank you for all of the wonderful tips I’ve gotten from you!
I have shared the link on FB! Wooooo!
I have shared link with all my friends <3 show me the money!!!
I follow on Twitter! #AddictedToSavingRocks (hash tag talk for the tweeters lol)
Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s email newsletter by entering your information in the box located on the top right side of this webpage. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a fifth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I am a new newsletter subscriber.
I would greatly appreciate a Publix gift card!
I am already an existing fan for some time now. sweet I love it
I am an existing subscriber to the Addicted to Saving Email newsletter! I never miss a deal!
Chili’s. MAMA needs a night out.
Already a FB fan!
I’d like a card for target!
have been a fb fan for quite some time!
I am following you on twitter <3 and posted this link
existing twitter follower
existing email subscriber!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
Shell gift card for us. They are giving a 10cents gallon more discount for using their gift card this month.
I am an existing Facebook fan
I’d love to win a gift card to Publix!! Fingers crossed… and thank you so much for all you do! 🙂
I am a FB fan… old & new again! (had to redo acct)
I’m a new subscriber to ur emails 🙂
I would like the gift card to be for Cracker Barrel
I am an existing Subscriber and Fan.
I shared the link to this giveaway post.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I will love a Publix gift card! Your page is awesome I check it evryday!!!!
I would LOVE to win a Visa gift card! For back to school stuff for my 3 boys!
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
I am an Addicted to Saving email subscriber
An addicted to Saving Facebook fan
I am a new facebook fan !!
I shared on Facebook! I hope I win! 🙂 (or maybe one of my friends who win will buy me a pack of gum if they win.) 🙂
I shared a link about this contest and your website on my FB page!
I am a new follower on twitter
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber!
I <3 Publix! I would love a Publix gift card.
I am a new fan of addicted to savings on Facebook!
I just subscribed to your newsletter.
I LOVE your blog and Like your page on FB….. Would LOVE a Visa gift card!!!!!!
A visa card would be nice, also walmart or publix. I love your site and thank you for the work you do to inform us of great deals.
I have shared the link to this post on my Facebook wall and thank you for the opportunity to win.
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. Send on the deals. Thank you
Target, please and thank you. 🙂
I already subscribe to your e-mail.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber!! 😀
I would love a gift certificate to Cracker Barrel or Walmart! Thanks! Love what you do for us!!!
I liked you on Facebook weeks ago. Again, Cracker Barrel or Walmart gift card! Thanks for all you do!
Putting this on Facebook! Grow your readers! Yeah! Again, Cracker Barrel or Walmart! Thanks!
I’d love to win a walmart or subway card.
existing facebook follower
New follower via twitter today.
I’ve been a follower of your email newsletter for a while now, I just love it!
Kroger gift card would be nice
VISA gift card sounds good
I’m a new Facebook Fan.
I’ve share the link to this post on Facebook
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
I’m a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
Would LOVE a publix gift card!!! thanks Liza!!
I’m an existing facebook fan
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber
Thank you so much for all that you do! You have made a huge difference in my monthly grocery budget! I would love a Visa gift card that way I can use it anywhere 🙂 You rock!
I am already a huge fan to you page on facebook!
Link has been shared on my facebook for all my friends!
Already following you on twitter as well. 🙂 ?
Subscribed to your email as well.
Home Depot!
I like you on Facebook
Visa would be perfect-losing job-need to stockpile
I follow you on Twitter, thanks for good short tweets
because I’m getting free shampoo coupons!
publix please!
I would love a Publix card! Thanks for all your hard work!
Existing Facebook Fan!
I have shared this link on my Facebook wall!!
Publix of course! Or maybe a Visa Gift Card.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber! Thanks!
I “like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook and have been for about a year now.
I have shared the link on my Facebook page.
Although I don’t check Twitter often, I do follow you on there as well.
I look forward to your newsletter everyday.
Visa, Publix or CVs in that order. Losing job, need to stockpile
I am a new Twitter follower!
Thank you for helping me save!!! Ross Please.
I already like you on FB!!
I follow you on Twitter!
I am already a newsletter subscriber!!
I would like it to Publix… and to see how far I can stretch the $50.00
i would love to win a gas card to BP or Mobil. we don’t have much extra money for a vacation this year, so we are just going local and the gas money would we a life saver!! keep up the hard work – we all love your deals!!!!!!!
I am an existing FB friend/follower!
i follow on email and facebook!
Publix please!
I would love a Target card! I am an existing FB fan!
Left a link for all my friends!!!
I’m an existing facebook fan of addicted to saving:)
I’d love a Publix gift card.
Im a new subsriber to your newsletter
I would love to receive a publix gift card! Love your page 🙂
I am a new Twitter follwer!
I am a new subscriber but I have been following this site for awhile! Love it!
I love Addicted to Savings, i check this page in morning before I go to work, and 1st thing when i get home from work I love saving money, it helps so much to make ends meet
I am an existing fan on fackbook!!!
I have shared this link on facebook:)
I am a new twitter follower!
I signed up for the newsletter just now!!!
and If I happen to win *fingers crossed* I would be very grateful for anything but prefer a Publix gift card:)
Thanks so much for the email for coupons idea!!!
I would really be appreciative of a Target Gift Card
I am an existing facebook fan and am very appreciative for all that you do. I have a family of 6 and while money is scarce I am able grateful for the tips I get to save money for my family.
I would like the Publix. It would really help out right now.
“like” i am an existing fan.
Publix or WalMart would be amazing!
Existing fan o fb!
I would Love a Publix Gift Card. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am an existing fan on facebook.
I would like the gift card to be for Publix
I would love a publix gift card thanks so much!
I am an existing facebook memeber!
I would like a giftcard to Publix!
I am an existing Facebook fan!
I am also an existing daily newsletter subscriber!
I would like one for Target please.
I would love a $50 gift card to Publix!
Facebook fan!
I would love an amazon.com gift card! I homeschool and that would help towards curriculum.
I am an existing email subscriber!
I’m an existing facebook fan!
I just linked to my wall!
Kohls, please! 🙂
Already a Facebook fan. Thanks for the help!
Walmart please! Thank you!
Visa Card would be awesome. I would use it towards my mini vacation to visit my best friend in St. Augustine.
I would like to win a Visa card!
I am an existing fb fan!
I’m an existing Facebook Fan 😀
I have shared the link to this post on my FB page!
I already subscribe to your newsletter!
I liked on facebook and followed on twitter! New like and new follower! I will share link tonight (cant do it at work).
I am a new follower of Addicted to Savings on Twitter. I feel so foolish….I can’t believe I wasn’t following you on Twitter sooner.
A Visa gift card would be wonderful
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. 😀
I would love a Disney Gift Card. We are planning a trip to celebrate 4 generations worth of birthdays for my aunt, my mom, my sister and my little man( 90th, 60th, 30th and 3rd!) The gift card would let him pick out a favorite toy at the park :)comforts
I already liked you on Facebook – I’m a fan!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook Fan 🙂
You have been shared!!! 🙂
OK… so, until now I wasn’t following you on Twitter. I’m not the Twittering type. But… I’m following you now!
I already subscribe to (and love!) your daily newsletter 🙂
I’ve been an newsletter subscriber for about a year now… I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you! Thank you so much for all you do for us!
I have shared your link on my Facebook Page. I have several Facebook friends who are “Savings stalkers” and automatically like any page I do so I hope that helps reach 20,000 before Fall 🙂
I would like a gift card to Chili’s or Applebees so my wife and i could got out to eat sometime 🙂 Now would just have to find a babysitter lol.
I am an existing facebook fan.
I would choose a gift card from Publix to give to my mother in law who is without a job right now. Anything and everything helps right now which is why we like your site so much. Thanks for all your time and effort
Shared link to this post on facebook.
I am following on Twitter.
I am currently subscribed to newsletter.
I would love the Visa gift card…:-)
1. It would be nice to win a 50.00 publix giftcard!
2.Have been for over a year now a follower on facebook.
3) Shared the link to this post on my Facebook wall! took me a while since I hardly ever do this!
Walmart would be just fine! Love your site!
5) Subscribed to Addicted to Saving’s email newsletter about 6 months ago! You help me so much on a daily basis actually I wish If I won I could give the gift card to you!
4. until now I wasn’t following you on Twitter. I’m not the Twittering type. But… I’m following you now!
i’m an existing facebook fan 🙂
I shared the link on my facebook page
I signed up for twitter just for you! I am a new twitter follower
An Amazon.com giftcard would be great!
4) Followed Addicted to Saving on Twitter! I’m not the twitter type.
new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I’ve been following you on Facebook for a while.
I am an exsisting facebook “ADDICTED” fan.
I would love the $50.00 card for groceries at Kroger!
I would like to win a gift card to JCPenneys, Sears, or somewhere similar. My youngest is starting Kindergarten this year and with only 1 salary for 6 people, school clothes are very tough to afford!
I am an existing facebook fan.
I already subscribe to the newsletter.
I hit the facebook page with a “I love this Addiction!”
I shared the link on my facebook.
I am not a twitter-er.
I would love a gf for my fave haunt…publix!! Thanks!!
Brand new to the newsletter!I’ve got all 5 directions finished! I hope & pray for the $50.00 card for food for my family!
i would like a publix giftcard
I would love a publix or visa gift card 🙂
I would like my gift card to publix pls. I found ur web site by accident one day. Boy, I’m I glad I did. I was using 2 other sites that was given to me by my friends now I am going to pass my findings on to them.. Thank you for all the work u o for us and have a wonderful 4th. Of JULY weekend. Pls keep finding the AWESOME DEALS FOR ALL OF USE. MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU.
im a fan facebook
i shared a link about this giveaway on facebook
Publix, of course
And I am an exising Facebook fan
CVS sounds awesome 🙂
Existing FB fan here 🙂
Walmart or VISA please.
Existing FB Fan!
Shared on my Facebook wall
New Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I would like a target or walmart gift card
Bass Pro Shop. My husband’s birthday is coming up and I would love to get him something from BPS
I would LOVE a $50 g.c. to Olive Garden. The hubby and I have not been out to eat in a real restaurant since the baby was born.. and that was 18 months ago!
Existing Facebook fan!
Shared the link on FB
New twitter follower
I would love to have a gift card for gas at Hess or Shell. I travel 60 miles a day to work and gas sure is expensive …
New newsletter subscriber
I am an existing Facebook fan thanks for giving us heads up on all the giveaways.
I would love to win this!
Publix gift card please!
I’m an email subscriber & love it!!!
If I win Carrabas Please
existing fan!!! Love your website!!! I tell everyone about it
I shared this on my facebook!!!!!
I am an existing follower of your website!!! and love it and i dont have twitter!
I would love a visa gift card
Already a member on FB
Shared a link on my FB!
I am not following on Twitter 🙂
I am already a member of the email list!
I would love a visa gift card. I am moving into a new house and have lots of stuff to buy!! love your website!!
i liked you on facebook. I allready liked you before!
1. Target gift card … soooo needed! =)
i shared your link on facebook
i already receive your emails
1. Liked you just now! =) New fan.
i do not use twitter
3. Added your link to my FB page.
I like you on FB
I shared your link on Facebook
I don’t have a Twitter account 🙁
publix gift card
i am existing fan
I am existing newsletter subscriber 😉
I like you on FB and I’m an existing fan
I shared the link
i shared the link on my jk flowers page
I don’t tweet
I would like a giftcard for gap/old navy, I desperately need new clothes!
I’m an existing Newsletter Subscriber
Current e-mail subscriber!
the link has been shared
No Twitter account
Enjoy your newsletter, existing subscriber
Bed Bath and Beyond
Like your FB page
I shared this link
I do not have a Twitter ad\ccount
Current newsletter subscriber
Would love to win a Publix gift card! 🙂
I would love a Publix gift card
I an already a fan
Brand new Facebook fan! 🙂
I already get the newsletter
I have recently become “addicted” to the addicted to saving page. I would love a Cracker Barrell gift card as a special treat for my daughter, husband and myself.
I am a new facebook fan, but absolutely love your page! thank you for your help in navigating the world of saving and coupons! I am new to all of this and love your site!
The link is shared on my facebook page 😉
I would Like Amazon.com please!
I’m already a facebook fan. YAY!
Not sure if I did that right but I cut and pasted this link on my FB page.
I already follow you on Twitter! ATS Rocks!
I already subscribe to the newsletter.
Love! Love! Love! Addicted to Savings, but my husband thinks there should be a meeting for us “addicted” people! I love shopping at Winn Dixie and Publix! Could use a gift card but who couldn’t!!!
I would use a $50 Wal-Mart card to help get some supplies for a mission trip!
New Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. 🙂
I would like a publix gift card love this site!!!!
Hi! If i should be the lucky fan to be selected i would like a Apple gift card. thank you for this contest
I would love to save some more money at Publix – so I choose that card
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Savings on FB
Visa gift card would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for the opportunity.
existing fan on FB
subscribe to newsletter
I would love a gift card for shell gas!
I am a fan on Facebook.
I am an existing fan and I’d like to win a Chili’s gift certificate!
I follow on Twitter.
I am an e-mail subscriber.
Red Lobster is my fave!
I’m an existing FB fan
I already subscribe to your newsletters too – thank you!
I would love a giftcard to Sephora
I just love your newsletter I get so much out of it.
I would love a Publix gift card to use and match coupons with.
I am an existing Facebook Fan
I posted this giveaway on my FB wall
I would love a gift card for Ourback Steakhouse! Thanks!!
I’m a twitter follower
I currently subscribe to the newsletter
P.F. Chang’s…I’ve always wanted to try it.
I posted it on facebook
I am an existing facebook fan, sorry I put it on facebook first.
I am new to Twitter period, that is how much I love addicted to saving!!
I am already subscribed to the newsletters:)
Walmart. I am a new fan.
I am easy… any $50 gift card would be appreciated! Thank you for all your tips and savings as it has made a big difference for us! You are amazing! Thank you!
I am existing facebook fan! 🙂
just posted likes on face book Existing member on
face book
Sharing Addicted to Savings link! Thank you so much for all your help!
New Addicted to Savings Twitter follower!
Existing Addicted to Savings Newsletter subscriber and look forward to reading them everyday! Thank you again and good luck to all your fans for the gift card! 🙂
I just shared this link
A gift card for Publix of course!!! Love to shop there, love to save there! ?
I am a longstanding FACE BOOK FAN!!! I would LIKE you again if it would let me! I am promoting the site to all my FB friends!!
I would love a gift card to Kroger, Chilli’s or Amazon.com Thanks for the giveaway
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail
Link to this post has been left of Facebook!!! Woo Hoo – this is fun – it’s like a scavenger hunt!! ?
just joined twitter, but had problem afterwards. I hope it all took ok…
I am an existing Twitter fan – even though I do not care for Twitter – I am a fan of Addicted to Saving!!!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Newsletter subscriber!! Thanks Liza !!!?
existing member
I would like to win a Wal-Mart card!
I am a new fan! Love it!
I shared your link on my wall!
I am an existing newsletter subscriber!!
Publix all the way!!!
I already like you guys on Facebook. In fact, I love you guys… it’s too bad they don’t have a button for that.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber… yay!
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
A visa gift card sounds good to me
I would pick Applebees. If not there, I would choose Price Chopper since with their coupon policy change, I am going to need to find more $$ for my food budget.
Existing Facebook Fan.
Existing Twitter follower.
Existing Newsletter subscriber
Posted this on my facebook wall.
Publix, please
My girls love Olive Garden so that’s what I would choose 🙂
I like on Facebook.
I follow on Twitter as fink_girl.
I would like a gift card to Khols (that way I can spend it on ME)! I always do so well at Khols, I could make $50 go a long, long, way!
Maybe Cvs or Amazon.