**Entries for this giveaway have been closed.
Anyone interested in a giveaway of cash?!? 🙂 Ebates is generously giving two lucky Addicted to Saving readers $75.00 CASH! If you follow Addicted to Saving, you know that I post about Ebates a ton.
How does Ebates.com work? Ebates.com is an online rebate websites that will reward you cash back when you place an order through one of the hundreds of websites they are affiliated with. They work with major websites like Old Navy, JCPenney, etc. So – if you are placing an online order, instead of going directly to the store’s website, go to Ebates.com to see what percentage cash back they are paying and then go to their website via Ebates. Ebates.com will track your order and will reward you with cash back based on your order amount!
Right now, Ebates has a Dads and Grads Double Cash Back event going on. This means that if normally you would get 2% cash back on a purchase, you will now get 4% cash back! To see all of the online websites participating in the Double Cash Back event, go HERE. Below is a list of the highlights:
- Sears – 4.0% Cash Back
- The Home Depot – 5.0% Cash Back
- Jos A. Bank – 10.0% Cash Back
- McAfee – 25.0% Cash Back
- Snapfish – 20.0% Cash Back
- Kohls – 6.0% Cash Back
- Eddie Bauer – 6.0% Cash Back
- JCPenney – 6.0% Cash Back
- Omaha Steaks – 6.0% Cash Back
- The North Face – 5.0% Cash Back
- HP Home – 5.0% Cash Back
- Dell Consumer – 4.0% Cash Back
- Macys -6.0% Cash Back
- Cabelas – 4.0% Cash Back
- Blue Nile – 5.0% Cash Back
- Nordstrom – 5.0% Cash Back
- Lands End – 6.0% Cash Back
- Dicks Sporting Goods – 5.0% Cash Back
- Lenovo – 5.0% Cash Back
- Staples – 4.0% Cash Back
Besides giving cash back on your online orders, Ebates will also let you know if there are coupon codes you can use on your order to save even more money! Below are some of my favorite coupons available right now:
- Save 15% off every order at Kohls with Code: POOLSIDE. (Exp. 6/13/2011) Plus 6.0% Cash Back . Go HERE
- Save $5 off $50+ order at The Home Depot with Code: THDDAD5. (Exp. 06/11/2012) Plus 5.0% Cash Back. Go HERE
- Enjoy 20% off your order at BlissSpa with Code: EBATES (Exp. 06/30/2012) Plus 4.0% Cash Back. Go HERE
Have you joined Ebates yet? To join Ebates, go HERE.
Ebates has generously provided a $75.00 Cash Giveaway to two lucky Addicted to Saving Reader!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) **Mandatory entry** Tell me if you have used Ebates before and if so, what online company did you purchase from?
2) **Option Bonus entry** Become an Ebates member. Go HERE. Leave a second comment on this post letting me know whether you are a new or existing member.
3) **Optional Bonus entry** “Like” Ebates on Facebook and tell them I sent you! 🙂 Go HERE. Leave a third comment on this post letting me know if you are a new or existing Facebook fan.
4) Sign up to Receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Newsletter by using the sign up form on the right side of this screen and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing newsletter subscriber.. (You will need to confirm your subscription in order to be eligible for this bonus entry)
Giveaway Ends Thursday, June 14th, 2012 at or after 10 pm EST
**Ebates.com is providing two Addicted to Saving readers $75 cash. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
I never used them
Never used them
I have used them LOVE they give me money back!!!
Never used them
I have used Ebates several times when I have shopped through bestbuy.com
I use ebates all the time when I am shopping online. I have used them for old navy, american eagle, and other stores as well. I always search through ebates before I shop online.
I am an existing member
I used ebates.com buying from Walmart. Got my $6.25 rebate check recently.
I am an existing ebates member:)
Never used them
Havent used them…yet.
I’ve used eBates for Teleflora, Red Envelope and more. If you’re going to buy it online anyway, why not get a check in the mail with some money back?
I am a member of Ebates, but I have never used it before.
Never used them
I am an existing Ebates member.
No, I have never used them.
I’m an exisiting member of eBates.
I use ebates all the time most recent purchase from kohls
I shopped online at Walmart.
yes i have.. coffeeforless
Existing ebates member.
existing member
im already a member
Since I already used ebates, I am an existing member of ebates 🙂 I also liked ebates on FB. I am currently receiving your daily newsletter.
and i like them on facebook.. thanks again!
Like Ebates on facebook and told them you sent me.
existing ebates FB fan
I’ve never tried Ebates before.
I haven’t used them but would love to try them out with the $75.00!!!! 🙂
I am a current email subscriber.
HUGE fan of ebates. Last year I got over $200 in cash back, ACTUAL cash back! This year already over $60. It is so easy. I use it for Barnes & Noble, Sears, Travelocity, Expedia, Old Navy, Groupon. Best cash back rebate site out there.
Like Ebates on Facebook.
Existing newsletter subscriber.
I have used them a lot – Mostly Kohls
I have used ebates for shopping at Kohls
Im a member
LIke them on FB
I’ve heard of them before but have never used them
I am a member. I have use ebates Target, Mcafee, macy’s , HomeDepot, Staples and Barnes & Noble, & Apple Computer…I luv it…:)
I shopped at Lands End through ebates.
already a member of Ebates
already a fan of ebates on FB.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber
I am a new member
I have never used them but definetly interested in trying them out.
I’ve never used them, but I’m going to check it out!
I use Ebates ALL the time! I use them for EVERYTHING – Staples.com, gap.com, flower deliveries, hotels.com etc!
I have not yet purchased anything from ebates.
I am an existing member of ebates.
I am an existing facebook fan.
I already receive your emails!
I have not used Ebates.
I have used Ebates before and I used them on purchases from Kohls.com. 🙂
I’m an existing Ebates member.
I just liked Ebates on FB and left a msg telling them you sent me.
I am a already a member of Ebates
I told Ebates you sent me. I already like them on FB.
I get your email updates.
I thought I was subscribed to your newsletter but I wasn’t. I just signed up and confirmed. Thanks, again!
I’ve used ebates for shopping at DSW.com!
I’m an existing ebates member.
I have never used them.
I just joined as a new member, but have not used them yet.
I am a new facebook fan of Ebates and I told them that you sent me 🙂
I love ebates! I have gotten almost $200 in cash back from them….I love shopping everywhere, Toys R Us, Eastbay, I always check this site before I buy.
like ebates on facebook
already signed up for your awesome emails
I have yet to order from them, but hope to soon. I like the Home Depot deal.
I am a new subscriber to your newsletter 🙂
I am already signed up with Ebates…an existing member. 🙂
I have used them with 4inkjets and BabiesRUs!
I am an existing memeber of Ebates
I am a new Ebates Facebook fan now thanks to you! Just posted on their wall.
I use my ebates when I shop at barnes and nobles or the build a bear workshop
I’m already a member with my other email account have been for about a year now 🙂
So strange…I’ve been following you for a year, and I still haven’t signed up for your email newsletter? I usually just log onto your website about a million times a day(I actually enjoy it that way the best), but hey I’d love to correspond with Addicted to Saving via email. All signed up! Let ’em rip!
I have not used ebates but i am going to check it out now.
liked ebates on facebook. hoping to win so i can donate the winnings to your adoption fund. crossing my fingers!!!
I am an exiting member of Ebates & I normally places orders thru them on footsmart.com.
I’ve used Ebates to purchase online from Vitacost!
Existing Ebates member.
Existing newsletter subscriber!
New Ebates fan on FB!
I have never used Ebates
I have never used ebates but I am going to check it out!
Haven’t used them yet!
I have never used Ebates.
I am current newsletter subscriber. Love your site.
I have never used Ebates.
Didn’t even know I am an existing member LOL! When did I do that!
Just liked Ebates Facebook page!
I have used ebates before for 1800petmeds
New subscriber to email! I just confirmed! Thanks!
I have not used them yet.
I am an existing ebates member!
I’m an excisting ebates fan.
I get your daily email.
I haven’t never used them, but I will check it out now that I see you can use it for Groupon and Vitacost.
I’ve used them before with Kohls
I used Ebates this past Christmas to buy gifts from Disney!
I have not used ebates before
I am an existing Ebates member.
I am an existing A2S newsletter subscriber!
l subscribe to emails
I just joined!
I liked them on facebook.
I have used Ebates before – for Target and Macy’s in the past
I am an existing Ebates member thanks to you!
I am an existing Facebook fan
I am an existing newsletter subscriber
I have never used ebates before. But I think I’m going to check it out!
I am a new ebates member, as of now 🙂 Thanks for the info!
I receive your daily email newsletter.
I have used Ebates before… So many times that I forget where I’ve purchased from (but def The Children’s Place, Target and Gap!). 🙂
I liked using Ebates for Tirerack – end up getting over $20 cash back from a big item purchase like snow tires!
I am an existing Ebates customer
Already an Ebates member!
I’m an existing ebates member, love them, probably have been a member for about 9 years now! One of my first purchases with them was probably JCPenney….
I liked Ebates on FB!
I already “liked” them on Facebook!
Existing newsletter subscriber. 😉
Never used EBATES
Linked to this right from your newsletter that I get!
I am an E-bates member and I have purchased from Macys and a few other stores
I have never used them.
Already an E-bates member
I liked E-bates on Facebook as Sharon Rooney and told them you sent me and I am already an e-bates member
New newsletter subscriber
2nd entry – yes, I’m an existing ebates.com member. Thanks.
I’m already an existed facebook fan of theirs as well.
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber. Thank you!
I have never used them, interesting to find out about them
I have used Ebates several times for Sephora, Vera Bradley and more!
I am an existing Ebates member.
I am subscribed to Addicted to Saving’s newsletter.
I am a new Ebates Facebook fan.
I have used ebates for Lands End.
I’ve never used them but have heard of them.
I am an ebates member.
I have never used them.
I have never used them….will check it out. Thanks!
I’ve never used them before!
I use Ebates for the Disney Store.
I’m already an Ebates member.
I use Ebates for my go-to online shopping @ American Eagle, Victoria Secret & Groupon
I am a Ebates member
I am also a Addicted to Savings daily e-mail subscriber
I have used ebates before and shopped at Novica.
I am an existing member of ebates.
I am an existing Facebook fan.
I’m a newsletter subscriber.
I have never used Ebates!!
I am an existing member of Ebates!!
I am an existing newsletter subscriber to Addicted to Saving!!
I am an existing Ebates FB subscriber!!
I have never used them before.
I have used Ebates before and have shopped at Macys through them
i am an existing ebates member
i already liked ebates on fb and i told them you sent me
I have used ebates before with Macy’s.
i already receive your newsletter
i’ve used ebates often for several stores, including target
I am an existing ebates member!
i’m an existing ebates member at the email above
im an existing subscriber to your emails
I receive the ADTS daily email!
I am an existing ebates fb fan!
never used them
I placed an order with Best Buy today and went through ebates. .
I am an existing ebates follower on Facebook as well as a member.
I haven’t used them yet…
I am an existing Ebates Facebook fan, but I told them that you sent me.
email subscriber already!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Newsletter subscriber.
yes! i love ebates!! i shop through target for them.
i am already an ebates member
i already like them on FB
I have used them on jcp and lands end many times .Been a member for years!
I am an exisiting member.
Never used ebates but would like to try.
Liked them on facebook and mentiond my favorite ATS friend Liza.
I subscribe to your email.
I am a existing subcriber and such a fan of yours!
I use ebates all the time for every store I can! Mostly for walmart.com
I am current ebates member .
I am existing FB fan of yours and I wrote on ebates’ thanking them for the giveaway (Michelle S)
New, confirmed subscriber.
I have not used Ebates before
I am an existing member of ebates. Whenever I purchase from one of their member companies (You would not believe how many major companies are affiliated with ebates!) I receive a few percent of my purchase back. Anywhere from 1 – 10%. It REALLY adds up!!!
The last ebates participating purchase I made was from buy.com.
I have used Ebates – I have purchased from Sears, Target and Vitacost
I am an existing Ebates member
Never used them before.
I use them for buy.com, love ebates
I am an existing ebates member!!
New facebook fan!! : )
I use them JCPennys
existing member.
I have used them for Victoria’s secret.
I am an existing member of Ebates.
I already like them on facebook.
I used ebates alot, bought from walmart mostly.thanks
I’m already a member and I loved cach back! thanks
I have never used ebates but plan to give it a try!
I am a new ebates member.
I am a new Ebates Facebook fan!
I am an existing newsletter subscriber.
I have never used them but I will start using them now!!!
I’m an ebates member, I’ve used them to make purchases from AE, Victorias Secret, Barnes and Noble. etc.
I’m an existing ebates member
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber
I’ve used Ebates to shop online at wal-mart.com
I’m an existing Ebates member & love shopping through them!
signed up Ebates, did a Target Purchase.
i have used them for old navy
Im an Ebates member
I’m an existing Ebates facebook fan.
i am an existing member of ebates
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
I have used Ebates, but It has been a long time. And I can’t remember where I did shop. i think it was Lane Bryant or Roamans.
This is my second post. I am already an existing member with Ebates.
This is my 3rd post. I just liked Ebates on Facebook.
Okay, here is post # four for entry into the 75.00 cash give-a-way from Ebates. I just subscribed to your daily email, and confirmed the email you sent. Thanks for the chance to win a prize.
I have used Ebates several times. The last time was probably with Vitamin Shoppe. I really like Ebates!
I have used them. Last company was Newport News.
I’m an existing member of ebates.
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
Just used e-bates for the first time to make a purchase through hotwire
I am an existing facebook fan of ebates.
I am an existing email subscriber.
I’m an existing ebates member.
I’m an existing subscriber. Love your newsletters!
I have used ebates alot! I have even bought my washer and oven through them! It wi great getting the extra cash. It really works!
I am a very happy Ebates member.
No, I have not tried them yet.
I’ve never used Ebates
I am an existing Ebates member.
Liked Ebates on Facebook!! also let them know it’s because Addicted to Saving sent me!
I’m an email subscriber of Addicted to Saving =)
I have used Ebates multiple times (because of you) for Home Depot.
I have never used them before.
I have used ebates several times. I mainly shop with Kohls.
I am an existing ebates customer.
I like ebates on Facebook.
I am an existing email subscriber.
I have used ebates in the past bought my daughter some gifts.
I am an existing ebates member
I have never used ebates
I have used Ebates. My favorite store is Kohl’s.
I am an existing Ebates member.
I am an email subscriber to Addicted to Saving’s Daily Newsletter.
I am a Facebook fan. Jo Ross
I have not used Ebates before.
I am an existing Ebates member.
I liked Ebates on FB.
I have never used Ebates before.
I am an existing member of Ebates.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber.
New Facebook Ebate fan!
I have used Ebates a ton before. My latest purchase was from The Body Shop.
I am an existing member of Ebates.
I am an email subscriber. Thanks!
I already liked Ebates on Facebook.
I have not used Ebates before
I am an existed Ebates member under travelcitiesATaolDOTcom
I am an existing Ebates FB fan(Kelly D Saver) and I told them you sent me
I am a new Addicted to savings Email subscriber under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I use them often- and love them! I love to shop kohls!
I am an existing ebates member.
I used Ebates for shopping at Walmart
I’m an Ebates existing member.
I like Ebates on Facebook (trung nguyen)
email subscriber
I have an Ebates accounts, but I’ve never used it.
I’ve never made a purchase, but I am an existing member.
https://www.facebook.com/ebatesshopping/posts/10151026028215987 New fan of theirs!
I have used Ebates many times. My most recent purchase was from Perfumania.
I’m an existing Ebates member.
I like Ebates on Facebook (Deanna Cali) & I told them you sent me:
(Existing fan)
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
I have used ebates and I shopped at Kohls
I am an existing ebates member
I subscribe to emails
I haven’t used them but will start!
I’ve used ebates before to get cash back from JCPenney and Target.
I’m already an ebates member
I have used ebates many times.
I’m an email subscriber
I am an existing member of ebates.
I have used them several times. The most recent store was Barnes and Noble 🙂
I liked ebates on the their facebook page and stated you sent me
I am an existing Ebates member
I like Ebates on Facebook
I subscribe to your newsletter 🙂
I used ebates to shop for ink. I really like 4inkjets. They are definitely cheaper than other inkjets I’ve purchased. I can’t tell the difference in the ink. I purchased (2) inkjet bundles in late 2012. I’ve printed everything I’ve wanted and I just started on the second bundle. Awesome Deal, Awesome Price, Free Shipping on $50 or more and I used a 10% promo code. My ink bundle was delivered in 3 days, I love that 4inkjets is BBB accredited. {http://www.4inkjets.com/PGI220BULK-Canon-Ink-Cartridge-Compatible?printer=3977}
I’m already a member of ebates.
I “Like” ebates of FB.
I’ve never used ebates,
I like to shop 4inkjets
I’m already an email subscriber! 🙂
I receive your daily e-mail new letters
I subscribed to your emails
I’m an existing email subscriber
I like ebates on Facebook.
Never used them.
Nope, have heard of them, but never used ebates before!
I have never currely used ebates
I am a current facebook follower
I am a subscriber to the news letters
I have not used Ebates before.
I am an existing Ebates member.
I am an existing Ebates facebook fan, and I told them you sent me : )
I am an existing newsletter subscriber : ) Thanks for the giveaway!
Every time I buy something online I check ebates first. I have used them for several years now and try to use them on all transactions online.
Already a member! It’s great
Like ebates on facebook and I am an existing facebook member!
I’m a current Ebates member and have used them numerous times when purchasing from various stores online. I use them the most when purchasing from lanebryant.com.
I am an existing member 🙂
I am a new Ebates facebook fan!
I am an existing newsletter subscriber (which is how I found out about this sweepstakes) 😉
I have used ebates a lot, especially with kohls! Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am an ebates member!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
“Like” Ebates on Facebook– Crave to Save
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am an e-mail subscriber!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I have used e-bats for 2 years. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that BIG FAT CHECK!
I have purchased things from many stores, but mostly KOHL’s.
ebates, not ebats 😛
I’ve used Ebates for drugstore.com purchase, love it.
I’m a member
“Like” Ebates on Facebook and told them you sent me
Jessie c.
Addicted to Saving’s Daily Newsletter subscriber
I have not ever used Ebates, I have heard about them but not done alot of online shopping to save.
I have used Ebates for a year now, Petco and walmart are the ones i use the most.
I am an existing ebates member
Existing newsletter subscriber
Like Ebates on facebook and told them you sent me
I love ebates! I use it a ton with Target!
I am an existing ebates member!
I have never used ebates
Loyal Ebates user. Have purchased on several websites.
I have never used them.
I usually purchase from Victoria’s Secret through Ebates. Love Ebates!
I’m an existing member of Ebates.
Already a member (#2).
Already a FB fan (#3)
Already subscribed (#4).
I’ve used Ebates when I’ve shopped online. Love getting a check in the mail.
Through Ebates, I’ve bought from Macy’s and drugstore.com.
I’ve gotten quite a few big fat checks. I used them when we booked a vacation Nd got a nice amount back for the airline tickets. Used them to buy flowers,clothes actually anything I’m going to buy online I check to see if they are on ebates list.
I have never used them.
Haven’t used Ebates, yet.
I have used Ebates in the past, but don’t remember with company.
I am an existing member of Ebates.
I already like Ebates on FB.
I already receive your daily newsletter.
I have never used them.
Never use them before11
I am an existing ebates member
I have never used ebates before
I’ve used Ebates to purchase online from Kohls and Walmart!
I use ebates every time I shop online at Target, Old Navy or Children’s Place.
The last time I used Ebates I purchased an Xbox360 from the Microsoft Store.
I’m an existing member of Ebates.
I’m and existing Ebates fan on FB.
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
Im a member but never used them.
I haven’t used ebates before.
Existing member.
I can’t say that I have I’m very new to the savings group
I never used them
I’ve used Ebates for several years – we do a lot of online ordering for Christmas, and each year we get at least $20 back through Ebates. I have used them recently for Eastbay shoes.
I am an existing member
I use ebates all the time for my online purchases, mostly for kohls.com.
I am an existing Ebates member.
I am a new ebates facebook fan!
I am a new newsletter subscriber.
I have used Ebates and I have purchased from Walmart.com.
Existing Ebates member.
I have never used them
I’m a member of Ebates. I’ve used ebates for many online stores such as Toys R Us.
I am an existing ebates member!
I liked ebates on FB and let them know you sent me!
I have not used them before.
I subscribed to your newsletter and to google newsfeed! Been meaning to do that. A chance at $75 is a great incentive to get it done!
I’m an existing Ebates member and usually buy bed bath & beyond and various petfood stores through Ebates.
never used them
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
It’s been a while, but I purchased from Drs. Foster Smith, Ebay, Personalization Mall, and more!
existing member since 2001
existing Ebates facebook fan
Yes I use Ebates all the time: The Children’s Place, Target, Walmart and many others
I’m an existing Ebates member 🙂
I “LIKE” Ebates on fb (Nicole Larsen) and posted that you sent me 🙂
I subscribe to your newsletter