**No longer accepting entries – thank you to everyone for entering**
Have you tried Fiber One 80 Calories cereal? I received a box of this cereal and I LOVE it! I especially love the fact that one serving is only 80 calories which is unheard of for cereal! Add some skim milk and you have a low calorie meal! Fiber One 80 Calories cereal promises to have 40 percent of the daily value of fiber in one just one serving! And, Fiber One 80 Calories cereal promises to help curb your hunger, which will help you stick to your weight loss plan.
Be sure to check out Fiber One’s website – especially since there are$1.75 worth of Fiber One coupons available to print right now! Go HERE to Fiber One’s website and to print your coupons. And, check out Fiber One’s Facebook page to stay up-to-date on their latest promotions and to get involved in their conversations.
Now for the fun part! One Addicted to Saving reader will win a Fiber One 80 Calories Gift Pack! The gift pack will include one box of Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal, one sensor pedometer with USB connector to chart walking progress and one neoprene iPod/smartphone holder with armstrap! It will be the perfect jump start to healthier living!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to three separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Leave a comment on this post letting me know what you normally eat for breakfast and if it keeps you full until lunchtime**this entry is mandatory**
2) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HEREand leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan. (If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HEREand leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
Giveaway Ends Monday, August 1, 2011 at or after 8 pm EST
**Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark. They provided a gift pack to me as well. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I usually eat a cereal like fiber one, raisin bran, or a couple of eggs. It usually fills me up. 🙂
I usually have a yogurt and piece of fruit, but I’m always hungry for lunch by 11am!
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook
When does this contest really end? August 1st is past already.
I usually eat yogurt and a banana, almond milk in my coffee. I eat lunch at 11:15, so it does keep me satisfied until then.
I usually eat dry cereal in the car on the way to work 🙂 Some day it doesn’t stay with me very long.
I am an “old” liker of your page on facebook.
Yogurt and a piece of fruit holds me over till lunch time
I typically have a bowl of honey nut cheerios for breakfast and it doesn’t last till lunchtime. Always get hungry mid morning.
I am a new follower on Twitter. @freekamasull
existing facebook fan 🙂
Existing fan on FB!
already a twitter follower 🙂 Thanks!
New follower on twitter (firemanslady_97)
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. Love your blog 🙂
I usually like to eat cereal and drink a Fruit 2 Day for breakfast. It helps give me energy I need for the day and keeps me full! I love cereal!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan! Thanks for all that you do!
I typically eat something like a pop tart or fresh fruit (depending on my mood) but I’m usually hungry by like 11. It’s kinda annoying.
I’m an existing fan of ats! I wish I had twitter… but I just don’t get it! haha
I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal or just coffee!
I’m an existing fan on facebook
I usually have an orange and a cup of dry cereal. By lunch time I am definatley ready to eat!
I am an exciting FB follower
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I usually eat a bagel for breakfast!
I am an existing twitter follower!
I usually eat a fiber 90 calorie bar, raisin bran cereal or greek yogurt for breakfast. Been wanting to try the Fiber One Cereal for awhile now! I’m usually full until noon, when I eat lunch.
LOL “Giveaway Ends Monday, August 1, 2011 at or after 8 pm EST” I am guessing the 10th is when it ends? 😉
I LOVE breakfast! My work-husband and I make breakfast in the office everyday (our other co-workers HATE us! LOL) but we always make microwaved scrambled eggs or omelets, bacon or sausage and either pancakes, waffles or french toast sticks. Mmmmmm. The weekend, I usually make homemade waffles for the hubbs and I or various breakfast casseroles.
This is making me want breakfast for dinner! LOL
I am an existing following on Facebook! That’s how I stay up to date with your feeds!
I usually eat Fiber One or Special K cereal. Most of the time it keeps me full until lunch.
I am an existing FB fan 🙂
And an existing twitter follower (@chickaness).
I usually eat a Fiber One bar every morning, and it holds me over till lunch!
I usually have peanut butter on toast which holds me pretty well.
already a fb fan
I usually eat Raisin Bran Crunch cereal for breakfast. It’s delicious and filling.
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I am an existing FACEBOOK fan!
I am a fan on addicted to savings and the facebook page.
I usually eat cereal that I picked up with a sale and a coupon 🙂
I am an existing Twitter follower!
I have cereal and coffee. I usually need a morning snack.
I eat egg beaters or a protein bar. It usually keeps me full until lunch.
Cereal is my breakfast daily & I’m a fan in Facebook
I usually have Special K, but are often hungry by 10:30 am
I am an existing facebook fan.
FB existing fan!
I am a twitter follower.
Is this contest already over? It states Aug 1st..
I usually eat fruit (berries) and cereal or vanilla yogurt, and yes it holds me over til lunch!
I’m an existing Facebook fan for Addicted to Saving:)
I normally have a muffin or some crappy cereal that leaves me hungry. I need tk get healthier. This is a great way to start!
I am an existing fan on Facebook!
I’m an existing twitter follower! 🙂
It depends but I usually have a yogurt and a cup of this cereal or oatmeal. I’m always starving after my workout/lunchtime!
I’m an existing twitter follower!
I’m an existing facebook fan!
I usually eat whole wheat toast with peanut butter and fluff or banana. This usually keeps me full almost until lunch time, but definitely longer than anything else I”ve tried!
I am an existing facebook fan 🙂
cereal for breakfast here.
I usually eat a bowl of cereal- Cheerios, or mini wheats or Fiber One. And a cup of coffee.. Usually holds me over til lunch once or twice I eat eggs..
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I am already a BIG fan!! Love yur site. Thanks for all you do!
I wish I had a twitter account.
I usually eat Publix frosted mini wheats & vanilla soy milk.
I have a protein shake for breakfast every morning and it keeps me full until my 2 PM lunch!
Already a FB fan!
My kids and I like to eat frozen waffles for breakfast. We are full til lunchtime 🙂
Already a FB fan too
New Twitter follower!
Glass of cranberry juice and a Quaker peanut butter granola bar while driving to work is my breakfast! Good until an early lunch!
Existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
I normally eat 2 mini breakfasts before lunch time:
early am – oatmeal
mid am – greek yogurt
relatively new FB fan (Moey Shay)
existing twitter follower (moeyshay)
If I have a chance to eat breakfast with the full-of-energy children…I will usually scarf down a yogurt!
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I usually have a bowl of special k. Just got a box of fiber one and live it!!!
I usually have a fiber bar and coffee!!!
I am already a follower on facebook 🙂
Through the week, I usually only have time to grab a granola bar or yogurt and it definitely does not keep me full until lunch!
Existing fan!
I eat Basic 4 cereal and it keeps me full until lunch time.
I’m a new follower.
we either eat a poptart or cereal and sometimes it keeps us full sometimes!!!!
I usually skip breakfast and just wait for lunch!! Definitely should start eating breakfast as it’s the most important meal of the day!! 🙂
Existing fan on FB!!
I normally eat cereal and I am a FB fan.
I usually eat beef jerkey for breakfast and it seems to keep me full until lunch.
I am an existing addicted to saving FB fan.
Love to eat Fiber One Raisin Bran to get me through to lunch.
Already a fan on FB!
I usually have some type of egg for breakfast, it keeps me full until lunch. Most cereals only keep me full for a couple hours 🙁
Existing facebook fan!
Normally I eat a low calorie cereal such as Cheerios. If I have coffee when I get to work, it normally keeps me until lunch.
Already a Facebook fan!
I usually have a bowl of Cinnamon Burst Cheerios or Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal with strawberries or blueberries. I’m not usually hungry until lunch time.
I am a follower on Facebook.
I usually have whatever I’m feeding my kids, since it’s convient…and always my coffee, but it doesn’t seem to keep me full till lunchtime!
I’ve been a fan of Addicted to Saving on facebook for a long time now!!!! 8)
I’m totally connected! I follow you on twitter everyday for baout 3months now!!!!!!
I have a cup of coffee. I know better but I am bored with all the flavors of Kashi cereal now.
I switch between cereal (Cheerios, GrapeNuts, Crunchy Corn Bran, Frosted Mini Wheats-Fruit in the Middle) and toast (double fiber bread) with cinnamon sugar or scrambled egg and toast. They both hold me until lunch.
I’m an existing FB fan.
I usually eat what I feed my daughter, but I do try to feed her a healthy breakfast like oatmeal with fruit or cheerios if we’re in a hurry… it usually keeps me full until lunchtime.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower!
I am an existing Addited to Savings fan on Facebook.
I usually eat oatmeal with raisins and walnuts. It keeps me full most of the time.
Greek yogurt or Dry cereal with soy milk plus coffee. Thanks.
I usually eat cereal, fruit, and a small portion of protein. I can last until lunch.
Usually, a mug of coffee.
When I’m being healthy, one egg and one piece of whole-grain toast. It usually keeps me pretty well.
I’d love to get the pedometer and arm wrap! Does this FiberOne have Aspertame in it?
I dont usually have time for breakfast sometimes I eat a muffin
I am an existing fan on facebook
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I am following you since Christmas, 2010. For breakfast I will have toast and PB&J or cereal with yogurt on top…YUM…
I normally eat Raisin Bran with milk.
I am an existing Facebook fan!
I always eat A fiber one Bar or brownie For breakfast I would love to win this
I munch on whatever looks good. SO not healthy and no it does not keep me full I am starving by 10
like you on facebook
I only have coffee in the morning. I know that I need to change that.
E-mail subscriber.
I get to work at 5am and usually just have a nutrigrain bar….definitely doesn’t hold me over long enough though!
Existing fan on facebook!
Existing fan on twitter!
cereal and no, i am usually hungry by 10am.
existing follower on twitter, thanks!
Cereal with fruit on top… usually hungry again for an early lunch at 1130am.
existing fan
I eat a variety of foods – sausage/egg/cheese biscuit, toaster strudel, cereal, etc.
I am already a fan of Addicted to Savings on Facebook (Erin M Collins).
I forgot to add to my mandatory entry that sometimes I am good until lunch, but most times I am hungry a few hours after eating breakfast!
I already follow Addicted to Savings on Twitter (blueirisheyes).
I usually eat a Bagel Thin with peanut butter, skim milk and oj for breakfast. It keeps me full for about five hours.
existing Addicted to Savings facebook fan
existing Twitter fan
Frosted mini wheats, and not so good since breakfast is at 6 and lunch at 12! must snack!
Already a fan.
Already follow @sheliasplace
I usually eat cereal- depends on what kind I eat. If I eat oatmeal or Kellogs Fiber Plus I stay full- if I eat something like cheerios I am still hungry!
I already follow you on FB!
I already follow you on Twitter. @presprizes
I follow you on FB,usually eat a piece of toast.
I usually eat scrambled eggs and a piece of fruit. Not sure when this giveaway ends!
Already and addictd to savings FB fan
Exisiting follower on Twitter
I eat a small bagel with butter, and then take a gogurt as a mid-morning snack.
I am an existing facebook fan!
I like Addicted to Saving on Facebook
I usually have a granola bar for breakfast and it holds me over till lunch
I normally eat one or two scrambled eggs and a piece of homemade whole wheat toast. Very filling!
I became a facebook fan this morning!
I usually eat a high protein cereal or oatmeal.
It helps hold me longer.
I usually have a bagel when I get to work, it usually holds me until lunchtime. Either that or I am just to busy to notice I am hungry.
I love these things
2 eggs scrambled with feta and tomatoes does the trick for me
I am an existing fb fan
I am an existing twitter follower
I don’t normally eat Breakfast, which is a bad thing! So no don’t eat anything that keeps me full, I need to though!
I am a veteran facebook follower
I am an existing twitter follower @sjpoling73 TY
I usually eat a cereal like fiber one, raisin bran, or a couple of eggs
I am an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook
I am a new follower on Twitter
Cereal and tea for breakfast and I do find myself staying full.
I’d love to try it!
I have a bowl of cereal,but it does not keep me full–I need to snack before lunch.
I’m an existing Twitter follower
I am a total cereal eater every morning and two pieces of turkey bacon!
I am an existing facebook friend!!
Breakfast is always on the go…either yogurt or oatmeal…sometimes holds me til lunch…sometimes not!
Already a facebook fan!!
When I eat 1 cup Fiber One Cereal mixed with two Fiber One Yogurts for breakfast, I am satisfied until lunchtime.
I eat a cereal bar, and I am really hungary by lunch.
I am an existing fan on FB
I normally eat Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal.
i am a fan on FB
I normally eat yogurt and drink a cup of coffee for breakfast. Usually keeps me full until lunch.
I am a new Facebook fan!
If I eat breakfast I like special K or fiber one cereal with lowfat milk…Sometimes it is just a redbull!
existing facebook fan
following on twitter
sausage and toast, and it usually keeps me full
curren facebook fan!