**UPDATE** This giveaway has ended and comments have been disabled.
I have an awesome giveaway for two lucky Addicted to Saving readers. Eversave is giving a Pair of AMC Silver Movie Tickets AND $20.00 in Eversave Save Rewards to two winners! What a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than going to a movie with your significant other! If you haven’t tried Eversave yet, you should! When you sign up, you will immediately receive $1.00 in Save Rewards FREE! To sign up for Eversave, go HERE.
Giveaway ends Friday, 2/10/12 on or after 10 pm EST
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Mandatory entry: Go HERE to sign up for Eversave (it’s free!). After signing up (or if you are an existing member), leave one comment stating whether you are a new or existing member. **NOTE – in order to be eligible for this giveaway, you must be a member.
2) Bonus entry: Leave a second comment telling your favorite romantic movie.
3) Bonus entry: Sign up to receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Email HERE. Leave a third comment stating if you are a current or new subscriber.
4) Bonus entry: Follow Addicted2Saving on Twitter HERE. Leave a fourth comment stating if you are a current or new follower.
Giveaway provided by Eversave to the two winners. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own
I am a current member of Eversave!
It’s really hard to pick a favorite movie, but the one I watch the most and don’t get tired of is You’ve Got Mail. 🙂
I am a current subscriber!
Existing member of Eversave! 🙂
My favorite romantic movie has got to be Happy Feet! LOL 😉
I am a follower on Twitter!
Loyal customer
Dirty Dancing is the best romance movie
I am an existing member of Eversave.
My favorite romantic movie is “You’ve Got Mail!”
I follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter.
am a current subscriber!
romantic movie 50 first dates
I am already a member of Eversave.
I am a new member of eversave!
My favorite would be Pretty Woman.
I get your daily emails.
I follow you on Twitter.
I am a new member to Eversave
I am an existing Eversave member and proud of it!
I already receive the Addicted to Saving daily email.
“Under the Tuscan Sun” is my favorite romantic movie!
Existing eversave member!
I love Sweet Home Alabama!
current subscriber!
existing twitterer!
my favorite romantic movie is life as we know it.
I am a new member of Eversave and my favorite movie has probably got to be The Last Song (:
Signed up to eversave
Hi there!
I have just signed up for Eversave, and addicted to saving email! My hubby and I’s favorite romantic comedy is “The NoteBook”, Oh yeah!,, the best!
Sorry, I mean to just say romantic movie “The NoteBook”, all though is was also funny at time.
already have eversave account
My favorite romantic movie is The Notebook.
I get your daily email.
Already a member of Eversave
My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally.
I’m already a member of Eversave!
Can I saw Snow White? The Original. 🙂
Just joined eversave!
All time fave chick flick is Sabrina!
im a eversave member
my romantic movie is varusham 16. its a foreign language movie
im a new subscriber.
New member of Eversave.
I follow you in twitter my handle is @subeehonee.
I also subscribe to your emails.
I’m a current member
The Notebook
I am a current Eversave member.
I am a current subcriber of the e-mail newsletter.
Many favorite movies – maybe “While You Were Sleeping”
I signed up as a new member. It said I was getting emails, but was not fully signed up yet. I did not get the $10 save rewards?
I love Pretty Woman or Serendipity.
I am an old email subscriber.
Follow on twitter as crazygirl24. Current twitter follower
just joined
pretty lady
already member of Addicted to Savings
already follow you on twetter
I am an existing member. I loved An Officer and a Gentleman!
Signed up as a new member, thanks!
Fave romantic movie: Dirty Dancing
I’m a current email subscriber, thanks!
I am an existing member 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
I follow via twitter @deegee13
I am an email subscriber 🙂
My favorite romantic comedy is Love Actually 🙂
I am a current member of eversave (and love it!!)
I think my favorite romance movie right now is the Twilight series!! (I know I know!!)
I am a current mailing list receiver!!
already existing member of eversave and have been for a long time
probably dr zhivago
already email subscriber
I signed up for Eversave
email subscriber
twitter follower
I like “The Notebook”
I am an existing member of Eversave.
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Sleepless in Seattle is my fave romantic movie.
I am an email subscriber!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter! — @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I’m an existing member under hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com.
My favorite romantic movie is Titanic.
I’m following you on Twitter as tetheredmommy.
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
I am a current member of Eversave
My favorite romantic movie is The Princess Bride
I currently receive your e-mail
I follow you on Twitter
Already current member of eversave
Favorite movie romantic or otherwise hands down Dirty Dancing
I subscribe to your e-mails!
I am an existing member of Eversave!
Kate & Leopold is my favorite romantic movie!
existing Eversave member
existing A2S subscriber!
Favorite romantic movie is The Notebook.
Current subscriber to your awesome reminder emails!
I am following Addicted2Saving on Twitter. 🙂 LovedbyJesus77
I am a new Eversave member.
The Notebook is my favorite romantic movie.