**UPDATE** Entries for this contest are closed.
From September 20th through September 26th, look for the “Running Out? Run In.” event at your local Publix store and “run in,” to take advantage of great savings on some of your favorite brands from General Mills and Procter & Gamble, like Cheerios, Totino’s, Charmin and Crest. And, if you purchase 6 participating items such as, Pampers Diapers, Tide Pods, and Yoplait Yogurt Kids, you will receive a free gallon of Publix® milk! For more info on this promo, go HERE.
Be on the lookout for the Running Our? Run In coupon sheet. Go HERE to see my list of manufacturer coupon matchups for the included store coupons.
Participating Products: General Mills Cereals Chex® Cereal (12.8 — 14.25oz), Trix® (10.7oz), Cocoa Puffs® (11.8oz), Cinnamon Toast Crunch® (12.2oz), Frosted Toast Crunch™ (12.3oz), or Dora The Explorer™ (18.0oz), Chex Mix®, Bugles®, Gardetto’s® (6-8.75oz), Totino’s® Pizza Rolls® Brand Pizza Snacks (40ct.), Yoplait® Kids Yogurt (4pk/3oz) or Trix® Yogurt (4pk/4oz), Progresso® Soup (18-19oz), Recipe Starters™ (18oz), Progresso Broth (32oz), Tide® PODS®® (18ct), Bounce® Fabric Softener (12ct), Pampers® Diapers (19-50ct), Crest® Toothpaste (8.2oz), Herbal Essences®, Aussie Hair Care Products (1.7-13.5oz)
And now for the giveaway! One lucky Addicted to Saving reader will win a $25.00 Publix Gift Card!
How to Enter:
1) **Mandatory Entry** Leave a comment telling us what Running Out? Running In product you will purchase next time you shop at Publix (go HERE to see the participating products).
2) **Optional entry** Go HERE to sign up to receive Addicted to Saving’s free Daily Email that is sent out every day around 4:00 pm. Leave a third comment stating whether you are a new or existing subscriber.
3) **Optional entry** Go HERE to follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter. Leave a third comment stating whether you are a new or existing follower
**Giveaway ends on or after Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 10 pm EST**
Disclosure: The Publix gift card, information, and additional gift pack has been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
I already follow on twitter!
Today I purchased Trix & Cocoa Puff cereal, Trix 4pk Yogurt & Herbal Essences shampoo/conditioner to qualify for my free milk with the Running Out? Run in promotion.
Mine would be the Tide Pods. Love those things.
I’ll probably be getting Chex Mix and Progresso Chicken Broth.
I would pick up the Yoplait kids yogurt. My little girl loves that stuff!
I’m a new email subscriber 🙂
New subscriber to the newsletter!
I will get the Tides Pods because as well as the giveaway I have a coupon. Score!!
New follower on Twitter!
I will be purchasing the Yoplait yogurt for my children and proabably the chex cereal.
Today I purchased 4 bags of pampers and 2 bags of chex mix to get my free milk. Publix is so awesome they let me have the greenwise milk. one of the many reasons why i love publix soooo much! and Thank You addictedtosaving.com for the awesome giveaways! God bless,
Rebecca L
I just subscribed too!
Tide Pods for certain!
I am ‘running out ‘ of betty crocker cake mix and general meals treat bars. So I’ll be ‘running in’ for those!
I will definitely be grabbing Progresso, and some Crest. Thanks!
I would buy the progresso soup
I will be buying diapers…I am ALWAY buying diapers!
I follow you on Twitter and have for a while!
I’m going to purchase Cinnamon Toast Crunch to have with my Free Milk! 🙂
I will be purchasing the Tide Pods’ , Bounce, and Herbal Essences
new email news letter subscriber. =)
Already subscribe to your newsletter.
Tide pods Always need to restock before my journey up Laundry mountian 🙂
New email subscriber!
Tide Pods!
I follow addicted to saving on twitter.
I would buy Progresso soup as my next product!
New Twitter Follower!
Cheerios for sure!
Chex mix and yoplait yogurt. My kids love yogurt!
and I follow you on twitter!
I have already subscribed to the daily email!
New Twitter follower!
Chex Mix – My crew love the Bold & Zesty ones
I love the Liberte Yogurt and there has been a 30 cent coupon for 1 so I’ve been getting 3 for 50 cents. It’s the best
Next time I shop at Publix I will be purchasing Pampers diapers.
Yoplait® Kids Yogurt and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
The cereal… Trix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Cocoa Puffs. I can’t seem to keep cereal in our home. Three kids go through it way too quickly!
trix and yoplait yogurt, thanks
I will buy Progresso soup, Progresso recipe starters, Aussie hair care products, and Frosted Toast Crunch
Yoplait® Kids Yogurt
I already follow on Twitter 🙂
Existing email subscriber.
Thanks for the opportunity!!
I wil pick up some yogurt and cereal.
Yoplait Kids Yougart. My kids love it!
Chex Cereal.
New subscriber….via email! Thanks.
Progresso Broth, Herbal Essences & Aussie
new email subscriber
Existing email subscriber
Herbal essence!!!!!
Pampers diapers! I have a 4 month old and you can never have enough diapers!!!
Cheerios cereal! Love Publix
I get your emails!!!!!
I follow you on twitter
Bugles! they are so addicting!
Probably General mill cereal.
What didn’t I buy! I picked up 3 General Mills Cereals, 4 – Yoplait yogurts, 8 – cans of Progresso Soups, 4 – Chex Mix, 2 – Charmin, 6 – Herbal Essences products! And of course my FREE gallon of milk!
Already an email subscriber.
Already a twitter follower.
The Progresso Broth and Cereal!
I would get the Progresso Broth for sure and maybe some yogurt.
I signed up for your emails
New subscriber
I just got back from publix and bought the chex mix.
I just signed up for the email! Thanks!
I am an existing subscriber and value your site. I could not do couponing without your guidance. Thanks.
I’m a new follower on Twitter now!
I’m a new email subscriber 🙂
I’m a new Twitter follower 🙂
I will be buying the Progresso Soup Recipe Starters to get my free milk
Pampers 🙂
I am already subscribed to daily Addicted to Saving emails
I am already an Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
Im gonna get some chex and load up on cereal!
Running low on toothpaste!
Herbal Essences
I receive your daily e-mail newsletter.
I follow you on Twitter. 😉
Charmin and Cheerios.
Email subscriber
chex mix, progresso soup and yogurt
twitter follower
I already get your daily emails….
I will be buying Herbal Essences & Aussie Hair Care Products to get my free gallon of milk
Definitely picking up the Progresso Recipe Starters 🙂
I don’t have a twitter account, but I follow you on FB!
I get your e-mails
sorry existing subscriber
I am a current e-mail subscriber!
Im an existing follower on twitter
I am a current Twitter follower!
Pizza Rolls (pepperoni). Hubs loves them
I will purchase Downy, Chex Mix and Charmin.
I will buy Pampers and Yoplait.
I’m an existing email subscriber.
I’m an existing Twitter follower (mami2jcn)
I’m a new follower on Twitter!
I’m a new follower to your email subscription!
Pampers diapers. Again. 🙂
I’ll be picking up toothpaste!
New twitter follower!
Bounce Fabric Softener!
Already an email subscriber 🙂
4 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and 2 boxes of the Nature Valley Bars to get my free milk!
I need to run in to get Dora yogurt that I am running out of!
I am an existing subscriber to the daily newsletter
I am a new twitter follower
I just started following on twitter!
Milk is always on my running out, run in list.
Dora & cinnamon toast crunch cereal. Yogurt. Toothpaste. Tide. Basically, everything! Lol
On Saturday im going to purchase for the run out run in Cheerios, totinos, progresso broth, progresso soup, charming and crest!
Existing subscriber. Thanks for all you do!
Tide Pods!
Current email subscriber!! Love it!!
Chex cereal for sure since I have a son that needs to eat GF! Yay!
I will get Cinnamon Toast Crunch, my boys love this cereal!
I am already an email subscriber 🙂
Tide pods 🙂
Existing subscriber to all that you do girl!
Subscribe to Twitter
I plan on getting a box of Rice Chex!
I am an existing follower on Twitter.
Aready a subscriber, did the Running In Running out and bought 3 boxes of Cinnamon Crunch, 3 bags of Chex Mix and 2 cans Progesso Soup Starters. Only paid 7.55 plus the free milk because I follow you on your website. Thank you so much and my 6 boys say Thank you
For the Running Out? Running In. Promo I will be purchasing the following products: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Toast Crunch, Totino’s Pizza Rolls, Yoplait Kids Yogurt, Progresso Recipe Starters , Herbal Essences and Aussie Hair Care Products. I plan to do several of these transactions to get some free milk and distribute to some friends and family who are going through a ruff economical time. I have gotten into serious “couponing mode” to assist them. I can’t help always help cash assistance, but I can with groceries and household items because of couponing.
Thanks to AddictedtoSavings.com I can stay on top of all the new coupons and deals that become and that are available. Gracias Liza!!!
And of course… I am an existing email subscriber of addictedtosaving.com
Cinnamon Toast crunch
I just came back from Publix and purchased 4 of the yoplait yogurts and 2 boxes of Trix cereal!
Definitely chicken broth!
Going to Publix shortly and plan to buy the Totino’s products in the Running Out Run In promotion.
pampers!!! I love using a publix and manufacters coupon on these!!
I’ll be getting Gardetto’s! Love them!
And I already subscribe to your daily e-mails! Thank you for all you do, Liza!
Yoplait yogurt!
Existing subscriber to daily email
I purchased the kids yoplait, herbal essence, and cinnamon toast crunch today! And I got my free milk! Next may be the pampers
Kids Yoplait Yogurt . . .
Cherrios and Tide pods!
Gotta say Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My husband loves it!
I am an existing subscriber to your daily emails.
I am also an existing follower on Twitter.
Heh heh. I am pretty sure I can find a coupon for every one of those, so maybe all of them…the Dora Yoplait is the only one I might not get.
Progresso broth
I’ll be getting Crest, Herbal Essence and Aussie for my daughter. Money is tight after they adopted their baby. She had alot of issues with formula, and had to be put on the most expensive one there is.
I already subscribe to your daily email.
need some tide and progresso
existing subscriber.for your email
existing twitter follower
I just purchased the chex mix and pillsbury biscuits.
I already get your daily email.
I am already a twitter follower.
Aussie hair products – work so well!
Definitely the Chex Mix!
New email subscriber, but I’ve been following you on Facebook.
we always need those tide pods luv them
already an email subscriber
follow on twitter
I’d have to say the Tide Pods…would love to try them….coupon makes it perfect timing.
muddy buddy chex mix
Definitely Charmin for me. And I already subscribe to your email. 🙂
Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
Pizza rolls for me!
Our go to item for this deal is Chex Mix!
I’ll be running for cake mix and Cocoa Puffs…
I’m a new subscriber to the daily emails.
Thank you! I’m looking forward to enjoying your site!
I’ll buy Honey Nut Cheerios!
I’m a new email subscriber!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I’m an existing Twitter follower (@skkorman)
Tide pods!
I am an existing e-mail subscriber!
Love yoplait for kids and tide pods for me….
Tide pods
Free Milk!
New follower on twitter
Existing subscriber to your email newsletter.
I am an existing follower on Twitter!
Pampers diapers, a necessity.
Progresso recipe starters…I’m intrigued!
so many great deals to choose from!!! Im going to have to go with the chex and the herbal essences though 🙂
Im buying the herbal essance, aussie, and charmin to get the free milk deal( tomorrow will be my shopping day) oh and pampers for my best friend who is due in a few days:)
Cinnamon toast crunch. Yummy
Subscriber.. Love learning how to save with addicted to savings!
I went last night and bought 10 Progresso recipe starters and 2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I used 10 $0.50/1 recipe starters (doubled to $1 each) and 2 $1/1 CTC. Paid $6.98 and got 2 gallons of milk for free!!!
I’m an existing email subscriber.
I’m also an existing twitter follower.
Must get some Pampers for the new grandbaby! Yea!
Tide Pods
I am buying the yogurt and the cheerios!
I am a new follower as well!
Yoplait, progresso broth, and starter sauce!
I am getting Progresso Recipe Starters.
general mills chex mix cereal so i can make puppy chow for football sunday!!
Tide pods!
Cinnamon toast crunch for our family! Yum:-)
I am already an email newsletter subscriber…. i look forward to your email each day as it points me in the right direction to save big money! Thank you!
I will be buying Corn Chex and Tide.
I already follow on Twitter @mgoss123.
I already subscribe by email.
I plan on using the Running Out? Running In promotion with buying General Mills Cereal, Yoplait Yogurt, and Herbal Essence. I already subscribe to your email newsletter!!!
I bought 6 herbal essence shampoo and conditoner…..and 2 of the charmin and recieved my milk free!!!!
Yoplait Kids Yogurt
New subscriber
Yoplait yogurt!!!
I already subscribe to your emails
I’m buying Charmin & Bounce, not necessarily because they are a great deal but, because I’m out and really need them. 🙂
I’m an existing email subscriber.
Running in to get MILK!
Already an email subscriber! 🙂
Yoplait® Kids Yogurt and cinamon toast crunch!
I am an existing email subscriber
I am existing twitter follower
I will buy Aussie for Running Out promo. I am already getting email and on facebook!
Cinnamon toast crunch, my email [email protected]
Email subscriber!
new twitter follower @tmtsweeps
yoplait kids!
existing email subscriber
new twitter follower
I am going to take advantage of the promotion and get Progresso Broth (32oz) and some Bounce® Fabric Softener (12ct)
Also i am a existing email subscriber
I’m Kuku for cocoa puffs!
Existing email subscriber!
I run out for Tide detergent.
New subscriber.
I follow addicted2saving on Twitter. @dlhaley17
I’d get some Cheerios.
Follow you on twitter.
I will most likely be purchasing 3 Herbal Essences products with all the good coupons out for them right now to get the gallon of milk
I am an addicted to savings e-mail subscriber
I need to stock up on Charmin.
I want to try the Tide pods.
I’d get the Herbal Essences shampoo…stock up on that for sure!
I’m an existing email subscriber.
I’m an existing Twitter follower too.
Yoplait yogurt!
Already an email subscriber!
Already on Twitter!
Totino’s® Pizza Rolls
Progreso broth!
Existing Subscriber
Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
I ran in for the Herbal Essence’s shampoo and crest toothpaste and of course my free gallon of milk 🙂
Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!!
Totinos pizza rolls
Existing Twitter follower
I get the daily email
I will be purchasing the Tide Pods 🙂
Tide Pods!
I subscribe to the newsletter!
I’d stock up on Cheerios!
I’m a new email subscriber.
I’m already following you on twitter!
It would be Pampers
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I already subscribe to your newsletter via e-mail.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I already follow you on Twitter as MsCarolsueA (existing follower)
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
tide detergent!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I am an e-mail subscriber!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @WildOrchid985
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
chex for my son who has celiac disease
Definitely Cheerios, Cinnamon toast crunch.
yoplait, herbal essence
Bounce fabric softener
I just bought some Chex!!!
Yoplait yogurt for my kiddos 🙂
Kids Yogurt, my daughter LOVES it!
Pampers Diapers
Chex for my kids 🙂
Already subscribe to your newsletter
New subscriber to daily newsletter! 🙂
Cinnamon toast
Tide pods here
Pizza rolls!
existing email subscriber 🙂
Chex cereal!
I am an existing subscriber to the daily newsletter!
existing Twitter follower
Chex mix! best snack food ;o)
I am an existing follower on Twitter!
I already follow on Facebook and get newsletter!
Crest toothpaste
Progresso soup. Already a twitter follower.
Recipe starters! I tried a free sample and liked it now is the time to stock up! Can always use milk too!
Existing subscriber!!
Bounce Fabric Softner
existing follower!
Chex mix
existing follower
subscribe to email
Aussie Hair Care Products!!
I purchased 3 cans of Progesso soup, 2 bags of chex mix and 1 box of chex cereal… all purchased w/ coupons for my free gallon of milk… Thanks Publix!!!
Aussie Hair Care
New subscriber via email.
Crest toothpaste and Aussie shampoo
My husband likes Cocoa Puffs, so I had better pick some up! i am a new subscriber as I just stumbled acroos your site today for the first time. So glad I did. Thank you for the in-depth savigs info for Publix. also for the ability to choose the deals at individual stores and then print a list with just those items. What a time-saver!
Herbal Essence, I have a great coupon for it!
Follow you on Facebook love your site thanks for all the infor.thanks
I am buying the Herbal Essences shampoos and conditioners to get the milk deal tomorrow. We all love different kinds of Herbal Essence products so I get a lot of different kinds of shampoos and conditioners.
tide pods and cinnamon toast crunch
Tide pods.
Progresso Broth!
I will be running in to pick up the Chex and the Progresso!
Chex Mix.
Progresso Chicken Broth!! Great way to stretch a meal 😉
Some General Mills Cereal, definitely some Pampers diapers along with the coupon match-up, and the Yoplait Yogurt. 🙂
Plus I follow you on Facebook!
Definitely Herbal Essence Hair Products
Existing Subscriber 🙂
Trix, my daughter loves it.
Tide pods!
Aussie Hair Care Product, I Have a coupon for a free item.
Totino’s pizza rolls – the hubby likes them for something quick!
Bounce® Fabric Softener (12ct)
I’m a new subscriber!
New follower on Twitter!
New twitter follower!
Pampers Diapers! 🙂
I’ll be running in for progresso broth! We use it all the time to cook with at home!
definetly the cinnamon toast crunch, my husband begs for it all the time and he knows he only gets it when its on sale, so he was super excited to see he was getting it this week, he keeps asking me everyday if i am going to publix lol., Its so funny because he hates going to the store for anything else.
Charmin…never have enough!!!
I will definitely pick up some Totino’s Pizza Rolls 😉 ….
Definitely the Herbal Essence – My daughter LOVES that stuff and is constantly running out of it. I have BOGO coupons and the $3 off 2, so I’m hoping for a great deal! (Maybe FREE if I win the gc!? =)
Yoplait kids yogurt
I’m going to pick up cheerios. Already a subscriber, and do not understand twitter! : )
Pampers,thanks so much
Tide Pods just in time for soccer season. I will be running in to get those!
For me…Tide Pods!
yoplait kids yougurt and cocoa puffs
I’d buy Boars Head Black Forest Ham at the Deli.
Dora Explorer yogurt for the little one!
I am buying General Mills cinnamon toast crunch and Herbal Essence shampoo, conditioner, and styler.
I am an existing e-mail subscriber to Addicted to Saving.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving follower on Twitter.
Yoplait yogurt!
I’m an existing Addicted to saving subscriber
I’ll be buying the Pamper Diapers.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
I’m a new subscriber.
i will be getting yogurt
I am a subscriber 🙂
Tide pods… and cheerios… (an maybe some others too)
I’ll be stocking up on Trix yogurt for the kids!!
Yoplait kids yogurt
I am an existing email subscriber =)
Pizza rolls and cinnamon toast crunch
I’m an existing email subscriber!!
I am a new twitter follower
I will by Gain, Yoplay, charming,and bounce and some other
I will by Charmin and gain and some more
Tide Pods for sure!
Crest Toothpaste!
I would buy the Pampers, there are never enough!
I bought six boxes of Dora cereal and six Progresso Recipe Starters and got two free gallons of milk the other day. Tomorrow, I’ll make one last run for six boxes of Chex (love that the Cinnamon Apple is finally included in a sale) and another free gallon of milk.
Progresso Recipe Starters
I’m a new email subscriper.
I got the Trix Yogurt, and the Chexmix
Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner!
I’m a new subscriber to the daily email!
Yoplait yogurt for sure! Our family of 5 lives on yogurt!
Hi – bought 6 Yoplait kids yogurts. was a great deal with the yoplait coupons and the free milk 🙂
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Tide Pods and Herbel Essence Shampoo and Conditioner. Woohoo!!!!!!
I just discovered Addicted to Saving today and I LOVE your site. I already took advantage of the Charmin deal you posted. I shop at Publix here in SC. I already participated in the Run Out, Run In promotion. Got my free milk by buying Progresso Recipe Starters and Yoplait. Blogged about the Progresso too, at http://www.akreeats.blogspot.com. High value coupon contained in the blog post.
Betty Crocker icing
Follow on twitter
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Progresso, and Bugles.
I will buy yoplait and chex mix.
totinoa pizza rolls
Crest Toothpaste & Progresso Soup
I bought 6 Progresso Recipe Starters (used 6 $1 off internet print) and got a gallon of milk free
Honey Nut Chex
I would run in for Herbal Essence shampoo & conditioner & use my BOGO coupon :o)
Charmin and pampers diapers!!!
Herbal Essences
I already receive emails
Bounce dryer sheets
I’d buy Tide Pods. I’ve been looking forward to trying them!
I would buy Progresso Soup
Milk eggs, ice cream
Existing member
I will be purchasing Totino’s Pizza Rolls, Herbal Essence Shampoo and Conditioner, Chex Mix and Yoplait.
Already follower on twitter
Getting some Trix Yogurt.
The Pampers! Only because I have enough toothpaste to last a few years. LOL
I’m an email subscriber!!
I follow you on Twitter!! @Jencala
BOGO Charmin 🙂
Tide Pods… By the arm load !! I love them….
@ twitter ,also !!!
I’ll buy Totino’s Pizza Rolls.
Progresso soup! My family loves it!
Downey. Love how soft it leaves my clothes.
pizza rolls
I would buy the Dora yogurt for my granddaughter.
New e-mail subscriber
Herbal Essences.
I already am a subscriber.
I just followed you on Twitter!
Cocoa Puffs or Trix Yogurt…….my kids eat those two like crazy at breakfast.
Existing subscriber for email
Cinnamon toast crunch for the kids on Saturdays!
I like the Liberte yogurt. Thanks!
I subscribe to the email alerts.
I am an existing subscriber.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch….I have a teenage son…enough said! Ha!
New subscriber to your email….long time FB follower!
Following on Twitter! 🙂
Yoplait kids yogurt
Pampers diapers-we go through a TON of them 🙂
Already an email subscriber!
New follower on twitter
Crest Toothpaste! Getting low!!
I will get the Progresso Broth since I use alot of it when cooking dinner.
I think the new Progresso recipe starter. And I already subscribe to your daily email.
Progresso® Soup
I am a subscriber. I will be getting the yogurt and cereal for sure! 🙂