If you are like us, you go through a lot of tissues. My husband and I are pretty healthy and very seldom have colds. But, we do experience frequent bouts of allergies and tissues are a necessity in our household. I was extremely excited when I was contacted and asked to review Scotties Facial Tissues. And I didn’t get just one box to review – I received 16 boxes to review! These tissues have more than met our needs. They were soft and yet durable. And, when you read further, you will see that not only are they an awesome product, but Scotties has made a commitment to be earth friendly!
In 2009, Scotties Facial Tissue began a promise called the 3-to-1 Tree Planting Promise. In this promise, Scotties has put a promise to plant 3 trees for every one it uses to make its Softest Ever Facial Tissue. The parent company of Scotties facial tissues, J.D. Irving Limited, has been committed to environmentally responsible business practices for over 50 years. This is just one reason why Scotties is LIKE NO OTHER facial tissue brand. WHAT MAKES SCOTTIES LIKE NO OTHER? Scotties combines a unique brand promise to plant 3 trees for every 1 used with the long-standing history of its parent company, J.D. Irving, Limited. Scotties communicates on every box its commitment to plant 3 trees for every 1 used in making its softest ever tissues and uses 3rd party auditing to ensure compliance
Scotties Softest Ever tissues are chain of custody certified through the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). To learn more visit www.sfiprogram.org. Scotties is the only major U.S. facial tissue to be linked with the Responsible Forest Project (RFP). Scotties has partnered with American Forests to create SCOTTIES RELEAF U.S.A. and TREES ROCK! In an effort to promote urban tree planting initiatives in the United States. J.D. Irving has planted over 800 million trees in the last 50 years.
And now for the giveaway! 3 Lucky Addicted to Saving Readers will win a 16 pack of Scotties Facial Tissues!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments. **If you are not on Facebook or Twitter, you are not eligible for the bonus entries.
1) Leave a comment and let me know how many boxes of facial tissues your family typically goes through each month **This comment is mandatory.**
2) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HERE and leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
3) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HERE and leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
4) Become a fan of Scotties Like No Other on Facebook HERE and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Scotties Facebook fan.
This contest end on or after 10:00 p.m. EST, Monday, January 30, 2012
**Scotties Facial Tissues provided me with one gift pack for myself as well as the gift packs for the winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Lately – a box a week – illness has stuck my household
I stock up for school and we go through maybe 2 boxes every six months at home.
I have been a follower of addicted to savings for some time now – thank you
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
We go through 22 boxes a month
Due to my mom’s allergies, we go through about 3 boxes a month. If I win, these are for her to use.
existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
2 a week with all these colds!!!
existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
I’m a FB fan of Addicted to Saving.
Existing liked you on FB
new Scotties Facebook fan
We usually go through about 2 to 3 per month. Thanks for the chance.
Existing FB fan of Scotties.
I am a facebook fan.
Right now 2-3 boxes a month!!
I liked the scotties page.
new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
have several boxes open in almost every room so I would say atleast 2 boxes a month
Already am an Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!! 🙂
existing Scotties Facebook fan
New Scotties Like No Other Facebook fan!
long time follower and thanks for all you do for us to help us save
existing Scotties fan !!!!!
5 boxes a month
I usually go through 2 boxes of tissues a month. I have severe allergies.
Existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
Existing Scotties Facebook fan.
We go through about 5 to 7 boxes a month
My family usually goes through about 2 boxes a month.
Existing facebook addicted to saving fan!
I am a existing Facebook Fan!
new Twitter follower
New Scotties facebook fan!
New Scotties Facebook fan.
We use around 3 boxes a month. Thanks for the chance, love your fb page.
My family goes through 5 boxes of tissues a month…bad allergies, and a 3 year old who is fascinated that the tissues magically appear when she pulls one out over and over.,
About 4 a month. My 2 children go thru them quick
Existing addicted to savings fan.
New scotties fb friend.
We use about 2 boxes a month.
already a facebook fan 🙂 (Moey Shay)
On average we use about a box a month.
currently follow on twitter (moeyshay)
I go through 1-2 boxes per month.
Less than one.
We use about a box a month. Tissue are a must at our house.
I like you on FB
I follow you oN twitter
I’m an existing facebook fan
I like Scotties on FB
Allergies right now about one a week!!!
I am an existing Scotties FB fan
we go through 2-3 boxes each month, because of my sons allergies and the small ones mess and cold.
We go through a box every 3/4 wks
i like addicted to savings on facebook
i like scotties like no other on facebook
I am already a follower to addicted to savings on FB
My son typically goes through a box a month all by himself (when he is not sick.) We are trying to teach him that he needs to blow his nose and not put his little finger up there so often (he is two years old.)
I’m an existing facebook fan 🙂
I’m a new fan of scotties.
Already a fan of Addicted to Saving.
I would say we use about 3 boxes
I am already a fan of A2S on FB
I am an existing fan on Twitter
existing fan of scotties on fb
existing Addicted to Saving facebook fan.
We have been going through 3-4 boxes a month lately.
We go through about 2 boxes per month.
Existing Facebook fan
We probably average about 2 boxes of tissues a month.
existing FB fan 🙂
FB fan of Scotties
We use a box a month. I’m the only one with allergies.
Already a fan on fb of addicted to saving
I’m an existing Facebook fan!
How many boxes a month…hard to say because we buy the jumbo pack at the wholesale club. So maybe 18 boxes a year…1.5 a month. Although they all seem to go empty at the same time!
On a normal basis, probably less than 1. When we both have colds, or in the winter months, maybe 2 max — but it’s just the 2 of us. Of course, I keep one at work so that factors in as well.
I already like you on FB!
I am a new Scotties fan on FB
Usually 2-3. This winter we’ve doubled that.
Existing FB follower.
Existing Twitter follower.
An existing follower of Scotties, like no other.
My family goes through a box or more a month between runny noses and my son wanting to clean everything!
Existing follower!
3 to 4 boxes each month
fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page
Jessie C.
fan of Scotties Like No Other on Facebook
Jessie C.
Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter @tcarolinep
New to Twitter!
About 2 boxes per house. We basically have to tissues around the house w/ little ones, especially when their sick 🙂
My husband is a tissue freak he always has to have a box of tissues laying around in the car on the counter they just make him feel safe lol! At any given time there are three open boxes in my house and one in the car!
dedicated facebook followerer!
already on twitter!
My family & I use 2-3 boxes a month!!
already a scottie fan from when they had their awesome coupon giveaway!
I am a dedicated Facebook fan & follower!
I am an existing Twitter follower as well!
I am an existing Facebook fan of Scotties!! Love them!
Lately a box a month, normally like you were are relatively immune to the sicknesses going around!
Existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
Existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
New Scotties Facebook fan!!!
I follow you on facebook and think you are awesome!!!!! I tell all the ladies that frequent my salon to follow you…..did not know about the story of Scotties…..thank you! My family goes through 1-2 boxes of tissue a month.
4 box for month!!!!
I am a Facebook fan of Addicted to saving
Allergies 1-2 boxes a week.
Scotties Like no Other Fan on Facebook
Addicted to Savings Fan on Facebook
We go through about 2 boxes a month. I love Scotties, they’re my favorite!
I’m already an Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
I already like “Scotties Like No Other” on Facebook 🙂 (because they’re my favorite, like I said!)
We go through about a box a week, so give or take 4 boxes a month.
We go through 5 boxes a month. We have bad year round allergies.
Love to win this!! I am a teacher and someone is always sick in my classes, so I’d say about 5 per month!! =)
I have been following Addicted to Savings on facebook for awhile ! 🙂
Addicted to Saving Fan on Facebook! 😉
Liked Scotties Like No Other on Facebook! 🙂
We go through several boxes a month. WE have allergies.
I like you on facebook.
I am a twitter fan.
I like Scotties Like No Other on facebook.
My family of 4 uses 2 boxes of tissues in a month. I already follow you and Scotties on facebook.
We go through about 2 boxes a month.
Our family goes through about two boxes a month 🙂
Already a FB Fan 🙂
About 4-6 boxes a month – we all have allergies.
Already a FB fan of yours.
Already liked Scotties FB too,.
We only use about a half a box if we are all healthy, but when we get a cold we can go through 2 or 3 a week. My three year old loves to grab 4 or 5 to blow her nose each time!
Usually my family goes through about a box every 2 weeks, but if anyone is sick we go through a box in about 3 days.
we use about 4 a month i have bad allergys!
Usually my family takes about 2 weeks to go through a box of tissues, but if we are sick it takes about 3 days.
we use 3 + boxes a week in our house
existing fan love your site!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan 🙂
a month ughh typoo
I myself go through 1 box a month…This would be awesome to win…..
I am a new Scotties Like No Other Facebook fan 🙂
exsisting follower of Addicted to savings on facebook
Almost 2 boxes a week between only 3 people in the household! Could surely use some free ones!
My husband and I go through a box a month. Scotties are the best because when you mistakenly have one go through the washer and dryer they do not shred, they come out in 1 piece
also became a fan of Scotties on facebook
A fan of yours
Did the Twitter thing, lol
We go through about 7 boxes a month on average:-)
Was already a Scotties Like No Other fan
We go through a couple of boxes a month. Lot’s of allergies!
We go through at least a box a month!
I’m a facebook fan of Addicted to Saving.
I am an existing Addicted To Saving Facebook Fan:-)
Current Addicted to Savings fan!!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
We typically go through 5 boxes a month
I am an existing Addicted To Saving Twitter Follower
I am a new fan of Scotties on Facebook 🙂
My family and I use a box every other month or so.
we use about 4 boxes a month. i am a fb fan and scotties fb fan too
I am a new Scotties Facebook Fan:-)
I have really really bad allergies all year around and I must keep a stockpile of tisse in the house. I go through about a box every 2 to 21/2 weeks. I also bring some to work and keep them on my desk also.
Been a facebook fan for awhile now.
New fan to Scotties on facebook
Well, at my house we all have allergies. So basically we can go from a box per day to 3 boxes per day. That sounds awful! Sounds like A LOT of tissue, but this time a year is when the mold, pollen, cedar, etc its at its high.
I am a FB fan.
I am a new Scotties Facebook Fan
I follow Addicted to Saving to Twitter.
I follow Scotties: Like No Other on Facebook.
We have 4 kids so we go thru about 4-5 a month.
I am an existing fan- for a yr or so.
We use about 4 boxes a month.
I am a new fan to Scotties.
We use about 4 a month.
We use about 1 box a month for my family of 4.
We go through 2 to 3 boxes a month.
already an addicted to savings fan on facebook
New Scotties fan on facebook
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook follower.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I am an existing Scotties Facebook fan.
Family of 5, and we typically go through 3-4 boxes a month during cold and flu season.
My family generally uses 1-2 boxes a month but in allergy season it tends to be more.
Exsisting Addicted to saving Facebook follower.
addicted to saving FB fan already 🙂
existing scotties FB fan
I am a Scotties Facebook follower
We go through about 1 box a month
We go through about 2 boxes a month in our house.
existing fan 🙂
existing twitter follower
new fan of scotties
We usually go through at least 4 boxes a month with 5 in our household!
I am an existing fan on facebook!
I am an existing follower on twitter!
Addicted to saving follower on twitter and facebook.
I am a new fan of Scotties on facebook!
Follow you on facebook and twitter
We use two boxes a mnt, one at home and one in the car.
Guessing but probably go through 2? Buy them in bulk normally at Costco so never have kept track.
Don’t tweet . . . but sure would like to win!!
Existing fan on fb
We go through one large box of Kleenex a month in our house.
NEW follower of Scotties on fb
btw lol beginning to hate captchas!!
I am an existing follower of yours on Facebook.
I am an existing follower of yours on Twitter.
I am an existing fan of Scotties on Facebook.
About 4 boxes.
About 2 boxes
At least 5, with all the eye drops each day.
About 3 boxes
A couple of boxes.
we use 6 boxes a week
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan!
My family typically goes through 2 boxes of tissues a month, unless someone is sick (then it’s more).
I am a new Scotties Facebook fan.
We probably go through 3-4 boxes a month. Allergy sufferers here too!
I am an existing FB follower.
I am an existing Twitter follower.
I am an existing Scotties FB fan.
At home maybe 2 but if need them at school a couple more easily
I am an existing fan on facebook
Follow on twitter
I like Scotties on facebook
We have been sick with the flu the last few weeks and have gone through about a box a week- normally- it is about one a month.
I probably use 4 boxes a month of tissues.
I am an existing Facebook fan of yours
I am an existing Twitter follower. @presprizes
Existing Scotties FB fan
We go thru 1-2 a month
I like Addicted to Savings on facebook
I follow on Twitter @JulsB20
Existing follower on twitter @itskarmababy
Our family goes through about 2-3 boxes of tissues a month, plus we donate 1-2/month to my daughter’s school. You can never have enough tissues there!
I have allergies as well as a deviated septum from my basketball days. I’ll use three boxes of 200 tissues a month.
At home I go through about 2 boxes a month but at school the kids go through about 4 boxes or more a month. Lots of runny noses and such in a K-8 building.
We go through a box every 2-4 weeks id say..
My family goes through 3-4 boxes of tissue each month. We have been a Scotties family for years!
I am an existing FB fan!
I am an existing Twitter follower!
I am an existing fan of Scotties on FB!
go thru 1-2 boxes per month, depends on if i have a cold
liked you on fcbk already
existing follower on twitter-evieitressa
liked scotties on fcbk
We go through a couple of boxes per month @ this time of year
I’m already a facebook fan
new fb fan of scotties
We use less than one box per week.
I am an existing Facebook fan.
We go through about 3 boxes per month. My husband and son have severe allergies. My other son and I have more mild allergies.
I’m an existing fan of Addicted to Saving’s facebook page 🙂
I follow you on twitter. existing 🙂
New Scotties facebook fan! I didn’t realize they were so environmentally friendly 🙂
Our family goes through at least 2 boxes of tissues a month
One box a week.
Existing fb fan.
Follow you on twitter.
New Scotties fan.
Probably a box every other week – depending on the week!
I’m already an Addicted to Savings follower on Facebook!!!
I just started following Scotties on Facebook 🙂
We go through 3-5 a month, depending on allergies.
I already follow you on FB.
I already follow you on Twitter.
I already follow Scotties on FB.
existing Scotties Facebook fan.
we go through 3-5 we have 7 people in the house and I have daycare kiddos
already a fan of addicted to saving
We use about a box a week.
10 a month
I am an FB follower.
my comments are out of order lol but already a fan of addicted to saving on twitter
fan on facebook
fan on twitter
My husband and I probably go through a half of a box some months, but other months when we have colds are allergies we use at least a box if not more a month. We use a ton of kleenex in my class though 🙂
I like addicted to savings on facebook.
follow addicted to savings on twitter
like scottie tissues on facebook
We typically go through one box a month unless somone has a cold.
We go through a box every 2 weeks.
Of the little boxes, we would probably go through about 3 a month, but I usually buy the bigger boxes.
none if we aren’t sick. if we are sick, then 1 a week.
I am a current Facebook fan.
i like scotties on fb
i already follow on twitter – joolz43344
I like Scotties: Like No Other on Facebook.
i am an existing addicted to saving fb fan
I already follow you on facebook.
About two a month unless we are sick. I already follow you on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
Between 6 people in the household and out of 6, (4) are female, so we use it for a variety of things lol,we use at least 2 a week. 🙂
About 1 a week
2 boxes a week- minimum
New follower to Addicted to Saving 🙂
At least two boxes a months. There are only two of us.
2 boxes a month
My household uses 2 boxes of tissues each month. More during flu season!
fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook(Tudor Rose)
I am an existing Addicted to Savings follower on facebook!
I am an existing Scotties fecebook fan!
Existing follower to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter(CrftyDuchess)
We go through about 2 boxes a month.
Existing FB fan!!
New follower Scotties Like No Other on Facebook(Tudor Rose)
My husband has throat cancer and uses quite a bit of tissue, It would really help to win this, thank you
New Scotties FB Fan!
I am already a fan of addicted to savings
Depends on what season it is – normally two boxes a month but far more in the early spring and early fall due to allergies.
somewhere between 2 and 3 boxes a month. Depends on allergies
We got through 2-3 a month!
Already follow you on fb, thank you for the opportunity to win! What a great prize!
Current fan of Scotties on fb!
We use about 3 to 5 boxes of tissues, a week in the allergy/winter months. Believe me if it wasn’t for coupons, and deals, I don’t think I could afford it!
Became a fan of scotties
I am an existing member on facebook and use under 1 box monthly.
4-5 boxes a month
we use about one box a month
existing fb fan!
existing twitter follower!
4 boxes a month in my house during pollen season 2 a month otherwise.
We love scotties!
right now, we have gone thru 3 this month as we have had bad colds
fb liked and existing fan!
new scotties fan! but i dont tweet… not a fan of birds 😉
Leave a comment and let me know how many boxes of facial tissues your family typically goes through each month — TWO
NEW Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
NEW Scotties Facebook fan.
like you on facebook
Do not use Twitter and will probably never us Twitter so I can’t follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter
like Scotties on facebook
We go through a few boxes a month.
already a fb fan!
1/2 a box or less. =)
I am existing FB fan.
I like Scotties on fb.
I follow you on Twitter.
I “liked” Scotties Like No Other On FB
we go thru a box a week or more in winter, he has allergies so we always have to have them on hand and this would be such a great win!!
My son was born with a blockage inside his nasal cavity that causes mucus to pool and makes his nose run several times a day. This has happened every single day of his life since he was born and will continue to happen until he has surgery to correct the problem, so as you can see we go through A LOT of tissues!! We definitely NEED this!!
i am a fanof addicted to saving on facebook, traci smith
I’m already a fan of yours on facebook
I liked Scotties on fb
I am a new Twitter follower
i am following you on twitter as tracisme123
Love your site
now a fan of scotties like no other on facebook , traci smith
We go through around 2 boxes per month. We probably would use even more since I won’t buy any unless it’s close to free.
We seem to go through about a box every week to a week and a half
I like you on facebook.
2 or 3 boxes a month!! Allergies here!!
I already like Addicting to Saving of FB
I have been a fan of addicted to savings facebook page for a while now. I love it! Very happy existing fan.
I liked Scotties on FB.
I am an existing fan of the Scotties facebook page!
I think we go through 5 boxes a month. Depending on the season. Always have one in the car.
We probably go through 3 boxes a month at least….lots of allergy sufferers in our house!
I loved the kleenex family size 3ply but they stopped making them and then I switched to Scotties. Guess we use 3 boxes per month or more unless allergies or colds increase our usage.
I’m and old FB fan of yours. Thanks
We go through about 1 to 1 & 1/2 a month.
I’m an existing FB fan.
Sorry, I’m not up on twitter yet. Guess I will have to get brave and figure it out.
We use a box a month unless the grandkids are here we use 2 or 3 boxes.
I just liked Scotties on FB
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
I am an existing Scotties Facebook fan.
we use about 3 boxes a month
We typically use about 1 to 2 boxes per month in our family….
I have followed Addicted to Savings for quite a while now!:)
I like Scotties on FB now:)
We use about 4 or 5 boxes of tissues each month
I am an Addicted to Savings Fan on FB and get the daily updates on email.
I liked Scotties like no other on FB.
I have horrible allergies so I ‘blow’ through at least 3 boxes a month. With a bad cold, it can be a box every 2 days. 🙁
I am a fan on FB (tina woo)
I follow Addicted To Savings on twitter (tinawoo21)
I was already a fan of Scotties on FB (tina woo)
I am already a fan of AddictedToSavings on Facebook.
I go through a box a month.
I am a fan of ScottiesLikeNoOther on Facebook.
one box a month
Depends on the allergy and cold factor, some months less than 1 box and other months might be two or more.
Scotties Like No Other existing face book fan
I am an existing fb fan
existing FB fan
I am an existing twitter follower
I am a new fan of Scotties Like No Other on Facebook
about a box a mo.
We use so many tissues I wish I had stock! We have boxes in most every room as well as the bathrooms. I am estimating we go through 6-8 boxes a month more is someone is suffering with a cold.
It feels like we suffer from allergies all year long so we go through an average of 10 boxes of tissues/month.
We use about 3 boxes a month
I follow on twitter
I an a fan on facebook
I am an existing Addicted To Saving FB fan = Juana Esparza
Probably 3/month
I’m an existing fb fan (Hislove Endures)
I am an existing Addicted To Saving Twitter follower = @jmesparza821
I’m a new Scotties fb fan (Hislove Endures)
I am a new fan of Scotties: Like No other on FB = Juana Esparza
We only go through a few tissues a month.
About 2 each month.
I like Addicted to Saving on facebook!
I follow on witter
I liked Scottie Like No Other on facebook!
I already follow you on FB
I liked Scotties on FB
2 or 3 boxes a month, since is the only ONE that doesn’t give my family allergy.. 🙂
Our family goes through 1~2 boxes a month
I am already an “addicted” fan of addicted to savings! 🙂
New FB fan 🙂 I saw your FB ad earlier this evening.
I was already a fan of Scotties: Like No Other
New Scotties Fan
been a fan for a while now!
Go through about 1-2 boxes a week!
My whole family has year round allergies, so we go through about 6 boxes per month
Existing fan on FB
Existing Twitter follower
Existing Scotties fans
We use about 2-3 boxes every month
I like you on FB (trung nguyen)
I like you on twitter (cistran)
I like Scotties: Like No Other on FB (trung nguyen)
Luckily only 1 box per month 🙂
I’m a FB follower! Have been for a while now…
I got you on Twitter too 😉
existing FB fan of Scotties here
Love Scotties and Addicted to saving!
I am am existing addicted to savings fan. We usually use 5 boxes a month. My mom is going thru chemo and they are for her.
We go through 3-4 boxes a month. My kids use it to clean their white board even though I tell them to use a rag:)
We use about 4 boxed a month. Thanks
When no one is sick we go through one or two boxes. If we are sick….well then that is a different story. Or if our nieces come over a lot….them we go through more. The littlest one always has a runny nose.
We use the equivalent of about 4-6 boxes a month
I follow on Facebook
We use around 2-3 boxes a month. Always good to have an extra box handy!
I follow on Twitter
I like Scotties Tissue on Facebook!
Already a facebook fan. 🙂
We use at least 2 boxes of tissues a month
I run an in home daycare, so I go through about 6-8 boxes a month!
I follow you on facebook
We go through about a box and a half each month.
Existing Addicted to Savings Facebook Fan!
I am an existing Twitter follower.
I am a new fan and “liked” Scotties Like No Other on Facebook!
We go through 3 boxes a month: one at home; one to travel in vehicles and one at work. Thanks! 🙂
An existing Addicted to Saving.com FB follower. 🙂
An existing Scotties FB follower. 🙂
We go through 3 boxes a month – but my daughter has her own box to fashion clothes for her barbies and blankets for the doll house. 🙂
Right now I am going through a box of tissues every week between the hubby and I.
Existing facebook fan
I am a follower! Have a blessed day!
We go through about 3 boxes a month
I like you on facebooklike scotties on facebook
I would say we use 2 boxes of tissues a month.