If you are like us, you go through a lot of tissues. My husband and I are pretty healthy and very seldom have colds. But, we do experience frequent bouts of allergies and tissues are a necessity in our household. I was extremely excited when I was contacted and asked to review Scotties Facial Tissues. And I didn’t get just one box to review – I received 16 boxes to review! These tissues have more than met our needs. They were soft and yet durable. And, when you read further, you will see that not only are they an awesome product, but Scotties has made a commitment to be earth friendly!
In 2009, Scotties Facial Tissue began a promise called the 3-to-1 Tree Planting Promise. In this promise, Scotties has put a promise to plant 3 trees for every one it uses to make its Softest Ever Facial Tissue. The parent company of Scotties facial tissues, J.D. Irving Limited, has been committed to environmentally responsible business practices for over 50 years. This is just one reason why Scotties is LIKE NO OTHER facial tissue brand. WHAT MAKES SCOTTIES LIKE NO OTHER? Scotties combines a unique brand promise to plant 3 trees for every 1 used with the long-standing history of its parent company, J.D. Irving, Limited. Scotties communicates on every box its commitment to plant 3 trees for every 1 used in making its softest ever tissues and uses 3rd party auditing to ensure compliance
Scotties Softest Ever tissues are chain of custody certified through the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). To learn more visit www.sfiprogram.org. Scotties is the only major U.S. facial tissue to be linked with the Responsible Forest Project (RFP). Scotties has partnered with American Forests to create SCOTTIES RELEAF U.S.A. and TREES ROCK! In an effort to promote urban tree planting initiatives in the United States. J.D. Irving has planted over 800 million trees in the last 50 years.
And now for the giveaway! 3 Lucky Addicted to Saving Readers will win a 16 pack of Scotties Facial Tissues!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to four separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments. **If you are not on Facebook or Twitter, you are not eligible for the bonus entries.
1) Leave a comment and let me know how many boxes of facial tissues your family typically goes through each month **This comment is mandatory.**
2) Become a fan of Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page HERE and leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
3) Follow to Addicted to Saving’s on Twitter HERE and leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
4) Become a fan of Scotties Like No Other on Facebook HERE and leave a fourth comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Scotties Facebook fan.
This contest end on or after 10:00 p.m. EST, Monday, January 30, 2012
**Scotties Facial Tissues provided me with one gift pack for myself as well as the gift packs for the winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Existing Addicted to Savings facebook fan.
Existing Addicted to Saving twitter follower. I follow as crazygirl24
New Scotties facebook fan.
We go thru about 2 boxes each month.
I’m an existing Addicted to Savings FB fan 🙂 (Jenny L)
I already follow you on Twitter (@jenla1)
New Scotties FB fan
I’m not sure how many boxes of tissues we go through. We usually run out so then we just grab a roll of toilet paper!
I follow you on Facebook!
My family, due to my son’s allergies, goes through approximately 5-6 boxes of tissues each month.
Because no one at work ever seems to have tissue in the office! I would say I use 10 boxes a month!
Now that it’s just Hubz and me at home we go through about 3-4 (we both have allergies.)
Been a crazy few months! I would say we got through 4 a month!
Existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan 🙂
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
I’m an FB fan
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I follow you on twitter as mbm218
Became a fan of Scotties Like No Other!
I am a new Scotties Facebook fan.
I liked Scotties: Like No Other on FB (new!)
We go through about 2…alot more if someones sick
6 boxes, 2 for me, 1 for my mom, and 3 to my teenage brother…. don’t ask….
We usually go through a box a week here. He has sinus problems and I use them when I put my make-up on. Thanks!
Im an existing fan!!
I am proudly an existing fan of Addicted to Saving on Facebook.
I’m an existing fan of Addicted to Saving!!!
New scotties fan
I am a new follower of Addicted to Saving on Twitter.
Finally, I am a new fan of Scotties on Facebook 🙂
we are fortunate enough that we don’t even go through half a box each month.
already a facebook fan
already follow you on twitter
1.) We go through about 2 boxes of tissues a month. Both my kids have sinus problems.
new scotties facebook fan
I’m a new fan of Scotties FB page, but I’ve used their tissues off and on for years!
We go thru at least 5 boxes a month or more.
My household goes through a box or two of tissues a week. My husband has allergies and those tissues are a must!
I am already an Addicted to Saving Facebook fan.
I’m an existing fan of Addicted to Savings.
I’m and existing fan of Scotties like no other.
We go through at least 1 box a month here at this household. In the winter months with more runny noses, maybe 2 boxes.
I’m a new Twitter follower for Addicted to Savings.. under the name number_1woman
Already a fan! Thank you!
Probably 3 a month
I’m a new fan on FB!
We go through 3 boxes a month.
New to twitter also! (@taterbug_78)
Existing fan of Addicted to saving
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving Facebook fan
I am a new FB fan of Scotties
I go through about 1 box a month and my BF students about another 1 box a month!
Im not on twitter 🙁
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
I am an excisting Addicted to Savings FB fan.
I’m a new Scotties Facebook fan
I am a new Scotties Facebook fan.
I am an existing fan of Scotties
I am a new existing Addicted to Savings Twitter fan. Sorry I mean existing* in the fist post!
1 box every 2 months.
Existing FB follower – perhaps the only Raffi
Follow twitter @rafdarrow
This time of year, we go through 2-3 boxes a month.
Existing FB fan.
New Twitter follower. @BobbiKilbarger
I go through 2-3 boxes of tissue a month…
We use about a box of tissues a week in our house
I’m an existing FB fan 🙂
I am also an existing Scotties Fan 🙂
With 4 kids and a husband we easily go through a box a week!
I am already a fan of Addicted to Savings on facebook!
My family can go through about 2 boxes of tissues monthly!
I am a new Facebook fan of Scotties tissues!
We go through AT LEAST 6 boxes a month! Tissues are used all day, every day, with the amount of allergies we suffer from over here.
We are a family of seven so we go through about a box a week, dependig on if there are cold or allergies going on.
Usually go through 2-4 a month
We typically use a box a week. Tissues can be found in every bathroom.
My family probably goes through a box every 1-2 months.
I’m an existing fan on Facebook. 🙂
I’m a new follower on Twitter. 🙂
I’m a new fan of Scotties on Facebook. 🙂
We use 2 boxes a month at home. I like to donate to the classroom at school as much as possible…all the children with sniffles.
I usually use 6 boxes..
We probably use 2 boxes per month.
I am a FB fan ~~~
We go through about 2 boxes a month
I am A new fan on FB with Scotties ~~
i am an existing fan of addicted to savings
We usually go through 1 box a month
I am an existing Addicted to Savings fan
I am a new Scotties fan
we go through a bout 2 boxes a week. so about 10 per month. Plus I have to send 1 box to daycare each month and 1 to my sons school.
I am also a facebook friend.
I am a new follower of Addicted to Savings on Twitter
Our family goes through apx. 3 boxes a month.
I’m going to say about two a month
My family goes through 4 boxes a month on average. I think if my kids would use 10 boxes if I let them 🙂
I follow on FB already
I’m a Facebook Fan!!!!
I’m a Twiiter Follower 🙂
New Scotties Fan!!!
My family goes through 2 boxes a month!
We are an existing member and follower on Facebook.
We go thru maybe one month
existing member and liked on facebook
We use a lot of TP rather than buying tissues boxes… I keep one around to look nice for guests.
We use about 3 a month but there are 5 of us and right now one of us has cancer and it is winter so we are trying hard to not bring any colds and stuff home . Its hard though with two young boys