A huge thank you to everyone who entered the 7+ $5/30 Publix Store Coupons giveaway on AddictedtoSaving.com! I have to admit, this has been one of my favorite giveaways because so many of you got to win! I have emailed all the winners and will need to hear back by Friday (Sept. 30) no later than noon; if I do not hear back, I will pick another winner.
Congratulations everyone! Using And the Winner Is…plugin for WordPress, here are the following 20 winners:
1) Kristin wrote: I am an existing Facebook follower. Email: iheartcoupon****@hotmail.com
2) Betty wrote: Because of your wesite & couponing, I spend about $150 a month for 2 of us! THANK YOU LISA :o). Email: bettyb**77**@gmail.com
3) Debra wrote: I spend about 400 a month of groceries for my family of 4 and 2 dogs. Could use some coupons. Email: de***ent**@yahoo.com
4) Karla wrote: Our family of five spend no more than $400 per month. We eat lots of fruit and veggies and vegetarian recipes. Email: ne**au**[email protected]
5) Chris wrote: I am a BIG TIME Facebook Addicted To Saving follower! There is nothing better! Email: spor***reak**[email protected]
6) Kiley wrote: I’m already an Addicted to Saving fan on FB. Email: kilet***[email protected]
7) Danielle wrote: i also follow you on fb 🙂 Email: ltu**er**[email protected]
8) Vicki wrote: I am an existing fan of you on twitter although I don’t get on there very much. Email: th***[email protected]
9) Somer wrote: I used to spend anywhere from $180.00-$200.00 weekly for my family of 5 (recently added one more so we are now a family of 6) Since becoming a fan of your page and seeing all the great deals I have been missing out on for so long…..I have immersed myself into the world of saving…..and have sliced my monthly spending to less than $400.00. Thanks for all that you do! Email: Goo**rl**[email protected]
10) Dan wrote: Love your daily e-mails. They have saved our family a lot! We spend about $150 per week for a family of three. That includes drugs at Publix pharmacy. *** Many thanks *** Email: D**@usa.net
11) Amy wrote: I spend about $250 a month on groceries. That’s half of what I was spending this same time last year, thanks to couponing!!! Email: amy**[email protected]
12) Shannon wrote: a follower on twitter. Email: k**ann*[email protected]
13) Heather wrote: I’m an existing twitter follower:) Email: r**chard**[email protected]
14) Patricia wrote: I spend over $400.00 dollars a month on my groceries. Email: cal***[email protected]
15) Alycia wrote: I’m an existing A2S FB follower 🙂 Email: la***[email protected]
16) Alice wrote: We spend about $350 a month on a family of four. We get a lot of meats and produce which unfortunately don’t have many coupons attached. But The overage I get occasionally helps out. Email: alic****[email protected]
17) Kim wrote: I am new to Twitter! Email: **kimberly***[email protected]
18) Betty wrote: Since I have my daughter and grandkids leaving with me, I spend probably around $200.00 – $300.00 each month. If I was not couponing, then I would probably be spending around $500.00 – $600.00 easily!!! Email: Elizabeth****[email protected]
19) Hayley wrote: I am most def. a fan on FB! Email: *r*s*[email protected]
20) Nancy wrote: I am Addicted to Savings facebook fan , love all your post. Email: nancy**b*[email protected]
congrats everyone!! I was hoping to win!!!
Wow, this is awesome! I never win anything. Woohoo! Now I’m just waiting for that email to arrive! 🙂
Cool!! I never win anything! I haven’t gotten the email yet, have they already been sent? My email address is correct in the system.
I assume she did send them out. I’m not sure though.
” I have emailed all the winners and will need to hear back by Friday (Sept. 30) no later than noon; if I do not hear back, I will pick another winner.”
Hey everyone – Liza is at her seminar this evening and she has NOT sent the email yet (as of 8:00 p.m. EST). You should receive it this evening.
thank you Jeff~ appreciate you taking time to let us know that 🙂
You da Man Jeff!
Thanks Liza! Great seminar tonight, as always! Thrilled I won! Thanks for all you do!
oh man, thought i won for a second, but its a different Danielle. Congrats to all the winners! Maybe next time. I love this site no matter what. It has saved me more than I can imagine.
Thanks Liza for one of the winning emails. I replied back to you this morning. Thanks for all you do. God Bless You
Sweet!!! Haven’t gotten the email yet, but will keep checking, THANK YOU Liza!!!!
Times are tough and EVERY bit helps 🙂 You do an amazing job with this site and are soooooo very helpful! Much thanks!
Got the email-and all is ok. Thank you again.