Tried and true savings: Cutting coupons:
It has been a fun morning for me! Thanks to Alcides Segui from Fox 13 for doing such a great job on Addicted to Saving’s segments!
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Addicted to saving money!
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by Liza
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Tried and true savings: Cutting coupons:
It has been a fun morning for me! Thanks to Alcides Segui from Fox 13 for doing such a great job on Addicted to Saving’s segments!
Congratulations! Very nice and it was fun to see pictures of your stockpile and pantry!
See I knew you were a celebrity when I first met you. I also loved seeing your stockpile pics. You should do a post on them for everyone and also a picture of how you organize your coupons especially for all the new followers you’ll have now. Congrats on a great job. BTW..several of those hits are from me everyday 🙂
Saw you on the news today! Awesome job!
Loved it!!! 🙂
I went to work today and one of my coworkers said she saw “that lady who created that blog you always talk about” on the news.
SO Exciting! Great Job & Thank You!
Congrats Liza!!!
I’m really glad your hair looked fabulous!!
Your in the big league now!
Congrads Liza! I found this sample:
Hope you post for all your friends.
Much luck,
Met your mom on the plane from WPB to Tampa on Tuesday. Since I heard all about your segment that was airing on Fox as we traveled, it was great to be able to view the video blog. When I get back home I’ll sign up!!!