Okay everyone, I have to admit, many days I’m just grinding out the deals and don’t have time to think about much else. That said, I do want to continuously try to find ways to make Addicted to Saving a better experience for you all. So, with that in mind, I’ve created a 29 question survey below to help me do just that!
I really value your opinion and would like for you to consider taking the survey. Please be as honest as you can; I can’t get better if I don’t know what needs to be improved. But you can say nice things too! 😉
If you choose to take this survey, please take a little time to answer the questions thoughtfully and honestly – bad data won’t help me, and it’s okay if you don’t want to take it. I would plan about 20 minutes or so. And if you do complete the entire survey, then LEAVE A COMMENT below indicating you took the survey. If you just want to leave your initials instead of your name for the sake of privacy, that is totally okay. But please use the SAME EMAIL YOU LEAVE IN THE SURVEY. This is required so that I can insure the survey was actually completed.
**NOTE** Survey works best in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. If you’re using Firefox, you will only get the first four questions and this will not qualify you for $25 VISA Gift Card.
1) Take the survey completely and hit ‘Submit’ when finished. Leave a comment stating that you have completed the survey. **MUST USE THE SAME EMAIL AS YOU USE IN THE SURVEY TO VERIFY COMPLETION** This is mandatory.
Survey will be open until Friday, March 30th, at 10 p.m. EST.
One winner will be drawn at random and receive one $25 VISA Gift Card. Thank you everyone for your input!
I love Addicted to Savings and all the hard work that is put into it is appreciated!
Thank you for helping me save money. You do a great job.
+1 to Debbie’s comment — I love both freebies and bargains! Thank you for all you do.
– of course I completed the survey 😉
I appreciate the work put into AddictedToSaving – saves me time and money!
Love Addicted to Saving and have referred to so many people to your page while I’m shopping and they see me with my binder!
Yea, I completed the survey, what I could get to! Only one page?
Ok, I got it. You have to tab through it to get all the questions & get to the end to click submit.
You put a lot of hard work into your site. Thanks so much!
I completed the survey.
I completed the survey! Thanks so much for such a great website!
How do we access the survey? I can’t seem to get past the first 4 questions.
Me too, in Firefox, but using IE there’s a scroll bar to see the rest.
Luv surveys of all kinds!! Keep up the great job!
As someone whose income has decreased this year, you have been a great help to me. Thanks Liza! And yes, I did the survey.
I can’t get past the first 4 questions of the survey. How do you access the rest of it?
Thank you for everything you do. I completed the survey.
Love your site! I completed the survey.
I forgot to mention when I filled out the survey- Love how you can ‘Show’ or “hide” all match-ups to make scanning your posts easier, and Love how you can select items to print a shopping (or coupon collecting) list!!
Don’t change a thing!
Survey completed. Thank you for your help wiht saving money where ever possible! My brother is having twins and all the diaper deals have allowed me to stock pile diapers to surprise him with at the baby shower! Huge pile with a big car bow on it. Can’t wait to see his face! Thank you again
Just completed the survey. I love everything, Liza, even that you are constantly looking for ways to improve and become more user-friendly! Thanks for all you do!
I completed the survey, thanks for all you do.
Thanks Liza. You are my “go to” site. I completed your survey.
Survey completed 🙂
Completed the survey. Really enjoy your site!
Completed survey! I think your site is great as is!
Survey completed!! Thank you!
Just took the survey-hope to win!!! Love the site!
survey completed!!
I have completed the survey
I just completed the survey, thanks for wanting to make your site better and caring what it is that we would like to have! 🙂
Just completed the survey. Thank you for all you do!
I completed the survey. :o)
survey completed/thanks for all you do to help others save $$$ !!!
I completed the survey!
thank you
I love to come to addicted to saving daily thanks for all the haed work
thank you for al the great posts.
Completed the survey. Thanks for all you do!
Entered the Survey for u
Completed survey. Hope it helps. Appreciate you & all you do. God Bless 🙂
just did survey!!!
Thank you – I completed the survey
Thank you…completed survey
Survey completed! Thanks!!
Completed the survey! Thanks for everything you do!
I completed the survey.
Completed the survey.
I completed the survey. Thank you for all your hard work. You are definitely helping our family!
I completed the survey and thanks for all of the great deals!!!
I completed the survey.
I did the survey for you but I didn’t see a place submit my email address & there was only one page. I am not really sure if it is working correctly. Let me know if I need to do it again. Thanks for all you do.
Completed the survey!
Completed the survey.
I completed the survey!
I did the survey…. thanks for the opportunity!
I completed the survey!
I have finished the survey, Thanks
Completed the survey; thanks for all you do! 🙂
is there only 4 questions?
Survey submitted. Thank you for all you do!
I just took survey.
I completed the survey. Thanks for all you hard work on helping us all to save money!
Survey completed.
I took the survey!!! Thanks for all your hard work.
Completed. Thanks for all the hard work you do!
I completed the survey, thanks! 🙂
I finished your survey.
Completed the survey. Thank your for all your hard work! Finding your site 18 months ago while searching for a publix ad has been life changing!
Completed the survey! Thank you for everything you do!!
I completed the survey but it was only 4 questions. I would be happy to take the full survey if there is someplace else I should be going to do it.
Survey comeplete
I completed the survey, thanks for all your hard work! Keep the great deals coming!
I also completed the survey. Thanks for all your effort and time.
I completed the survey
I completed the survey
I only get the first four questions and no other pages. How do I do the complete survey?
I did completed the survey. Thank you!
This is my favorite couponing website and I use it as my “homepage” on my computer. Thanks for all the hard work and the many hours you spend assisting me in saving money for my family.
Liza, I finished the survey and echo what everyone else has already said. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, so we can all save money. I sure appreciate all you do for us!
Completed the survey and look forward to the daily deals.I appreciate the time you save me. Thanks!
I took the survey…hope the input helps!!!
Completed the survey!
I took the survey. Thanks for the opportunity!
Survey completed!
Thank you so much for all your hardwork on the site. You have helped save me a ton a money over the last 15months!
Love your site and ALL you do. Thanks sooooo much
I want to say thanks to you for all you’ve helped me learn so far. Each day is an adventure. I’m not the most gifted with computers but I pick up a little more each day. Thanks for reaching out to us all. Yes I did complete the survey.
Thanks Liza! Hope that helps you!
Good idea to do a survey. Great questions.
I completed the Survey! Love your site and hope I get lucky!
Completed the survey. 🙂
Completed the survey…thank you for your website. It helps me save a ton of money every month!
Thank you
survey completed!
i completed the survey. i love your site.
Done 🙂
I completed the survey 🙂
I am addicted to your website and tell all my friends to check it out.
Thank You!
Thank You
I did the survey! Thank you! 🙂
I completed the survey! Thanks for all you do to help me save money!!!
Your site has blessed me and so many others! Of course I completed this quick survey for you! Thank you so much Liza!
I completed the survey, Thanks!
Great idea! Hopefully the feedback you receive will be very helpful.
Just completed my survey and I hope it helps! It’s the least I can do for all the wisdom and knowledge you have shared with me and so many others these past few years. You are a blessing!
Survey taken! I’m new to your site, but I’m now “addicted”.
Done! Thanks for your hard work!
I took the survey! Thank you for asking our opinions.
I did the survey, hope it helps and I win 🙂
I hope my inputs helps. My family and friends are amazed by my savings and freebies that I am able to get. Thanks.
I completed the survey. Thank you for all you do:)
I did the survey. Thank you for considering feedback to help others enjoy saving money even more!
I took the survey 🙂
complete the survey
I completed the survey. Love your site!
I completed your survey.
Hi Liza!! I completed the survey. Thanks for all the time you put into this great website and for the FB updates. Good luck in the future!
completed the survey
Thank you for all you do, I dont know if you realize what a good affect you have on so many peoples lives. You help me personally so much and it was my pleasure to give you a few minutes of my time.
I took the survey and very happy about this website. You have showed me alot of things I did not know. God Blessed me with your website and you when I agreed to become apart of it..Thank you for all you do to make our lives easier.
I took the survey.
I just completed the survey. I appreciate everything you do for me and my family!
completed the survey
I love this site, so thanks a bunch. And of course I completed the survey.
I’ve completed the survey
I completed the survey!! Thanks for all you do!
Appreciate all you do! I completed the survey 🙂
I love this site.
I completed the survey. I love your site, btw.
Took the survey!
Survey done! :0)
I completed the survey! Love this site!!! Thanks for all you do!!!
I completed the survey! Thank you!
Completed the survey. thanks for looking for input
I completed the survey
thank u for all u do!
I did the survey
I completed the survey .. thanks for taking our input into concideration!
thanks for the great savings!
This is a great site! Thanks for the survey!
Survey completed. Thanks for all the info you provide!
Completed the survey. Thank you!
I took the survey. Thanks for you interest in reader opinions!
You are doing great!
I did the survey too
Thanks so much for all you do on your website and great job on the survey.
Completed the survey
Completed survey ! Thank you for all you do !!!!!
All Done!! Thanks for all your had work Liza! I credit you for all my Publix savings…I”m honestly too lazy to do all the math, matchups and coupon grouping myself. LOL!
I just completed the survey. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. Addicted to Saving is my favorite couponing site : )
Glad I found you:)
i took the survey!
Hello Liza!!
You were the very first blog that I encountered on the internet a couple of years ago and everything I have learned it is due to you and your website.! Thank you for everything and I have just completed the survey!!
I have completed the survey.
I took the survey 🙂
[email protected]