You may remember that last spring and summer I had quite a few video blogs posted. (Go HERE to see them :)) Well, we are in the midst of planning more videos to shoot and post. I would love some ideas from you guys as to what you would like to see me talk about/video/etc etc! Do you want to see coupon tips? Behind the scenes Addicted to Saving action? Stockpiles? Please give me some feedback and let me know what you would like to see! Thanks in advance for your help!
Addicted to Saving Video Blogs Coming
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I’d like to see where you have your stockpile, and what types of items someone without kids (like myself) would be smart to stock up on. Thanks for all you do!
Behind the scenes also sounds very interesting.
Behind the scenes of the mechanics of your weekly shop. From the list making, coupon matching and maybe the shop as well.
I love the videos where people actually video in the stores and show HOW to get the deals. I could see you doing this!
Right now I don’t have suggestions, but I just wanted to thank you for this. I just found your videos yesterday on Youtube, and they were very helpful!