Your little one’s doll needs a pair of slippers for bedtime, and these Bunny Slippers are just ADORABLE! Grab these for just $6.50 + FREE shipping with Amazon Prime!
My daughter’s been wanting these for her doll, so I’m thinking this will make a great stocking stuffer!
About the Bunny Slippers:
- Made by Sophia’s, Designer Doll Clothes Affordably Priced!
- Adorable bunny face
- Soft fluffy material, Doll Items for your Favorite Doll
- Fits 18 inch dolls, Doll Clothing for 18 Inch Dolls, Doll Items for Your Favorite 18 Inch Dolls
- Made by Sophia’s, Leading Doll Clothes, Doll Shoes & Doll Accessory Maker!
Go HERE to grab this deal while it’s available! Remember, Amazon prices can change at any time, so hurry if you want it!
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