We have a $1/1 Alexia coupon from Whole Foods to match with the Publix BOGO sale if your Publix considers Whole Foods a competitor. The current sale ends either today or tomorrow depending on where you live, so you’ll want to be quick about this if you’re interested.
Here’s what you need:
Buy 2 Alexia Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 20 to 32 oz, BOGO $3.79 for two
Minus two $1.00/1 Any Alexia Product Whole Foods Printable
Total Due: $1.79 or $0.90 each!
- See the full Publix Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups 8/29/13 – 9/4/13 or 8/28/13 – 9/3/13 to see if there are any other deals to take advantage of.
- Check out all of the HOT COUPONS available while you’re visiting on Addicted to Saving.
Thanks I Heart Publix.