I’ve written about All You magazine before. All You magazine is sold at Walmart or you can order a subscription Here. This magazine is full of coupons. And, the March 2010 All You (pictured above) has a $3.00 off of one Rimmel Mascara coupon. Target has most Rimmel mascara priced at $4.99 or above. However, the Rimmel Extra Super Lash (pictured above) was priced at $2.89. If you use the $3.00 off coupon at Target, have the cashier adjust the coupon price down to $2.89 off and you will get the mascara FREE!
**I will do some research to see what the best All You subscription price is.. The link I gave in this post has All You for $19.99 a year..
I actually bought 2 All You Magazines this month, and the mascara (I bought 2) has already paid for both of them. Now hopefully it’s good mascara…