It is Wednesday and you know what that means.. More Extreme Couponing! I still can’t get over one of the couponers in last week’s episode who would steal take Sunday newspapers from vacant homes. I can’t ever see myself doing that! EVER! Are you all still watching this show or have you stopped watching? If you watch tonight, let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment either on this post or on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page! I had fun chatting with you guys live last Wednesday on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page! I won’t be able to do that tonight but I’m thinking as long as there is a new episode airing next week, I’ll be online next week so we can chat!
I hope you all are doing well and that you are learning lots of realistic, life long couponing and savings tips here on Addicted to Saving. If you are new to couponing and are watching Extreme Couponing, remember that that show is a reality show (which in my opinion means it is not reality) and that as the title states, it is “Extreme.” I think that life is all about moderation and keep that in mind when you watch these people with thousands of dollars worth of couponing inserts, $50,000 worth of stockpiles, etc etc. 😉
**If you are new to Addicted to Saving and would like to start couponing and saving money, I can’t wait to help you out! Feel free to get started by reading my Addicted to Saving 101 – Intro to Coupons post.
Happy Couponing!
What is the “card that people hand the cashier (before they give all of their cupons) and get a bunch of money off of their total??? I wish the show would explain how to extreme cupon more than just show people doing it
Unfortunately, this show is about entertainment and not teaching. That would be hard to do with all the different stores and different policies.
The card your seeing is a little misleading. Certain stores, like Kroger for instance, advertise sales each week. But, you only get that sale price if you have their card. Anyone can sign up for one, so it’s kind of stupid.
Still watching. I liked the episode tonight because it showed how one family donated a lot of what they bought and the Washington woman seemed really down to earth. I think she was even surprised by her savings. She kept saying this is her biggest ever. Actually if you listen to them most of the people on the show say this. i wish people would realize a lot of this is for the show and not their every day shopping.
I wonder if, for example, when they say they donated 20,000 worth of goods, if they are getting a tax receipt and deducting that amount from their taxes? Because why else go through the effort of gathering/clipping so many coupons, then hauling truckloads of product, to end up giving it away? And even if they are not, do you think this could be done? Donating and getting a tax receipt for retail value when you paid just pennies?
They can deduct these costs on their taxes.
YES! My thoughts extactly! It kinda makes you wonder how he’s living so nicely. New house, $200,000 remodel. Hello, he did say he was able to do this with coupons. That’s likely how he does it. This episode left me thinking how corrupt some organized religions can be. I’m not saying all, but he is a prime example. I think he should live a little less upscale to really be a man of god. How can people repect him? I live next to a pastor who he totally remined me of. Always lives nicely and his church doesn’t even have a food bank. They have fundraisers then go on vacation. Unbelievable.
Oh, and also how are these people getting so many of the same coupons? The Target jean one you can only print 2 per computer, what does he have 50 computers? Also, the truth is a lot of these people with multipule coupons of the same item buy the coupons so you have to factor that into the total cost too.
I’ve thought this show was extremely misleading from the beginning. Especially for non or newbie couponers. I had to scratch my head at the big pile of jeans tonight. You are able to print two Target coupons per computer. So the guy must have had all the people at his church printing them. Also, most stores will only let you use one coupon anyway. So even if people could get their hands on a ton of coupons, they probably would have had issues trying to use them.
I know people have said they wish this show taught more, but it’s intent is just entertainment. There are so many wonderful blogs out there that can teach you anything you want to know about any store!
Yeah I was curious about that too. However, I did like the fact that he donated everything to his local mission stores. He’s not keeping it on the shelf as his “trophies”. I think people get a little too carried away on this show. They buy so much food and it ends up expiring because they have so much!
I love watching Extreme Couponing on Wednesday night, however I was not home last night and my son cancelled my recording. Does anyone know how I can go in and view the entire show from last night online? I find the videos however the one that keeps coming up is only 49 seconds long which I know is not the entire episode. If someone could let me know I would appreciate it.
I am just curious if most extreme couponers recycle? I am not a huge environmentalist but seeing wall after wall of packaging and such I am just curious if people are as resourceful with getting rid of their groceries as they are about getting them.
I haven’t watched e.c. since the original…I’m boycotting.
Although I can’t really speak on the behalf of last week’s episode since I did not watch it, my neighborhood area used to get the local newspaper circulars a day early or on Sunday – delivered for free w/Sunday coupons inside (just started happening out of no where 1 day but not anymore).
And most the time people around my neighborhood would leave it sitting on their driveway for several days (until recycle day). Or sometimes they get tossed & ran over by cars in the street or it rains & the whole paper is ruined – I think the street is fair game so if the free circular is on the street I usually pick it up & think not only did I just score some more coupons but I just un-littered & recycled the rest of the paper.
As far as vacant homes..unless 100% sure then I think it’s fine to pick-up the free circular but it defiantly crosses the line when it’s a paid subscription paper – I wouldn’t go near that one. Paid by someone else & then I picked it up = No-No.
This week didn’t seem as bad as the others. Neither one was using their home to “display” their much too large stockpile. When I watched the original shows with the couple with no kids and 140 plus boxes of pasta or the mother who uses her whole house to pile cereals, etc, I just shook my head. This weeks shoppers were more giving and more focused on actual needs. I know that I would HATE to have to shop where that woman in Chicago shopped. The prices were high and the cashiers didn’t seem familiar with coupons at all. She did well with what she had.